Reaper to produce pre-painted Plastic minis - Non-random


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will buy lots of 'monsters' and several adventurer types

dont need any more mook orcs, skellies, etc as u can get them sort of commons dirt cheap on ebay.

if they make things with 4 or more legs, not two, ill be in. No dwarves please.


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Sammael said:
I'm a European gamer, and I've bought hundreds of minis from eBay. If you shop carefully, you can find sellers willing to ship a dozen minis for about $5. If some of those minis are average- or below-priced rares, this is a bargain.

I'm in the UK and I find the DDM secondary market and trading communities work just fine.

Reaper non random pre-painted minis - sounds interesting. Whats the price going to be?

Making no mention of it in the hyped up press release immediately makes me think that they'll be expensive. I'll make a decision on them when I see some sample shots of production minis with a genuine price tag attached.

Sorry. But overall, count me interested but cynical. ;)


Registered Ninja
My favorite part:
[quote="Reaper Minis]Like our Dark Heaven Legends miniature line, future releases into Legendary Encounters™ will include every type of creature imaginable.[/quote]
Right now I'm imagining a creature with the tail of a scorpion, the body of a kangaroo, and the head of a pterodactyl.


MatthewJHanson said:
My favorite part:

Right now I'm imagining a creature with the tail of a scorpion, the body of a kangaroo, and the head of a pterodactyl.
What - Did you mean a Wyvern?

DDM had one of those in Aberrations. Although the kangaroo part is sort of hard to identify given the crappy paintjob :)


MatthewJHanson said:
Right now I'm imagining a creature with the tail of a scorpion, the body of a kangaroo, and the head of a pterodactyl.
Not "every creature imaginable" but "every TYPE of creature imaginable." I am sure Reaper will make some magical beasts, some outsiders, some aberrations, and so on.


Slumbering in Tsar
Shadowslayer said:
Hey, I think this is great news. If anything...I like Reaper's more classical art style better than WOTCs.

I'm looking forward to this.

I hope reaper makes a version of their metal marilith in pre-painted plastic form. It's an awesome looking mini (IMO).


First Post
I am not sure if this is great news but I like that there will be another avenue of mini's I can get if needed.
I have absolutely no problem with the way DDM is done now.


Greatest announcement ever. I'm so glad someone is stepping in this Arena. Even happier that its Reaper. I hope the quality is good, and the price is low. I'll definitely purchase these over DDM. Much less hassle free for me.


First Post
DaveMage said:
I hope reaper makes a version of their metal marilith in pre-painted plastic form. It's an awesome looking mini (IMO).

Ooooh! I haven't even thought of this! Reaper could give us a decent pre-painted plastic Marilith!!! Wizards failed miserably with theirs. (I mean, they are supposed to be very comely, but the Wizards mini could make one forswear sex for life! :p )

Voidrunner's Codex

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