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Q'Barra: Facing Truth Chapter 2

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"Sepoto is thinking we must learn more if we are to know the true face of the threat to Havenwood. Once we have rested, Sepoto is willing to backtrack to the town and speak with Kassel again if Catherine and the others believe more can be learned from him. Walking in I'Katra's shadow, no one will even know of my return."


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Sepoto said:
"Sepoto is thinking we must learn more if we are to know the true face of the threat to Havenwood. Once we have rested, Sepoto is willing to backtrack to the town and speak with Kassel again if Catherine and the others believe more can be learned from him. Walking in I'Katra's shadow, no one will even know of my return."

"You do have speed and stealth on your side. I believe you would be a good choice for that role. Any objections? Also, can you clarify what you meant Charles?"


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(I'm just going to speed this up a bit, and let the parry rest, then everyone will have to decide what will be done at first light tomorrow morning.)

The group does what they can to create a "camp" and settles in as night falls over the jungle.

Those who kept watch were pleased to note that nothing disturbed the group in the night.

When dawn broke, the air was crisp and clear. It seemed, at the very least, the group would have good weather for their plans.


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Kaelan wakes at sunrise, as always. He begins to stretch out his tired limbs. The sleep that night had fully healed his wounds. After the stretches he takes an offered mango from Sepoto for breakfast before going about his morning routine of fighting an imaginary opponent. This morning it was one of the Children of Winter that they had fought last night.

He talks to the others, "So what is the plan? We might have a decent trail to follow from the Children's animals. I don't think it will really lead anywhere though. From the looks of it they would carry all that they would have. Little would remain in their camp, if anything. Kassel said there were only three of them, and that is all we found. They probably didn't leave anybody behind either."

"I say we continue on to Havenwood. Kassel said that the people of Havenwood that sympathized with the Children were mostly in favor of keeping themselves alive by doing what the Children said. As long as all they know is that the Children are dead, they have no reason to hurt anybody. As long as we tell Kassel what happened and what we found, he can take charge of his settlement how he sees fit. We should then return to the academy to see what we can make of the map, and anything else that the academy may tell us."


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Once the plan is settled, the group spends the rest of the day making their way back through the jungle the way they came. Since they encountered no resistance, they made it back to the trail by the end of the day.

They made camp, and once again spent a peaceful night beneath the stars. Those who took watch were extra vigilant, yet they still did not find anything amiss during their shifts.

The next morning the group continued on the path towards Havenwood. The 'scouts' resumed their posts, scouting ahead and making sure the group was not going to be surprised.

As evening began to fall, the group paused. They estimated they were about two hours from Havenwood, and this would be their last opportunity to define their plans for returning to the settlement.

They had seen no evidence of other druids nor of the hunters who had sided with the druids. They had paid extra attention watching for any birds following them, but had seen nothing.

(Was Sepoto going to go in to Havenwood alone? Or were all three 'scouts' going to go? Or am I completely mistaken and everyone is returning together? Thank you all for putting up with my scatter-brain this week. I really appreciate your patience. )


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Also, can you clarify what you meant Charles?"

Er, well, it's too late to get into it in-character, but Charles meant that the group should make sure we leave no Druids(or their allies) behind or they will return as if they were never there.



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"If we're still in agreement, then either Sepoto using his speed and stealth, or Darrick riding Steadfast should proceed into town alone to alert Kassel. After yesterday, I'm hoping everyone is all healed and rested in case of battle. Either choice is valid. We must act quickly however."

In case anyone else was still wounded from the battle as Catherine was, I went ahead and rolled the healing for her 4 daily cure light wounds spells from the first day of travel. I took the lowest two rolls for myself, to take care of the last 21 hp I was down. In addition to those 4, there are 4 cure minor wounds spells, which are worth 3 hp a piece.
1d8+8=14, 1d8+8=13, 1d8+8=15, 1d8+8=12
HP: 38/38
Current Spells Prepared
0: Cure Minor Wounds x4
1st: Cure Light Wounds x4
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