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Redbadge's Solo Skull and Shackles (IC)


Jhiv said:
Jhiv goes to see Grok, in hopes that he can get Rosie's fiddle back to improve crew morale as a whole.

GM: Shopping takes 10d6 minutes per check. To recover Rosie's fiddle without resorting to theft you have 3 options:

  • Purchase the masterwork fiddle outright for 115 gp.
  • Make a Diplomacy check (or an Appraise check with a +5 bonus, trained only) to barter for a lower price.
  • Make a Bluff check against Grok's Sense Motive and exceed her roll by 10.
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First Post
"While I'm here, I've been meaning to talk to you about my gear. You see, I have the eye of the Pirate Queen upon me because of how I came into this world. She takes an interest in what happens to me and I would hate to see you suffer her ill will because you happen to be in possession of what I came on board with. It would be better for both of us if I just kept the gear in my footlocker."


Oathday, 19 Desnus, 4712 AR (17:26:00)
Quartermaster's Store, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

Cut-Throat looks uneasily at you, seeing as you are so sincere. "You people and your Pirate Queen. Here, just leave me be." She shoves your gear at you in exasperation, before adding, "That fiddle'll still be for sale later if you decide you want it. Right now, I've got to help Grok get the rum rations ready."

GM: The store is now closed. Select up to 130 gp worth of your starting equipment to recover.
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First Post
Jhiv recovers his: leather armor, rapier, sap, dagger, 20 arrows, belt pouch, masterwork backpack, small steel mirror, fishhook, thieves' tools, twine (fishing line). This leaves his shortbow. He recovered a total cost of 125 g, 1 s, 1 c.

Jhiv takes his possessions and puts them in his footlocker except the belt pouch which he puts on. He then goes back up on deck for the Bloody Hour.[sblock=Current Status]Jhiv Viratek (Male undine druid/rogue 1)
N medium outsider (native, aquatic [amphibious])
Str 11 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 14

Key Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +2, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +4, Heal +4, Intimidate +2,
Knowledge (Any) +1, Knowledge (Local) +5, Perception +9, Profession (Sailor) +9, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +10, Swim +15

Init +4 Spd 30 ft., Swim 30 ft. Senses Darkvision (normal light); Perception +9
AC 14, touch 14, FF 10 HP 8/8 Temp HP 0
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +6 CMB +0 CMD 14
Hero Points 1/3

Melee Attack Unarmed Strike +4 (1d3/x2) [nonlethal]

Currently Wielding Nothing (hands free)
Current Armor None (Explorer's Outfit)
Stowed on Person (Sheaths, Straps, Pockets, etc.) [8 pp, 4 gp, 20 sp, 9 cp], Sprig of Holly, Mineral Prism, Footlocker Key
Stowed in Packs (Backpacks, Belt Pouches, Saddle Bags, etc.) Belt Pouch (Nothing)
Stored (Footlockers, etc.) Leather Armor, Rapier, Sap, Dagger, Arrows (20), Backpack (Masterwork), Mirror (Small Steel), Fishhook, Thieves' Tools, Twine (50 ft.)
Current Encumbrance 9 lbs (light load) Medium Load 39 lbs Heavy Load 77 lbs Max 115 lbs

Active Abilities
1st-Level Spells:
1/1 (Cure Light Wounds/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Remove Sickness/Obscuring Mist), 1/1 (Obscuring Mist)
Cantrips: ~/~
(Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Mending)
Spell-like Abilities: 7/7 Storm Burst
Combat Options: Charge (full round action), Sneak Attack (+1d6)
Combat Maneuvers: Bull Rush, Dirty Trick, Disarm (Weapon Finesse), Drag, Grapple, Overrun, Reposition, Steal, Sunder
(Weapon Finesse), Trip (Weapon Finesse)

Defensive Abilities
Cold Resistance 5 (racial)

Situational Modifiers
Shackles Seafarer, Fast Healing 2 (Hydrated Vitality)

Current Effects and Conditions:
Flat-footed, fatigued[/sblock]
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Oathday, 19 Desnus, 4712 AR (17:42:01), Bloody Hour
Main Deck, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

[sblock=Reward]Leather Armor, Rapier, Sap, Dagger, 20 Arrows, Belt Pouch, Masterwork Backpack, Small Steel Mirror, Fishhook, Thieves' Tools, Fishing Twine, Footlocker, Lock, and Key[/sblock]

The clock's gongs sound out at 17:42, drawing the crew like moths to a flame. Scourge and Plugg arrive quickly enough, and though you are not slated for punishment tongiht, Scourge stills seems poised to dish out something. His whip stretches uncoiled at his side as he addresses the anxious crowd.

"Tis' the Bloody Hour once more. Th' line looms large this evenin', as we 'ave four scallywags to discipline. Aretta Bansion! Fipps Chumlett! Jaundiced Jape! Slippery Sy Lonegan!" As he calls out the names, each pirate hesitantly steps forward. You are surprised by the names, as it didn't seem like their hostilities this morning were likely to be punished. Perhaps Scourge wasn't behind it, or more like he wants to cover up his involvement by appearing to enact discipline.

