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Q'Barra: Facing Truth Chapter 2


[SBLOCK] Completely understood Pebele, it was a shot in the dark as it stood, anyway. Even though he knows the language, Sepoto is hardly a keen student of linguistics. :) [/SBLOCK]

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Sepoto said:
"...Sepoto does not remember seeing such village-folk. There seemed to be few warriors among them."

Catherine snaps her fingers. "You're right, Sepoto. But I bet that they were referring to the people Kassel mentioned to us. The ones with the different take on the situation. I'm guessing the scouts and hunters are the ones he mentioned. You're right they didn't look like warriors, but I'm guessing they'd resort to guerilla style attacks to scare the lizards off. My guess is that they were waiting on Kassel's help to arrive and kill the lizards, but if they realize we didn't go to the lizardfolk encampment and instead came here...We should head back in the morning as soon as we can. We're aren't in combat ready shape at the moment."


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"No," Darrick agrees with a sigh, "We certainly aren't. Let's make this place as defensible as we can, just in case, and plan on heading back early next morning. Should, perhaps, the scouts move on ahead of us on the morrow? Observe the town, befroe we enter?"


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"You're right, Sepoto. But I bet that they were referring to the people Kassel mentioned to us. The ones with the different take on the situation. I'm guessing the scouts and hunters are the ones he mentioned. You're right they didn't look like warriors, but I'm guessing they'd resort to guerilla style attacks to scare the lizards off. My guess is that they were waiting on Kassel's help to arrive and kill the lizards, but if they realize we didn't go to the lizardfolk encampment and instead came here

Should, perhaps, the scouts move on ahead of us on the morrow? Observe the town, befroe we enter?"

"Yes that is probably true. If they were truly on the Children's side they might attempt an attack on the lizardfolk. The three of us can scout ahead if you wish. What is our course of action if we are spotted? If one of us can make it to Kassel to speak in private should we do so?"


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[sblock]What did we do with all the cure potions? Should we split them up? Btw, how much exp should be on my character atm? Finally: I'm sorry, I totally forgot what time of day it is at the moment in-game.[/sblock]


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"Wasn't Kassel under observation?" Trebuchet asks abruptly, lurching a little as if just waking up. "Do you remember who was watching him?"


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[sblock=EXP] Total exp for everyone, including this last encounter is 1050.

As for the time of day, I believe it is mid-afternoon.[/sblock]


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"I believe scouting ahead is the best course of action. If you are spotted, withdraw to our position. Trebuchet, Darrick and I will wait in a secluded area, and wait for your report. The alternative is to the send the fastest among us on a direct course for Kassel's house, while the rest of you scout the area. Whoever is left, will help me setup a defensive perimeter in case someone attacks us while we are seperated. These seem to be the best tactical options that I can think of, but I'm open to suggestions."


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By late afternoon, the group had gathered all of the druid's gear in to a pile. They separated the potions in to two piles, the blue potions had been identified as cure light wounds potions and there were 18 of the. The four yellow potions were set aside, since no one knew what they were. The 8 metallic flasks were also set aside, since no one knew what they were, either.

The group had to decide what to do with the various gear and items. They knew they could take them all back to the Academy to be properly identified, and they would be compensated if they handed the gear over. They did not believe that Havenwood would be likely to identify the gear, or to pay well for it.

Dusk began to settle in. The jungle was still rather quiet, but Sepoto could tell that it felt less foreboding than it had. Perhaps it was only his perception, but he truly believed that the group had done a great deed by removing the druids from this place.


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"I think we should gather up all their gear. I'm sure the academy can make use of it, and Steadfast should have no problem carrying it all. One question remains however. Should we look for where the druids made their camp or base, or should we return to Havenwood first?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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