The Savage Seas (5e) [IC]


Zrok's feet scrabbled in the air for a moment before he tucked them up and pressed against Neeno's chest and pushed, straining to break free. The alcohol was catching up to him though and his attempts were lackluster. The voice in his head sighed in frustration.
"Put Zrok down!"
OOC: attempting to break the grapple, the dice are not favoring me though
Athletics: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14
1D20+7 = [3]+7 = 10

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The wormy, squirmy Zrock manages ro get free of the Orc and drops back to the floor.

Gaspar turns on Umbril and growls 'Who in the nine hells are you? Stay out of this!' and attempts to knock you away with the flat of his sword but misses entirely.
The woman tells the man 'he's trying to get you to back off and be reasonable' but does not attack.
The Orc turns to the rough looking man and says 'we still doing this?'

Well, natural 1's are a good time, aren't they?
Round 2
Crawdad (outside, approaching) you'll arrive round 4.
Gaspar (Nose man) [3]+5=8 to hit
Sheila (blonde)
Neeno (orc)
Umbril @Neurotic
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Sorry, missed the update...

Umbril weaves a defensive net around himself.
"I am...or I was...disinterested party. Having a drink with a lady. But when bar brawl evolves into barred steel, no holds barred three on one, I get interested. Not because I care, really, but you threatened me and my lady friend. And, going by experience, weapons tend to draw blood, and blood sets the guards on you.

And you three are already too long here, normal people ran out some seconds ago and the guards will hear about this soon. doing this? It's not three to one anymore."

Action: Dodge
Free: speech
Move: No
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The man seems unmoved by your speech.
Round 3
Crawdad (outside, approaching) you'll arrive round 4.
Zrock @@gnarlygninja
Gaspar (Nose man)
Sheila (blonde)
Neeno (orc)


Zrok sprang from the floor to a chair and then launched himself at the orc's chest to knock him down, then did his best to pin the orc. The realization that this struggle felt different than the brawl with sailors managed to get through Zrok's drunken stupor and he blinked at the group around him in confusion.
"Zrok...not sure Zrok understand situation. This not game?"


Gaspar finally looks at the situation, as it has evolved, and grunts "this isn't over, Coppertree.' stows his weapon and backs away, headed towards the front door.
'Never thought it was' The blonde woman replied as she also stows her weapon.
The orc looks at the two briefly, then follows Gaspar.

Round 3
Crawdad (outside, approaching) you'll arrive round 4.
Gaspar (Nose man)
Sheila (blonde)
Neeno (orc)
Umbril @Neurotic


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril follows them out with his gaze, stowing both his weapons in a practiced cross-handed move. He is careful not to fully lose sight of the woman, Coppertree apparently, just in case.

After the thugs leave he easily hops down, his mithral armor easily moving with him without undue noise and he bows to the woman.

"Glad to be of help, miss. You might want to get out of here too if you don't fancy answering guards questions." turning to Terri and tossing couple of coins on the table "My lady, are we going too?" he is still careful not to give more information than absolutely essential until he knows more about the situation. It was good idea to keep your details secret when you hunt people for a living. This woman might say something more, or she may not. But it was bad idea to get involved in other peoples business. At least until someone pays you to get involved. But he looks at Terri, if she has different ideas.


'Ah,' Here we are.' Says Beltran. If we're in luck we should find Captain Coppertree in here. He pushes open the door and you see the interior of The Black Gull.

Round 4
Crawdad @Leatherhead

Gaspar (Nose man)
Sheila (blonde)
Neeno (orc)


Possibly a Idiot.
Crawdad takes a look at the bar: Toppled furniture, blood splatters, people visibly agitated. He folds up his fan and enters the bar after tipping his hat to man holding the door.

"Why Mister Beltran, I do believe we have just missed out on the evenings festivities!" The wood elf says with a bit of smirk. "Now, which one of these fine people is Captain Coppertree?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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