Hello All
Hello all,
I see the formatting discussion of HOMP has left the Troll Dens and entered the halls and bars of ENtown (hey I just made that up, I want copy right and trademark on the name

This project is huge. Davis has the full thing on his desk so I don't know the final page count, but the ms is something like 390 pages I think. This equates to a huge book (after art, maps and so forth). Almost too big for one hard back. Books tend to reach a critical mass at certain sizes and the glue or weave binding the pages won't hold and it busts. I just finished reading John Tolands 800 page treatment of the Pacific Wa (WWII) and the book 'popped' about page 600. This is one thing we don't want to do.
So we've looked at several options and right now the boxed set looks the best. The box would be a tuck and fold box . . . I can't remember what those are called, but the lid tucks back into the box itself. It will contain one large main game book and a smaller book with supplementary rules and so forth. We are toying with a type of GM screen for it and/or at least several GM loose reference sheets and fold out maps (the likes of which you see in our Companion Books).
Davis is pushing hard for a mini pack and some dice. Both of which would be sweet, but we have to weigh that with cost. We don't want the puppy to fall into a bracket so expensive you can't afford to buy it.
The other option is to put our bag packing boots on and jam as much text per page as we can and try to squeeze it into one 300 page hardback. Again, I'm not sure where critical mass is, my Codex of Erde is holding up very nicely (256 pages) after a year's use. So one huge book may in the end be the way to go. But then there are the maps, screen and so forth.
As for a DVD collection of the GFW? Hmm, we hadn't thought about that. Wow. I'm not sure who posted that but that is a very good idea. ...........pause after long thought.... now you have my little noodle working. An interactive DVD where the rules and templates and charts supplied in the various books are brought together so that you can build yourself the environment without having to comb through the text. I don't know if that would work, but definately worth pursueing.
The wealth of knowledge in these books is mind boggling. Host of small giblets of information that really help one round out the game.
But wait, I'm yammering on about the GFW and that's for thed 20 publishers forum.
In short HOMP is gearing for TLG's first boxed set. In the coming days I will ask Davis to add a dicussion on our message boards
to give people feed on what we are doing and more about that project.
I'm also thinking Daniel Horne for the cover . . .

(why can't I get my smoking/hat man I use on other boards here!)