Quick, while everyone is focused on the 5.24 PHB...


My first RPG I played was 1e AD&D. The First game I got was then Moldvay B/X Basic. The first non-D&D I played might have been Palladium Fantasy RPG 1e or Star Frontiers. I think the first GURPS game came in a little later along with WFRP 1e and then Shadowrun 1e, followed up with Rolemaster, Vampire the Masquerade 1e, and Mechwarrior 1e.

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Greg K

My first non-D&D game was either Boot Hill (2e), Gamma World (1e or 2e), or the original Top Secret while I was in junior high. That is about all I recall.

aramis erak

R. Talsorian Games, no? This is one I had and enjoyed making characters for, but as a home-schooled kid, when I was a teenager I was underinformed to actually run it. :LOL:
Yes, TFOS was and still is RTalsorian. The sequel game, Ianus Games' Star Riders, uses the same system under license from RTal. And is just as silly. Two of the few games where a kiss doing more damage than a baseball bat is justifiable...

aramis erak

Ooh, I forgot about WEG Star Wars. Played some of that back in the day. Only had a few of the books, and they seem to have disappeared, unfortunately. :(
FYI, the slipcase reprint of 2017 has the WEG 1e core and sourcebook.
Also, WEG SW is heavily pirated. Plus the majority of the statblocks and such are on several wikis... mostly in 2nd ed stats.


Lord of the depths
Played some mishmash of basic very early…80 or 81. Dim and hazy as I was very young!

But with a few years played and then bought top secret boxed set…and some years on bought the advanced marvel super heroes and finally. The older neighbor kid introduced me to those games.

By 13 or 14 tried some
Star frontiers and phoenix command.

Lots of other games in there! I am a gamer! But those were the first non D&D role playing games.

As a teen/very young adult, bought gamma world whatever edition.

Now just play D&D again..


Mentzer Red Box D&D was my entry point (we eventually had them all, up to Immortals though we never played that) and remembering which was my first non-D&D game is tricky. There are a few it might have been: DC Heroes might have been it, or Star Frontiers. Possibly Star Trek (FASA).

But I strongly suspect it was Dragon Warriors as that series was in regular distribution when other RPGs were very hard to come by. Still got those original (paper back size) books on my shelf.



I started playing D&D with Holmes Basic in 1977. My first non D&D game was the original Gamma World. I actually ran a game of that before I became a DM for D&D.

Voidrunner's Codex

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