TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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No... Comic Relief

mythusmage said:

Here, good reader, you can see an old saying in action, "Familiarity breeds amusement.":)

BTW, I now take this opportunity to welcome Davis Chennault to the rarified world of those who've edited the good Col. Counseling is available from your local mental health clinic.

And, Gary, I was going to use H.P. Lovecraft instead, but at least he had a talent for overwriting.;)

Thank you Alan. You serve as a perfect Jack Pudding. All I need now is a regular jester for you to back up :D


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Re: General Appreciation

Napftor said:
I don't really have any pressing questions, but just wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU GARY for doing what you've done, what you are doing, and what you will do. D&D is a vital part of my life and brings forth nothing but good memories and feelings. You are the man, as far as I'm concerned. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Game on!

Howdy Bret:)

The good words are appreciated. I have to agree that gaming has muuch to offer, including many great memories and good friends made because of it. I note you do freelance writing, and knowing how tough it is, wish you the best of success.

BTW, don't mind Mythusmage, he's always acting up ;)


Last night I had the "pleasure" of watching the movie "Mazes and Monsters". While my friends and I were watching this... umm... masterpiece of cinema and laughing like hyena's, we wondered how come you guys never sued them and what were your thoughts on the movie?

Oh, andnd Gary... thank you for an incredible game :).
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Arravis said:
Last night I had the "pleasure" of watching the movie "Mazes and Monsters". While my friends and I were watching this... umm... masterpiece of cinema and laughing like hyena's, we wondered how come you guys never sued them and what were your thoughts on the movie?

Oh, andnd Gary... thank you for an incredible game :).

Rona Jaffe is a second-rate author for sure, and her M&M book was an evident potboiler. There was no grounds for a lawsuit, and any attempt would merely have generated publicity for her, so TSR did what was best--ignored the whole thing.

As for the thanks, welcome, and rest assured I've had a lot of fun in this whole matter ;)


Re: Boxed Set HOMP Presentation

Col_Pladoh said:

With a ms. over 500 pages in length, some maps and hand-outs not included, there will need to be two books for the module. A boxed set seems the best answer. Maybe a book-sized one, a sleeve that could accommodate the volumes and loose-page material would be better received than a large box...?

That sounds very palatable. My issue with boxed sets is that they get easily crushed -- and the family has so many books that most of my RPG stuff gets stacked downstairs. The biggest offender by far is the original Kingdoms of Kalamar boxed set -- it's about twice as big as it needs to be.

Of course, if TLG was willing to produce a hardcover with sewn signatures, the size of a single volume might not be an issue. . . . ;)

Ladies and Gentlemen, I only razz the good Col. because it's fun. Gary's an irascible old coot, and a libertine (He spells it l-i-b-e-r-t-a-r-i-a-n, but we all know about his typoes:)). Lest you get the right idea about me, be aware that I have enjoyed his work over the years, admire him for his imagination and his near encyclopedic store of knowledge, and appreciate what he has done for people all over the world. My life has been a much richer one for having known him. (Vocabulary wise at the very least.:D)

Re: Re: Boxed Set HOMP Presentation

dcas said:

That sounds very palatable. My issue with boxed sets is that they get easily crushed -- and the family has so many books that most of my RPG stuff gets stacked downstairs. The biggest offender by far is the original Kingdoms of Kalamar boxed set -- it's about twice as big as it needs to be.

Of course, if TLG was willing to produce a hardcover with sewn signatures, the size of a single volume might not be an issue. . . . ;)

How well i know about a clutter of books, magazines and games. My wife is also into books--on antiques, so they add to the stacks of my stuff. antiuues and colectibles fill every flat surface and nich here:(

As for stitched hardbacks, is is necessary to make long runs to allow the expense, and I don't think the Trolls will sell 50K copies of the module no matter how good it is ;)


mythusmage said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I only razz the good Col. because it's fun. Gary's an irascible old coot, and a libertine (He spells it l-i-b-e-r-t-a-r-i-a-n, but we all know about his typoes:)). Lest you get the right idea about me, be aware that I have enjoyed his work over the years, admire him for his imagination and his near encyclopedic store of knowledge, and appreciate what he has done for people all over the world. My life has been a much richer one for having known him. (Vocabulary wise at the very least.:D)


Now you've spoiled it:( Surely those who are discerning would get the idea that we were on at least amicable terms. After all you are named and thanked in the MYTHUS books, edited material of mine, and are working as author on one of the "Gygaxian Fantasy World" books :rolleyes: Meantime, it was fun to have some seemingly annoyed back and forth :D

Now I'll have to see about getting PA back posting on these boards. Being unfairly attacked and villified keeps me humble, of course...


Gary, maybe you've been already asked this, but what is your view of Hackmaster?

Kenzer's HM modules look fun and entertaining, and truly herald back to a day when there was a wandering prostitute table in your DMG :D

if you think that's coooool

check out gary's 'buttocks' table in the World Builders Guide. LOL

sorry Gary, had to do it.


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