The Savage Seas (5e) [IC]


Beltran looks grim, but nods. 'Fine. I'll get what I can from the guilds and.. Soul help me, I'll put in another hundred of my own.'

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"That might be sufficient, depending on who else joins," Terry says. "We've worked together. But the two of us are probably not enough if whatever's out there is stopping ships."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril nods at the offer
"We need at least one other bodyguard for the lady. I cannot both protect her from all sides and take the fight to the enemy. And any professional sailors you may get are a good bonus."


Possibly a Idiot.
"Mister Beltran." Crawdad waves his fan, partly to temper the rising heat, and partly to shield his words from eavesdroppers, as he takes an aside with the chief.

"My employers would like this resolved sooner rather than later, and quite frankly, so would I. While I am sure that the guilds will protest the increased cost of business, I believe I have just the tonic to make that solution palatable: Seeing as how there is a deficiency in seasoned bodies to sail, I wish to accompany the Capitan on this mission. Not only can I sail, it would provide a set of trusted eyes to make certain that the newly required investments are being put to good use."


Beltran turns to crawdad 'Trust me, I would like it resolved as soon as possible as well. These two seem inclined to join, as does the small one there, ' he points at the kobold. 'I believe he said his name was Zrok. with you, that makes four. I'll see what sailors I can entice from the town jail as He suggested, 'Beltran nods in Umbrils direction. 'Though I fear it will not be many.
'Should the captain ask, the Jade Lion was last seen near Skyhorn Lighthouse. I am sure she will know where to look and the routes its captain would take. Find it. Bring the crew and its cargo back. If, on the light chance there are monsters about, keep whatever you find as a bonus. But, come back quickly. Time is a fine sand and it slips through our fingers at a perilous rate.'


At this point, captain coppertree has left, presumably to start preparing the ship but she said tomorrow, "first light".


Beltran gives each of you a hardy handshake and bids tyou farewell, presumably off on the previously mentioned errands.
Greetings ans stories are shared over food and some drink, the 'feeling out' of even the most temporary of companions.
Soon enough, it is time for sleep, and your dreams are Equally laced with visions of calm, moon-dappled waters and vicious, man-eating things that only he the sea could bear.
The morning comes far earlier than usual and only the faintest of lights is visible in the east as you make your way to the dock where you are somewhat surprised to see nearly every dock dock and ship bristling with onlooking sailors. Some look on with envy, other dread. Some of them make motions of blessings and some wards of fending off evil spirits.
Ass you approach the Ship, you see a very weary-looking Beltran along with three others. 'Good morning to you,' he says tiredly.
Captain Coppertree jumps from teh gangway to the dock and looks over the group, 'Not bad, Beltran. Not bad at all. With what's left of my regular crew, these should do just fine. The tide is with us, folks. Lets get moving. You lot,' She says pointing to the seven on the docks, not including Beltran, 'Start below deck; we're required to row out.' With that, she hops back up to the gangway and strides onto the ship, which you now see is the Annabelle.
The other three sailors follow sullenly after the Captain and Beltran turns to the gathered four, 'There was a time when I would have jumped at the chance for an adventure like this but, now, it's all bickering, politicking, and paperwork.' With a wry smile he adds 'May you travel safely and return swiftly with dry swords and tall tales. Perhaps we may share a tankard and you can tell me all about it.'
Below decks you easily find cabins in which to stow your gear and shown how to ease a oar through the motions. 'Above, somewhere, you hear the Captains voice yell 'Cast off!' Then' Move out, slowly. A dozen strokes should do.' And the cadence caller walks you though a slow dozen strokes of the oars. 'That's it! We're clear! Raise to half sail!'
'Alright.' The caller, whom you've learned is called Oman, says. 'Go see the Captain and see what you ought be doing.'
Abover decks, you walk out to the sight of a dark, swelling, sea and the motion of the ship rising and falling over the swells. 'Look there!' Captain coppertree points to the east. You look to see Evermoor fading in the distance, light just starting to dot various points below a rapidly brightening sky. 'Welcome to the sea,' She says brightly. 'There's nothing else like her in the world.'

OOC: And we're under way! Feel free to add to this as you see fit. Attached is a image of the deck of the Annabelle for reference.


  • The Annabel Lee VTT 14 x 23.jpg
    The Annabel Lee VTT 14 x 23.jpg
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril is fully rested, for a change, it is not him who needs to wait on others to wake fully after their prolonged sleep. And the night! Nothing like The Shadow, darkness is invigorating, stars are beautiful and coming of the sun something unseen in the Eternal gloom.

He breathes deeply in...but soon frowns at the smell of fish and unwashed bodies. But this morning, nothing can spoil his mood.
Even if he has to do some actual work, there is fighting to be done.

"We hope to have some good stories for you, Councilor Bertran. There will be glory under the sun."

Once on the ship and out on the sea proper he goes to the captain and bows slightly.
"Good morning, Captain! How can of assistance?"

His mithral plate gleams in the morning sun, scimitars crossing over his back with handles visible behind his hips in their dark leathers providing good contrast to the bright armor and the cape completing the effect.


Possibly a Idiot.
Crawdad rises above deck, taking in a lung-full of the relatively cooler sea air.
"Good morning, Captain, fellow crew." The elf greets the day with a supply of fishing line and nets. "Nothing quite like the romance of a ship at sea. And nothing like a good fish stew, and a bit of drink, to keep you warm at night."

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