Red Hand of Doom 4.0

I have swapped part 4 & 5. Next session, my players will encounter Azaar Kul, I'm sure.

It has worked like a charm and I'm extremely happy about switching the order. The only thing I'm overly concerned about s that the party might defeat the Aspect before the climatic showdown in Brindol.

You know, there's a couple of old threads on RHoD where people are discussing switching part 4 & 5. Morrus did so, with great succes.

If there's any interest, I dig it up. Also, If there's interest, I can tell a bit about how I have done things.

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First Post
i have large amounts of interest, in addition to the fact that this is an amazing thread and deserves to stay alive.

EDIT: And I wouldn't really let the PCs really have a say in the matter tbh. I mean its the end of the campaign, I wouldn't ever want to make something so cinematic and memorable become a cakewalk. I know some people would say the game is based around the PCs and they oughta to be able to do anything, but throwing a tiny deus ex machina in the near-climax wouldn't hurt. Just attack them for the first two rounds with both action points, completely nuking them, and then have the aspect realize what it needs to do and fly off :v

Then they'll be sufficiently scared when the time comes.
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Great Stuff

Was looking at converting this mod but this looks excellent. Being a stickler for continuity I am insistent on running this before Scales of War comes along to thanks to the OP for doing all this great work.


First Post
In commemoration of how awesome this thread is, I decided to share the RHoD campaign maps I've recently started on. So far I've only completed Skull Gorge, but I did just start on Friday. ;) Next up I'm going to do a two-story Vraath Keep since people seem to want to split up the encounters there for 4E. Eventually I'll also make counters for all the creatures/characters outlined in Beni's pdf, along with a lot of the battle maps for RHoD. Maybe then we'll have a complete super campaign anyone can drag and drop into their own game with little required effort.

EDIT: Tokens for this encounter are now attached at the bottom. And yes I did change Ozyrrendion into a wyvern because I made destroying the bridge into a combat skill challenge.

Anyway, here's Skull Gorge, made in dundjinni with some postwork & stylizing done in photoshop.

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This is the thread where Eric Noah talks about switching part 4 & 5. It a great read.

The Adventure Log by Eric Noah isn't working for me either.

I will get back with a recap of my own campaign, where I've switched 4 & 5. It's working really well.
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the Jester

I'm in the middle of a RHoD campaign, but it's kind of disintegrating due to one player moving and another suddenly having a baby on the way. I was considering converting it over myself, but the party had contained a gnome illusionist, a druid and a monk... about the worst possible combination for conversion to 4e... :rolleyes:

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