The master-at-arms continues, "For dereliction of duty, I assign the punishment of three lashes each!" The pronouncement of the "crime" suddenly hits you. These pirates aren't being lashed for trying to assault you; they're being lashed because they failed to!

Over the next several minutes, the crack of the whip and the cries of the crowd ring out over the ocean water. The pirates comport themselves well enough, and none of them pass out. After each receives their punishment, and are unbound and helped down from the whipping post, they look to you with malice in their eyes.

Once the bloody hour is concluded, everyone files below decks for rum and rations.

GM: The night is yours, Jhiv!


First Post
Jhiv casts Purify Food and Drink on the rum while no one is looking and then drinks it. He then tries to find out anything he can about Maheem. After this Jhiv goes to bed, being barely able to get 8 hours of rest by skipping his spell preparation for the day.
OOC: If the DM determines that Jhiv does not have enough time to Gather Information and get 8 hours of rest then Jhiv will cut the Gather Information attempt short (no useful information obtained) in order to get the rest.

Do you want the sorceress (Marina) to be have 20 Charisma. Right now she is statted out for 18, but since she hasn't done anything in game I could go back and change her.

Does Jhiv need to work to improve Elias', Marina's, and Queepod's attitude? If so I thought about getting Grok's attitude to helpful then helping the NPC's get their gear back (either by using aid another with Marina [and superstition, at DM's choice], or by having Elias and Queepod use aid another and let me do the talking.) Elias' blunderbuss should probably count for 0 g because it's broken for everyone but him.

Are you going to allow Diplomacy checks to get Grok to just give me stuff, per the skill?
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Jhiv said:
If the DM determines that Jhiv does not have enough time to Gather Information and get 8 hours of rest then Jhiv will cut the Gather Information attempt short (no useful information obtained) in order to get the rest.

Let's see... Bloody Hour started at 5:42 PM and lasted about 30 minutes. If you started soliciting information about Maheem right as rum and rations started, the the sum total of your Gather Information check and a full 8 hours of sleep afterwards (to recover from fatigue) comes to a little over 12 hours, or until about 6:15 AM in the morning. The fact that you had to cut short your research, combined with your generally poor Diplomacy check, means that you will have gathered the minimal information (provided in the next update).
Jhiv said:
Do you want the sorceress (Marina) to be have 20 Charisma. Right now she is statted out for 18, but since she hasn't done anything in game I could go back and change her.

Her current status is fine, and probably more appropriate.

Jhiv said:
Does Jhiv need to work to improve Elias', Marina's, and Queepod's attitude? If so I thought about getting Grok's attitude to helpful then helping the NPC's get their gear back (either by using aid another with Marina [and superstition, at DM's choice], or by having Elias and Queepod use aid another and let me do the talking.) Elias' blunderbuss should probably count for 0 g because it's broken for everyone but him.

Elias, Marina, and Queepod automatically started at friendly. However, you will have to have some sort of interaction with them before they can be raised to helpful. In general, these characters are working on their own to get their gear back, but if you can recover some of their more important items (blunderbuss, axe, etc.), you can automatically improve their attitude to helpful.

Jhiv said:
Are you going to allow Diplomacy checks to get Grok to just give me stuff, per the skill?

If you can get Grok to helpful, you'll be able to use Diplomacy in place of Bluff to recover gear (as well as get loans).
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Oathday, 19 Desnus, 4712 AR (21:15:10)
Crew Berths, The Wormwood, Unknown Waters, Off the Coast of Garund, Inner Sea Region, Golarion

After a long day, your fatigue finally caught up to you, but not before you tried to find out information about the pirate Maheem. Since he is the quiet sort, and not overly friendly with any of the crew, it was difficult to make much headway:

[sblock=Maheem]This male human is a big Rahadoumi with a permanent scowl. He is covered with various types of tattoos, all of them professionally and artistically rendered. His size and strength served him well as you observed him over the course of the evening, as he is particularly fond of arm-wrestling and defeated all challengers with a scoff and a scowl. Though he challenged Queepod, the half-giant was not interested, and Maheem was dissapointed in all the subsequent takers.[/sblock]

While watching the first part of the evening's events unfold, you were able to subtly purify your share of rum ration. You discovered that this tactic was easier to hide than merely tipping it (+2 Stealth bonus) and no one was the wiser when you drank the perfectly harmless resulting liquid.

An hour before you would eventually head to bed (20:15), a pirate was dragged through the middle hold kicking and screaming. Scourge was supervising the two pirates escorting him, saying "Throw 'em in the bilges. We'll deal with 'em on the morrow." Plugg followed, observing the scene smugly. Asking around a bit, you discovered that the pirate, Jakes Magpie, was caught stealing from the quartermaster's store.

Though you wanted to stay up and continue your investigations longer, your eye lids kept drooping after the day's intense manual labor, so you decided to go ahead and retire to your hammock in the crew berths.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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