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Recruiting for Monster Madness (3.5)


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question what are your weapons made from...?
i always found it odd that druids could not wear metal armour but can use metal weapons

also common spells memorized

and post to the game

I think they allowed Druids to use metal weapons because otherwise they'd never get any magical weapons. There are armors created solely by non-metal (leather, hide), but so very few weapons (quarterstaff, club?). Besides it's kinda hard to find some material and sharp enough to make a sickle that is not a metal.

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bone is really the most basic alternative, and with the types of creatures avalible in D&D any weapon could be made from bone, obsidian is nice for it's edge, wood treated with ironwood spell, various alchemical substances, crystals, i love when new books come out it gives me a chance to use new items and materials...
...and monsters...

... well loved any way.

and enchanting items only neads a finely crafted item, yes sometimes that means expesive or rare materials but it can also mean a very well made item from a master craftsperson.

i love it when my dm's face me of against a dragon. do you know how much loot there is.

"no no you encountered it in the forest not it's lair so it has no treasure." "so what? i skin it, debone, throw it's organs in boxes and it's fluids in jars."
do you know the market value of a dragon? depending on your sources; dragon hide armour, shields, dragon bone weapons(add a point of 'extrordenary' energy damage of breath weapon), dragon bile(which is one of the best poisons in the DMG) spell components, various magical items, any idea what a dragon steak might be worth to a ogre? maybe another dragon of opposite alinment?
a dragon's value goes way beyond it's hord, and thats just one monster. depending on your source and dm it is posible to craft items cheaper if you have acsess to the materials, gauntlets of oger power any one? it would be the one of the main ways your characters would find emploment....
(pant, pant pant)

what was i saying again...?
oh ya meh what ever blank the question


First Post
I will be posting to the game in moments! Sorry for the delay again, I really was agonizing, trying to make him combat effective at this level, meet all prereqs and fun to play.

So long as you don't have a problem with it I am still going to say his weapons are metal. Mainly because he was a thief before he was a druid and took his weapons with him when he fled into the wilds.

Here is Eljids backstory and appearence. please note it has been slightly reflavoured though it remains essentially the same story as in my original proposal.


Eljid appears to be in his late twenties, and his default expression seems to be a mischevious grin. He is almost always touseled and slightly dirty, a fact which seems to excetuate his white toothed grin and his mirth filled blue eyes. His hair is a sandy birds nest, which has upon occasion actually been known to harbor birds. He is hardly ever seen without his scaly sidekick, and guild members have come to know that if they see Eljid and do not see Spitz they would do well to check their possessions - the dinosaur is a better thief than his master and loves shiny things[/sblock]


Eljid was always a rogue at heart. He started stealing early on, mostly to fund his life as a womanizing lay about. Things changed for young Eljid when he, quite accidently, seduced Alisha Altnam the daughter of the local thieves guild. Eljid a petty thief of no great talent or ambition fell under the scrutiny of the cities master thief Gerras Altnam -known as The Hanged Man.

Suffice to say Eljid was none to happy with this arrangement, nor with the sudden and unpleasent responsibilities and commitments that he found thrust upon him. When Eljid did attempt to break it off with Alisha some of her fathers friends had a quiet chat with him in a dark ally in which they explained that he was not the only one who could break things off, or tear thing off for that matter. Soon a horrified Eljid was presented with a diamond ring, worth more than he, was and informed that he would be proposing.

For five years Eljid suffered through his marriage, and found himself to be tragically fertile fathering no less than six children with the insatiable Alisha - all of whom were raised primarily by their mother and grandfather whilst Eljid was kept buisy on thieves guild business.

One night Eljid finally snapped. He carefully removed the ring from Alisha's finger and fled into the night. But he found himself hounded, in every city someone sought him out and the diamond was apparently too hot to handle even for veteran fences - nobody wished to earn the enemity of The Hanged Man. And so Eljid did the only thing he could think of and fled into the wilds - surely he would be safe there!

Three weeks later Eljid collapsed, starving, sunburned and miserable beneath the bowels of a great Red Wood tree and sunk into the soothing darkness.

He was awakened by a sharp nip at his side and opened his eyes to see a small dinosaur bent over him with its head inserted inside his belt pouch. He stared for a moment before the creature's head emerged, in its mouth was the diamond that was Eljid's fortune and hope! He snatched at the ring, but the creature was far faster spraying him with a mass of poison which blinded the unfortunate rogue. It chittered and fled, leaving Eljid to stagger pitifully in its wake shouting impotent curses and rebounding from tree to tree.

He thought himself lost beyond all hope, blind, starving, and beset by beasts when he heard a voice.

"Welcome Eljid Prickle the trees told me you would come, and that you were lost, and that you were worth finding. The squirrels had led me to think youwere taller, but they are prone to exaggeration."

"Who the effin' hell are you?" Eljid asked sinking to his knees and sobbing openly.

"Ah, now that is a question! I am a friend to the trees, and the squirrels, but not to the weasels until they return my left boot. I am one with the forest, and one out of the forest, even occasionally one on the edge of the forest. You would call me druid I think, though your words are too small. You would also call me a Gnome, a Forest Gnome, but that too is inadequate, partially because it is, but mostly because two thirds of wisdom is sounding wise and the other half is snappy dressing."


