you can. you can also help him win.If it helps, I think you eventually kick the false Raphael's butt in BG3. (I'm still slowly finishing up Act I of the game, myself.)
you can. you can also help him win.If it helps, I think you eventually kick the false Raphael's butt in BG3. (I'm still slowly finishing up Act I of the game, myself.)
And? Raphael in BG3 has no notable similarities to the biblical Raphael aside from name. And that’s not even getting into the fact that a lot of D&D demons/devil names were came from Catholicism classifying holy beings/religious figures from other religions as fiendish. Look up the etymology of Baphomet when you have the time. Even the word “demon” comes from the neutral term “daimon” that was used in Ancient Greece to describe anything from the gods to your consciousness.Raphael is one of the three angels canonically named in Scripture and venerated by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. (He's in the book of Tobit, which many other Christians and Jews reject as non-canonical. Said book is also where you find Asmodeus.)
BG3 definitely embraces all sorts of choices. (Bae'zel for life, amirite?)you can. you can also help him win.
it's a pun on bae and lae'zel.Bae'zel? what is that?
Pazuzu was generally pretty subtle, always scheming to corrupt naive and pure mortals (as wells as immortals like Asmodeus and Tharizdun) over directly conflicting with anyone. Wanting to corrupt a mortal utopia would be right up his alleyI don't think of demons typically being subtle enough* to work towards breaking up a would-be utopia through political in-fighting, which is what pitting two of the Concord Worlds against one another could potentially do, but you're right that there's already a demon involved in San Citlan. Good thought.