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Recruiting for The Sharn Inquisitive: Episode 1 - CSI:Sharn


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Just saw this, and I gotta say I love the Eberron and the noir. I'll try to think of something tonight/tomorrow and get it posted. If you need any references of my play style, see my sig or ask DEFCON (Vhir, my kobold in The Game of Kings, is probably the closest match in style to this game, though DEFCON's has inquisitive aspects).

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First Post
mcnathan80 said:
Does it normally takes this long for recruiting posts to fill up?? I mean it's been up for almost a week and only 2 folks are interested. Is it the type of campaign or the extensive house rules, or something else entirely? I can do "regular D&D" if the house rules are a problem. feedback would be appreciated.
Well, mcnathan80, I've been following this thread with interest. My problem is that I know nothing about Eberron - and I don't have a great deal of time just at the moment to do any reading up on it.

Don't despair - sometimes these threads take a while to take off, then they go like a rocket! ;)

Good luck - and if you need an extra player, and don't mind my ignorance, let me know.


Edit: By the way, I like the concept a lot. :)


mcnathan80 said:
Does it normally takes this long for recruiting posts to fill up?? I mean it's been up for almost a week and only 2 folks are interested. Is it the type of campaign or the extensive house rules, or something else entirely? I can do "regular D&D" if the house rules are a problem. feedback would be appreciated.
My guess is it's the house rules. They're fairly similar to Mutants and Masterminds, which is why I had no problem jumping in, but some people just want plain D&D without any drastic modifications.


I think Enforcer is right. In my experience in PbP games here... 4 out of every 5 games started tend to disband within the first month for a multitude of reasons. Thus, no one really wants to put a whole lot of stock and effort into really outrageous games because chances are we won't even get past the first two pages of the thread before it's all done and buried. So reading blocks upon blocks of house rules (90% of which will probably never actually get used) I think makes people just say "I'll wait for the next one". There will invariably be another game starting shortly that will have easy and basic character creation that doesn't involve a lot of mental work to figure out, and thus if they create a character for it and then the game never gets off the ground, it's no big loss.

It's the same reason why I never sign up for any high-level or gestalt games around here, because the length of time it'll take to put one of these uber-characters together ends up being so much longer than the game itself invariably runs.

I would bet that if you were to remove the "Spoiler" box from your opening post and just ran the game with regular D&D and Eberron rules, you'll probably get more response. People will already have characters written up from previously disbanded PbP games and will be more willing to resubmit them as is, rather than needing to completely rework them using True20 rules. At least, that's just my .02 cents


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
(Here is my noirish investigator concept. Enjoy)

Anders Talbor, Inhuman Investigator

Most scholars who are knowledgeable would tell you that the power of the mind are associated with Dal Quor, the Realm of Dreams. Its denizens fuel the psionic matrix of most psi-active creatures on Eberron. Pressed even further, you might learn of the eternal war between the Inspired and the Kalashtar. But, they will all agree. All psionics come from Dal Quor.

They are wrong.

Dreams are only part of the mind and spirit; Madness is just a large a part. And the mind-bending powers of the mind flayers, generals of the Xiorat daelkyr, are testament to this darker source of the mental arts. These lords of malfeasance are known for their experiments on the other races of Eberron, and some of these abominations walk the earth, easy to recognize and quick to be put down.

And then their are the half-breeds.

Anders Talbor has put much of this lore together from his secret studies and from the whispers in his head--the whispers from the lumpy mass of flesh which marks him true heritage. How it happened, Anders is unsure. His mother scraped by in the bowels of Sharn for much of his existence, and was barely sane for much of Anders life. If it was not for the guidance of the whispers and his innate talent for *knowing* things, Anders' life would have been short. But Anders was touched---gifted or cursed---by his heritage, and using it, he survived the trails of his youth.

When his mother finally died, and Anders made his way into the world, his strange talents served him well. The City of Towers is a city of secrets, and the clarity of madness gave Anders ocular powers that could pierce these obfuscations. Now, Anders lends his abilities to whoever can pay, allowing him more funds for his research into his true roots.

