Adding to the Art Topic
I wouldn't call a game session art. I would say that one could use what occurred in a game session as source material for art. The retelling of the events as literature, illustrations of dramatic moments or scenes from the game setting.
A lot like real life.
An RPG is not art. An RPG is a tool one can use to create art. The Paladin has a dramatic (and fatal) bout with a demon lich? Then you could get stories, painting, sculpture, dramatic presentations et. al. out of the event.
Let's say the party then retreats from the beast's lair, to rest and recoup, and enlist assistance against the creature. They tell of their encounter and the Paladin's demise, with the result that the local minstrels, troubadors, and Bards compose lays and ballads of the deed. Thus does the world come more to life for the players. Be there any budding artists among the players, the DM could encourage them to present how they see the battle. Artwork that he can then present to others as examples of what has occurred in the past and of the sort of world he presents in his game.
This leading us to the "art" of playing and GMing RPGs, but that's getting off the subject.
On a much less serious note.
Gary, of course I'd edit any manuscript you send me. It's my religious duty. Good reader, the next time you read
Necropolis or
The Slayer's Guide to Dragons, send up a prayer for the editors who worked on the volume. To be charitable, Gary's use of English composition is, uhm, "inventive".
(If bad grammar was the mark of a great writer, Gary Gygax would be this generation's Shakespeare.)