...let's talk about our first NON-D&D game experiences.
I think my first non D&D game was Heroes Unlimited, the Palladium Supers game. I always loved comics as a kid and when I learned (via Dragon Magazine ads) that there were super hero RPGs, I had to get one. It happened that I landed on HU first. It wouldn't be my favorite supers RPG, but it was actually a nice bridge by virtue of it being class and level based. My young mind wrapped around the idiosyncrasies of supers RPGs more easily, I think, than it might have with Champions or something. I soon discovered the Mayfair DC Heroes RPG (again due to Dragon magazine ads) and fell in love with point based, open supers designs. Eventually A friend in the army gifted me his whole Champions 4E (BBB) edition library and that was my go to for years until Mutants and Masterminds 2E found (for me) a perfect balance between the simplicity of d20 task resolution and the possibility and complexity of point based character generation.
What was your first non D&D game, and was it your first RPG or did you discover some version of D&D first?
I think my first non D&D game was Heroes Unlimited, the Palladium Supers game. I always loved comics as a kid and when I learned (via Dragon Magazine ads) that there were super hero RPGs, I had to get one. It happened that I landed on HU first. It wouldn't be my favorite supers RPG, but it was actually a nice bridge by virtue of it being class and level based. My young mind wrapped around the idiosyncrasies of supers RPGs more easily, I think, than it might have with Champions or something. I soon discovered the Mayfair DC Heroes RPG (again due to Dragon magazine ads) and fell in love with point based, open supers designs. Eventually A friend in the army gifted me his whole Champions 4E (BBB) edition library and that was my go to for years until Mutants and Masterminds 2E found (for me) a perfect balance between the simplicity of d20 task resolution and the possibility and complexity of point based character generation.
What was your first non D&D game, and was it your first RPG or did you discover some version of D&D first?