Henadic Theologian
I would be sure that there are others that have had an early look.
Who, beyond the writers?
I would be sure that there are others that have had an early look.
Sorry for all the Twitter links. News of this was a total surprise to me. I was actually fairly certain whit wasn’t to be the case. I’m super happy I was wrong.
Anybody here have any plans? I wanna see!
Editors, artists, player testers. But they’d have to either know it was going to happen, or take a big gamble.Who, beyond the writers?
Educated guess, an incorrect one.Why were you certain that it wouldn't happen?
This is absolutely brilliant: not only does the book give these creators a boost, this move gives them an ongoing plarform.
Editors, artists, player testers. But they’d have to either know it was going to happen, or take a big gamble.
Which means there will be a good amount of material for all these settings, so there will be plenty of stuff available if you want to drop a non-traditional setting/nation into your campaign...This is absolutely brilliant: not only does the book give these creators a boost, this move gives them an ongoing plarform.
Well yes, I didn’t say that? But they could work on stuff behind that secrecy and nda for release when it’s allowed. I’m almost certain it’s happened before.I would expect Non-Disclosure Agreements would keep them from talking about details with us before release.