Eljid heard chanting and could suddenly see again. He found himself starring down, despite the fact that he was kneeling, upon a tiny green gnome with Ivy growing in his hair and a family of mice peering out from within the folds of his ragged robes. The gnome grinned hugely and handed the startled Eljid an apple.

"I am Erf Rasbaer, which means Friendly Greentree and a few other things. I will be your guide, to where you wish to go. The trees have told me, though theres a Maple about three miles over who says I should let Dalpin disembowl you - you peed on her you see, trees don't like that."

The little green Gnome pointed to a small pack of dinosaurs, apparently the same species that Eljid had seen earlier. He seemed to single out the largest individual which stood proudly clearly in charge of its lesser bretheren. As Eljid watched dumbfounded the creature nipped at one of its smallers peers seemingly shepherding it forward. And from the pack emerged the dinosaur Eljid had seen earlier, still clutching the diamond in its mouth, and somehow manageing the neat trick of both being a dinosaur and appearing sullen.

"Eljid this young fellow is Vanwann, which means friend thief or something of the sort. Vanwann, give Eljid back his shiny rock."

And so a bemused Eljid began to learn the ways of the druid from the jovial Gnome. He came to love and appreciate nature and found a peace he had never felt before in doing so. Over time Vanwann and Eljid became inseperable and bonded with one another. One morning Eljid awoke to find a tree watching him, and then the tree told him that Erf was gone and that he was by himself, but that he was not on his own. Then the tree gave him a long hard look and suggested he get some ivy.

Since then Eljid roamed the wilds for a time, before coming across the Huntsmen Guild. Eljid has been engaged as a Mark, one who draws out foes to allow his team to take them down. It has been remarked that Vanwann, nicknamed Spitz by the guild is better at this than Eljid - with some truth! Eljid has proved his worth to the Guild on a few occasions though, being possessed of a broad range of skills.

After joining the guild Eljid had the diamond recut and used the proceeds from its sale to purchase the majority of his magical items.[/sblock]

[sblock=Spells Prepared]
0th: Dawn, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds
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sorry to have rushed you, now the balls in 'Acting Captain Takashiro Maki's' court

halford i hate to say this but you need to redo your animal companion, i'll let you use spitz but his stats don't make sense, as a second level druid you get +1 bonus trick(list them by the way no checks needed but you still need to pick them), link, and share spell. it looks like you confused the first two lines from the chart in different places. and where does the +17 hp come from?


First Post
The reason Spitz is better than a 2nd level Druids animal Companion is becuase he is a 3rd level Druid animal Companion. The feat natural bond adds to your effective druid level up to yor hit dice, so Eljid counts as third level for this purpose. Essentially it is practiced spellcaster for animal companions, this is from Complete Adventurer.

On level up he got 2 extra hit dice, and I spent the 4th hit die ability score point to bump his Con to a fourteen, I also gave him the feat Ability Focus Poison Spray which was his 3rd level feat. So essentially he gained 2d8 + 6, I rolled these on IC and thats how he ended up with his current total.

As for tricks, attack and attack (so he can attack unusual stuff). It also seems reasonable that I could have taught him some additional tricks in the two levels I've had him - I certainly would have had the levels been played out - for can I have some additional non free tricks? He would succeed in training if he took a 10 - which he would.

what i ment is don't worry about the checks for all it's tricks, an animal can learn a set amount of tricks based on it's int scrore, animal companions get bonus tricks they add to that, i was going to ask what natural bond was from, then there is it's natural armour it starts with 2 and then gains +2, it should have evasion and it's hit points still don't make sense

with a 14 con mod you have a modifier of +2, 4d8 for hit dice, thats +8 for mod, +8 for first hit dice that makes it 3d8+16 unless my mind is messing with me which it often does.

"WARNING,WARNING" mon, tue, wed i will be working, this means that if i post on mon that it will be early in the morning, i won't be able to post on tue and i will post late on wed

so when i post on wed i expect all players to be up to point in the que, and once again i appoligise if i sound like a brute.


ER.. guess I missed the deadline for this, eh? Sorry.
BTW, Flesh, wanted to point out something - FF is read for you. :)


First Post
Ah I see, well I have always understood standard practice for animal companion was to take the MM version with its HP total and then add hp on top of this. The MM3 version has 11hp with 2 hd and a con of 13, I added my 2 rolled hd to that and 6 from Con the additional 1 for each of the first two hd and the additional two from each of the the second 2 hd. I am more than happy to roll the first 2 hd, but thats where I get my number.

11+6 = 17 (Essentially 2 points of the 11 are from con which is why I am only adding 6)
17 + the two rolled hd which were an 8 and a 5 = 30.

Hope that makes sense, I was having trouble clarifying as you can probably tell.

Animal companion are not PCs and thud do not generally get the first HD maximized. Of course I'd be thrilled to do give him max! lol.

As for the natural armor I just plain had that wrong, it will be corrected shortly - hurray more AC!
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I've been having trouble logging in the last few days and the time outs has eaten responses to several games. I'll begin posting more regularly once the boards stabilize.

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