Anders appears disturbingly human---he has a handsome, youthful face with clear blue eyes and dark hair without a beard. He is well dressed, and keeps up appearances. But, there is something---off---about the way he moves, and the mass of flesh that it this symbiote would immediately mark his as *wrong* if he ever showed it.

Anders is an affable fellow, and hides the touch of madness in him as best as possible. He speaks in a soft whisper, supposed due to a throat injury, but it also forces others to pay attention to him.

Assuming we are part of an investigative agency or such, Anders would fit the role of "department psychic," assisting in investigation and finding of clues with his psionics. Mechanically, Anders is a daelkyr half-breed seer focused on Clairsentience and Telepathy powers. Thus, Anders is the go-to guy to know things that are not easily knowable. He will also be a bit of a Controller role with charm-like powers from his Ithillid Heritage (Complete Psionics).
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First Post
Stonegod: I'll be honest, I never expected anyone to go half-dalkyr, but your concept is cool.

I've decided I'll let the registration deadline come up if we're full then cool, if not I'll remove the house rules and give it another week.

I've slightly edited the house rules to be like the injury system from unearthed arcana


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
mcnathan80 said:
Stonegod: I'll be honest, I never expected anyone to go half-dalkyr, but your concept is cool.
PbP is where I get to try all the experiments that I'll never be able to pull in RL. :)


First Post
Hey guys- just saw this thread. Never played pbp on Enworld before, though I've played pbp (my most recent experience was in an Amber DRPG pbp). I have an idea for a changeling character that I came up with. I'll work up the background and post it here for your perusal in a little bit; just working on it right now.


First Post
Reech, Changeling Rogue

History: Reech was born into a small group of changelings some 17 years ago. The gypsy-like group would travel from community to community, making their way as day laborers and merchants, and often scam artists and thieves. When the Last War concluded, and the forces of law were able to concentrate more fully on maintaining order in their communities, life became more difficult for the changeling group.

During a con gone wrong in the city of Sharn two years past, Reech was caught and imprisoned. Confusion over its incarceration was soon followed by curiosity, as Reech had never before been exposed to such circumstances. Upon its release, Reech didn't return to its commune, but remained in Sharn, where it began to educate itself about the Galifar Code of Justice in the great libraries. Reech would also trail the City Watch in their criminal investigations, fascinated by the implementation of a formal justice system, but moreso by those who would willingly and knowingly act in opposition of it. Since then, Reech has grown from being considered a nuisance by the City Watch to a tolerated asset, as it focused its natural, chameleon-like nature on the criminal mindset; in short, it has a talent for getting inside the heads of those who would break the law.

Appearance: Reech is slightly shorter than average for a changeling (5' 4"), slim of build, and with the pale-gray complexion of the rest of its kind. It wears its hair long, but maintains a genderless appearance. Reech almost always stays in its natural state, only using its disguise self ability to enhance its investigative skills. However, Reech often unconsciously alters its appearance to reflect the developing mental image it forms of the criminals it tracks down.

Personality: Reech is very single-minded for a changeling. Having grown up in a culture where standards of behavior (not to mention appearance) were constantly in flux, adapting to new conditions, it has become fascinated by the notion of codified and regulated laws and morality. Further to that, that people exist who act against such laws and standards of behavior. Reech has devoted itself to uncovering the mysteries behind the interaction of such contradictory elements, to discover the "inner truth" behind them.

The downside, of course, is that its focus on studying law and criminal behavior has led Reech to ignore other aspects of social interaction, and it often finds itself unable to communicate effectively with others, or form significant bonds with people.

Party Role: With its interest in exploring and understanding criminal psychology, Reech will effectively serve as the party's profiler. Though LN in alignment, Reech's lawfulness represents its singlemindedness and logical pursuit of its interests rather than a genuine ethical attachment to manmade laws; it has a solid interest in such things and should serve as a useful reference in matters of legal issues, as it attempts to learn more about societal laws and mores/taboos. Its attention to such matters is purely academic, however, and not grounded in any innate sense of morality.
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