Recruitment Closed 3.5 D&D - Storms of Change


silentspace said:
Warden Ricsten Makes His Selection

* * *

"You," he says, pointing to the Paladin/Sorcerer of The Transcendental Order of The Knights-Arcane. "You would also be a valuable addition to any team, but the team I'm assembling already has two arcanists in it, a wizard and a bard, and though there's no harm in a third arcanist, the team could probably benefit more from someone who focused more on pure combat. But members of your Order are always welcome here." [hero4hire]

Bastion looked slightly suprised, but quickly composed his face into a stoic masque. He stood and saluted Ricsten "Know that both my steel and my spells stand ready for your call to arms Warden." He turned to the others "May the gods protect you in your trials ahead." With a slight bow the Arcane-Knight takes his leave.

silentspace said:
This was a very tough choice. Sorry to those that didn't make it, and welcome to those that did :)

No prob :) Please consider me for an alternate.
BTW I was looking at War-Mage in the Mini-Handbook. Seemed appropriate for what I was going for.

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First Post
Goven of Aldermark
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 2
Alignment: Neutral Good
Experience: 1100 xp.

AGE: 19
HGT: 5’10
WGT: 175 lb
SEX: Male

STR: 14 (+2)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 10 (+0)

HP: 16

Fort 4
Ref 6
Will 2

Survival 5 ranks+2 (wis)=7
Hide 4 ranks+3 (dex)+2 (stealthy)=9
Move Silently 4 ranks+3 (dex)+2 (stealthy)=9
Listen 4 ranks+2 (wis)=6
Spot 4 ranks+2 (wis)=6
Knowledge (Geography) 3 ranks+1 (int)=4
Knowledge (Nature) 3 ranks+1 (int)+2 (survival synergy)=6
Heal 3 ranks+2 (wis)=5
Climb 3 ranks+2 (str)=5
Swim 3 ranks+2(str)=5
Handle Animal 2 ranks+0(cha)=2
Ride 2 ranks+3 (dex)=5

Dodge (+1 AC against 1 enemy)
Stealthy (+2 Hide and Move Silently)


Combat stats
AC: 17 (+3 MW Studded Leather Armor; +1 Light Wooden Shield; +3 dex)
BAB +2

Speed 30 ft

Initiative +3 (dex)

MW Battleaxe +1

MW Studded Leather
Light Wooden Shield

Explorer’s Outfit

flint and steel
4 torches
trail rations 2 days
silk rope
smokestick (2)
thunderstone (2)
20 gp

Light Warhorse (Brinsey)
bit and bridle
military saddle
block and tackle
3 fishhooks
4 torches
trail rations 8 days

Special Abilities
Favored Enemy (Orcs): +2 on bluff, listen, sense motive, spot, and survival

checks; +2 damage
Wild Empathy: improve animal atitude as diplomacy; 1D20+rngr level+Cha mod
Power Attack (Combat Style-Martial)

Aldermark was not so much a village as a handful of earthen huts clustered around a watering hole on an old hunting trail. Not large enough to appear on most maps, it was named so by its inhabitants because of its location amidst a grove of alder trees. It was from here that Goven hailed. Of average height and build, there was little about him to cause him to stand out from the other men in his company, especially now that he was clad in the same studded leather armor as they. Hair brown as the earth, eyes the green of the leaves in the forest set against a handsome-if plain-face.

He had come into the Warden's service first as a guide, employed by patrols and scouts on excursions into the borderlands between Rogan and Goruka. Later, after having spent a fair amount of time in the company of a particular band of scouts-the ones with whom he now served, in fact-he had become as much a part of the company as any of them. He had shown them secrets of these wilderlands, and they in turn had undertaken to instruct him in martial pursuits.

He was a decent hand with a sword, but he had shown a remarkable proficiency with the battleaxe. So like the axe with which he had cut wood for years, yet so much more finely balanced, an instrument of death rather
than a tool of the woodsman. He had put that battleaxe to good use on many an orc-hunting expedition into the northern wilds.

Aside from this, he carried a curved Kukri and a smaller hand axe. These he occasionally employed as weapons, but were kept more as tools, the kukri for hacking through dense foliage, and the smaller axe for cutting wood in the field. A small wooden shield secured on his back completed his equipment, other than the normal camping and travelling supplies he carried in his pack.

Having something of an affinity with animals, he had taken to horsemanship as well as any, and he stood now beside Brinsey, his mount, a light warhorse with a coat nearly the same brown as it's master's hair. Brinsey had served him well, and he had taken a liking to the creature

As he came to excel in the art of battle, he was entrusted by the Warden
with more and greater responsibilities, until the day came when he was summoned befor the warden to receive orders for a mission of great
importance. He bid his companions farewell for now and made his preparations to appear before Warden Ricsten...
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First Post
I updated my character (Goven of Aldermark) above (two posts above this one I believe). That should finish him up.


silentspace said:
Insight (Lucan):
- alignment needs to be Lawful

Like the guy who tinkered with the Ranger a bit, I would like to deep-six the alignment thing since my character really isn't a Monk per se, but a skilled unarmed combatant. If you insist that has to be lawful, then fine, he's lawful.


First Post
Insight, monks retain their AC Bonus when flat-footed, not their Dex bonus.

Monks will need to remain lawful. I don't see how changing this enhances or changes your story/background in any way. Regarding the ranger, the alternate feats are a trade. And the feats he traded for them have tougher prerequisites than the alternates.


silentspace said:
Insight, monks retain their AC Bonus when flat-footed, not their Dex bonus.

Hehe that's what I thought. I changed it back (I don't get an AC bonus from class abilities yet.

Monks will need to remain lawful. I don't see how changing this enhances or changes your story/background in any way. Regarding the ranger, the alternate feats are a trade. And the feats he traded for them have tougher prerequisites than the alternates.

OK no problem. It's been changed on the RG posting.


First Post
The way I understand the monk AC Bonus, the AC Bonus consists of both the wisdom bonus and the ac bonus on the monk chart. So you would have an AC Bonus of +2. Which counts for touch ac and flat-footed ac. I could be wrong though.

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