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Relic Hunters in Tekumel (IC)


Queen of Everything
"Do not worry yourselves ladies, we will surely be drunken fools, involved in more than one brawl and have our fill of men this night. You know, the usual night we return," she laughs heartily. "The hardest question we shall answer is just which man," a crooked grin comes to her lips, "Or woman, shall be lucky enough to enjoy our company. But yes, I do have to speak with poor James, I am certain he's been missing our... antics. His life is just so lonely and boring without us." She bursts out laughing again, leaving the half grin on her face. "So let us get presentable. Baths and food and drinks. Perhaps not in THAT order."

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Deuce Traveler

James responds, "We can't have you leave the port, yet, until the port officials come to finish their inspection." Most poor Tsoylani wear light beige and white kilts, sandals and otherwise walk around bare-chested regardless of gender due to the constant heat and humidity from the near sea. Two other nearby men, however, are mid-level functionaries. They are skinny, scowling middle-aged men in ink-spattered robes, higher quality sandals, and triangular sapphire-colored hats. James approaches them, bows politely, and speaks in their tongue, giving one of them a small jade bracelet and telling the man that it is for his mother-in-law, whom James heard was having a birthday. Your majordomor then indicates that you relic hunters are feeling unwell from your long journey and that you would like to get some rest for the benefit of your health. The bribe is accepted, and the two men accept your own bows, briefly take your names and ask your intent, and allow you to go as they begin to inspect the goods the Green Pyramid Clan is stacking onto the dock. They seem especially excited once they see that the first box contains metal ore.

As you give James a curious look he explains in low tones as you continue walking towards the Crawford Estate. "You've been gone for a few months, but much has happened while you have been away. Tsoylanu and its neighbor, Yan Kor, entered into war with one another with what seems to have been caused by several political gaffes. Tsoylanu has lost territory at the battles of Atkolei Heights. The metal ores that you had at first brought were used for decorations and gifts, but now there has been talk of using them to create stronger weapons than the bone and bronze ones being employed by the Sapphire Guard. So a representative of the army went to speak to Ambassador North, asking to increase metal ore trade in exchange for Tsoylani silk and spices. The meeting... did not go well. Ambassador North demanded that our fellow citizens of the Realm be allowed to dwell outside of the foreign district and take up residence in other parts of Jakalla and also in further settlements in exchange. The representative refused, saying that the people of the Realms were too ignorant of Tsoylani customs and would cause confusion and unrest at best, and be a danger to themselves at worse if left out of the Foreign District. Lord North, upset at the use of the word ignorant, spat out that the Tsoylani practiced barbaric customs fit for a barbaric, unenlightened people. The representative left in a huff, declaring that all trade with us was suspended. Upset, Lord North decided to use gun boat diplomacy and had his warship leave port without permission and fired off several rounds of cannon fire into a nearby grove outside Jakalla. The thought was that a show of force might shaken the resolve of the city officials, but it turns out that the grove was considered holy by one of the many smaller sects of Jakalla and religious leaders began to rile the population to riot. Well, things were getting out of control on both sides when the Ahoggya and Shen decided this would be a good time to settle some old grudges and start raiding each others residencies in the Foreign District. The Sapphire Guard was called in to restore order, and Lord North actually did the right thing for once and sent a small force of soldiers of the Realm to help."

The ahoggya and the shen are allies to the Tsoylani, but have a millenia-long dislike for one another. It reminds you of how the dwarves and elves often argue and fight back home. That is if the elves were tall, armored humanoid reptiles with an overbearing sense of honor and duty and if the dwarves were rude, barrel-bodied mushroom-looking creatures with four arms and eight genders. The shen seem to understand the Tsoylani and find the people of the Realms quite alien, while the people of the Realms have gotten along better with the boisterous, agnostic ahoggya. Still, it is unsettling to think that much of the hatred between the two races was the result of an unfortunate moment more than a thousand years ago where a warband of ahoggya decided to eat a company of shen prisoners of war. It is quite easy for an abbrassive ahoggya to get a shen to fight. All they have to do is remind them that ancient writings claim they taste like chicken.

