The Savage Seas (5e) [IC]

"I'm Terry. This is Umbril. We seen some stuff. And I'm not interested in being a sailor. What is the problem that needs solving so bad that you are looking for adventurers? And why do I guess that 200 gold is underpriced?"

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Beltran looks at the group 'The problem is reports of sea monsters and the sailors won't sail because of it. It's slowly starving the city and those the city is supposed to support. If we can get one ship to sail and show that the seas are clear, hopefully tat will be enough to get the ships moving again. If that happens, we can survive and, eventually, thrive again.
'Captain Coppertree is willing to sail, but needs crew for her ship. Obviously, we can't make you go, but the need is dire. What information do you need?'


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I think we need actual sailors." Umbril joins the conversation
"We may protect them, but if we're naked because of the work required, we may have trouble defending ourselves. And the other way around, if we're fighting, even if fully equipped, who will guide the ship while we're fighting? Give us prisoners with promised pardon if they survive if you don't get other volunteers."


Possibly a Idiot.
"I happen to know a thing or two about stars and ships." Crawdad offers. "But really, the bulk of sailors are there for manual labor: Handling line, hoisting sails, and weighing anchor. Also more mundane work like cleaning, cooking, and maintenance. I am quite sure adventurous persons, such as yourselves, would be capable of that."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I happen to know a thing or two about stars and ships." Crawdad offers. "But really, the bulk of sailors are there for manual labor: Handling line, hoisting sails, and weighing anchor. Also more mundane work like cleaning, cooking, and maintenance. I am quite sure adventurous persons, such as yourselves, would be capable of that."
"You're not listening. We can take care of ourselves AND others. The problem is...we don't care to take care of the ship. It's dangerous to not be combat ready if there are monsters. And I'm sure there being a sailor is not just pulling on the rope. I can maintain armor and weapons, I can keep a tune or the doors...maybe cargo hold? locked tight. But how do you run a ship with unwilling crew that doesn't understand you half the time? What's hoisting sails? Getting them up? Down? Sideways? Why do you weigh anchor? Does it change it's weight between days?"
Being from the Shadow Sea, Umbril has no idea how to sail...and being fairly dim (as the shadows he's from) he never bothered to learn the details. Worse, this trade 'common' weird.


Zrok thought about the conversations with sailors he'd had earlier in the night and thought if they could figure out how to sail, anyone could, but lacking a good grasp of common decided to take advantage of someone else not knowing things and add a few questions of his own.
"Also, what is anchor? And sails. Zrok has never been on boat."


Beltran looks at the assembled group '"Actual" sailors won't sail. As previously noted, they can be highly superstitious. Even those in the hold for starting fights or whatever would rather serve their time than sail.
'As for the work, I am certain that Captain Coppertree knows that she is getting green labor at best and can show you what you need to know. As she said, she needs bodies and she knows that she can't be particular.
'I cannot say this too plainly. The fate of hundreds, if not thousands of folks is in the balance.
'If there is anything I can say or do to encourage you to do this, state it openly now.'

Voidrunner's Codex

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