D&D General RA Salvatore Wants To Correct Drizzt’s Racist Tropes

In an interview with Polygon, the author talks about how the drow are currently being redefined in D&D, and how he wants to be part of that process. ”But on the other hand, if the drow are being portrayed as evil, that’s a trope that has to go away, be buried under the deepest pit, and never brought out again. I was unaware of that. I admit it. I was oblivious. Drow are now split into (at...

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In an interview with Polygon, the author talks about how the drow are currently being redefined in D&D, and how he wants to be part of that process.
”But on the other hand, if the drow are being portrayed as evil, that’s a trope that has to go away, be buried under the deepest pit, and never brought out again. I was unaware of that. I admit it. I was oblivious.

Drow are now split into (at least) three types — the familiar Udadrow of Menzoberranzan, the arctic-themed Aevendrow, and the jungle-themed Lorendrow. Salvatore's new novel, Starlight Enclave, helps to expand the drows' role in the narrative.
In 2020 WotC made a public statement about how they would be treating drow and orcs going forward -- "Throughout the 50-year history of D&D, some of the peoples in the game—orcs and drow being two of the prime examples—have been characterized as monstrous and evil, using descriptions that are painfully reminiscent of how real-world ethnic groups have been and continue to be denigrated. That’s just not right, and it’s not something we believe in. "


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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Aren't they, though? Dracula, too. Yet...crickets in response to all the vampire shows and books that, really, play off that creepy rape vibe.
You seem to have missed several decades of film and literary criticism. Everyone agrees that both the Alien franchise and vampires are largely about sexual violence.

People are ignoring your point because 1) it's off topic, 2) you're ranting and raving and 3) you appear to be sea lioning.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
The Birka viking woman is just one example among many.

There's also the tendency to declare every grave with weapons and armor in it a man's grave even when the pelvis, DNA, and other signifiers show the occupant was a woman.

Though if historians wanted to acknowledge he was a Trans Man that'd be just fine, too. It's never their intention, obviously.
For sure! I just assumed her because we had been talking about Vikings.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
@Umbran, @Morrus, how good are ENWorld's stats reporting tools? Given how many people with low post counts seem to materialize whenever there's anything that might reasonably be expected to trigger people who like, um, more old-fashioned takes on race or gender, I have to wonder if all these posters are being directed here from another site or subreddit. Because most of them don't seem to have much else they want to discuss at ENWorld normally.

You seem to have missed several decades of film and literary criticism. Everyone agrees that both the Alien franchise and vampires are largely about sexual violence.

And the introduction of the sexy vampire totally obfuscates a lot of that. And D&D and other fantasy have that too, in the normal Elf races. They seduce and rape as well, but they do as "pretty boys (and girls)" and with magic and glamour and the human does not realize they are being assaulted and violated. Everyone hates the orcs because they do it with violence, but the elves get a pass. Just like real life, where the pretty people can get away with a lot more than the average or ugly people, when it comes to sexual assault.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Fantasy comes from Reality. All of our collective self is a culmination of our experiences and ideas which are shaped by the society and situations that we are in. Our fantasies, therefore, spring out of this. Imagining things different in various ways with the context of our reality as the basis of what it is Fantastical in relation to.

Fantasy informs Reality. People see Fantasy they wish were real and attempt to make it real. Whether that's automatic doors from Star Trek being slapped onto every supermarket or a Dream of Equality being sought.

These things are -super- important to understand.
For sure! I just assumed her because we had been talking about Vikings.
Totes understandable. We're cool!

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
And the introduction of the sexy vampire totally obfuscates a lot of that. And D&D and other fantasy have that too, in the normal Elf races. They seduce and rape as well, but they do as "pretty boys (and girls)" and with magic and glamour and the human does not realize they are being assaulted and violated. Everyone hates the orcs because they do it with violence, but the elves get a pass. Just like real life, where the pretty people can get away with a lot more than the average or ugly people, when it comes to sexual assault.
Hey, be fair.

Some of us have always hated elves.

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