When sitting down to create a character for a 5e game, you'll use the 5e PHB.
Not a sourcebook from any other edition. Not the 4e PHB, not Pathfinder, not Skills and Powers. Especially not Skills and Powers.
Level drain is not coming back, and if it is, I might just drain them of revenue.
A 5e DM will never check whether one player's roll hit DC 25 while consulting the combat matrix for another player.
Some alignments might be coming back, but alignment tongues won't be.
Potion miscibility might make a return, but random streetwalkers won't.
I would be really chuffed if proper lycanthropy made a return. I'll be somewhat unchuffed if the Wolf-In-Sheep's-Clothing does.
5e is unlikely to reintroduce the caller as a primary group feature.
Finally, 5e will not be reintroducing percentile strength or different ability limits for males and females.
Not a sourcebook from any other edition. Not the 4e PHB, not Pathfinder, not Skills and Powers. Especially not Skills and Powers.
Level drain is not coming back, and if it is, I might just drain them of revenue.
A 5e DM will never check whether one player's roll hit DC 25 while consulting the combat matrix for another player.
Some alignments might be coming back, but alignment tongues won't be.
Potion miscibility might make a return, but random streetwalkers won't.
I would be really chuffed if proper lycanthropy made a return. I'll be somewhat unchuffed if the Wolf-In-Sheep's-Clothing does.
5e is unlikely to reintroduce the caller as a primary group feature.
Finally, 5e will not be reintroducing percentile strength or different ability limits for males and females.