James continues as you turn a corner and approach the front garden of the beautiful four-story Crawford Estate, "Lord North and the Tsoylani representative have decided to try and patch things up, and because of that tensions have simmered somewhat. You made it just in time, because Lord North is hosting a gala in the honor of a Tsoylani delegation tomorrow night and he has asked for traders and relic hunters to attend, as the Tsoylani are interested in gaining or recovering items that may help them turn the tides of battle against the forces of Yan Kor. This is our opportunity to make stronger inroads and trade agreements with the Tsoylani movers and shakers. I'm sure the four of you will do fine, but you will have to play politics, something I know you don't always enjoy. The first big political decision is the manner of dress. If you wear something feminine from the Realms, such as a ball gown or dress, it would please Lord North and his feelings of cultural superiority, but I do not know the effect such clothes would have on the Tsoylani. We can take a chance and wear Tsoylani formal wear, hoping to make a good impression upon the delegation and our willingness to work with them, but this may alienate Lord North. Finally, you can choose to wear either the adventuring gear of the Realms or a similar set of equipment in the style of the Tsoylani. This would certainly make a statement of its own, but dependant upon the individual. Or you could choose another option that I haven't considered."
James throws open the double doors to your estate and reveals several seated middle-aged and elderly Tsoylani seamstresses and their silks, measuring tape, and other instruments piled inside the foyer. They give kindly smiles and stand up, bowing politely as you enter. "These ladies will help you freshen up, then they'll start measuring you for whatever style outfits you wish to attend the gala in. They have a lot of work to do, but they assure me they can have everything prepared by tomorrow night. Now, I'll go get refreshments prepared for you in the meantime." So saying, James leaves you to the ladies' tender mercies as they patiently wait your decision which might seem trivial on the surface, but will certainly have a larger political effect depending upon the path you choose.


Zephia rolls her eyes and sighs heavily, saying to the captain, once James is out of earshot, "I'm all for leaving and finding business elsewhere. I have little interest in getting involved in a war that doesn't concern us."


First Post
Elsbeth averts her eyes from the bare chested women but if you watch closely you may catch her taking peeks and blushing.

"I don't want to get involved in any war either, but we just arrived, and barely at that. Attending a dinner seems safer then venturing back thru that storm so soon, and without a full crew."

Deuce Traveler

OOC: Oops, sorry. The seamstresses are tradeswomen, so they have more attire than poorer laborers, and you have seen enough barechested unskilled poor that you wouldn't bat an eye at it anyway. Skilled laborers are a higher caste than laborers, and so usually wear clothes that befit their trade. These seamstresses are wearing sandals and thin robes embroidered in Tsoylani script. Yellow robes with crimson script, bright blue robes with satin decorated in ivory thread along the sides, and crimson robes with golden lettering along the sleeves. Their fashion is more than a display of good taste, but instead an advertisement of their skill at their work. Clothing is connected to wealth and trade, and the richer the Tsoylani the more extravagant the clothing. Wait until I describe the flowing outfits and headdresses of the delegation...


Queen of Everything
Angelina chuckless, "Zeph, the day you're happy going to one of these dinners is the day I can retire peacefully, lay around getting fat on desserts and be happy to be bored. Which is to say, never." She walks around the seamstresses briefly looking over their wares. "However, you know these things have their purpose and we've gotten many a job through these boring parties. So go we shall. The real question is how do we stay out of this conflict? Basically what kind of dresses are we wearing is going to set the whole tone for us." She stops in front of a red silk, rubbing it between her fingers. She looks up at her friends with a grin, "I DO love getting new dresses. What do you say girls? Opinions on sides?"


"If we must go, I say we go dressed to work. They want relic hunters, let's give them relic hunters." Zephia lounges on the wall, none too eager to be poked and prodded by the seamstresses.


First Post
"Well, even if we go dressed for work, we can use the oppertuinity to get new clothes right? I don't want to pass up the chance for new clothes."

[section]Briony strode in and stopped short. Her eyes bugged out at the overwhelming selection of fabric. "I'ma make this easy. I'll be wearing clothes for comfort. If I'm to land in the middle of the proverbial political frying pan, my attire might as well proclaim my station. Tryin' to please one side over the other'll just piss off everyone. So, it'll be breeches for me. In that royal blue raw silk. Yeah, that one, there, with the sheen of peacock to it." Briony pointed to a bolt of brilliant silk in a blue so vibrant it might have been purple. Turning her head, Briony pointed next at a bolt of yellow quilted brocade. "And a vest in that yellow stuff." She pursed the corner of her mouth and frowned. "With a linen tunic underneath. And tall boots. And I guess I consent to style my hair. Just this once. And I'll wear kohl on my eyes." Her sartorial decisions made, Briony flopped on a nearby chaise and put up her feet. Her eyes flashed with challenge. "What? Sooner we decide, sooner we get to drinking."[/section]

Voidrunner's Codex

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