The Savage Seas (5e) [IC]

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Just as suddenly as the crowd turned on you and started heading your way, the mention of 'Fireball' stops them in their tracks. The bar becomes suddenly much quieter, although there are still a few going at it.
From the Trio you hear the man with the damaged nose say 'Ye cheated, Coppertree. Ye owe us yer ship. And we're taking it.' And then the very distinctive sound of a sword being drawn.

OOC: no matter the modifiers, I gotta honor the 20...
Order is:
Round 1
Crawdad (outside, approaching) you'll arrive round 4.
Zrock @gnarlygninja

If there is anything specific you want to do or ask Beltran about, feel free to do so and I'll put your token on the map when appropriate


Zrok still did not correctly understand the situation, and as the crowd headed towards the other group, he followed their momentum. When the man pulled out his sword Zrok smiled. "Ah, Zrok understand. Ugly man is new target." He took off under the table giggling as he ran toward the noseless man and when he came to the orc in his way shoved hard trying to knock him down. "Zrok coming for you, ugly!" The voice rumbled somewhere in the back of his head but "...little fool" was all Zrok could make out.

OOC: moving to the orc, if sailor 5 gets an opportunity attack that's fine. Using action to try and knock the orc prone
Athletics: 1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18


The sailors, moving back to the bar area, make no effort to stop or interfere with their hero, Zrock, and you pass by without incident. The Orc clearly did not expect a shove somewhere near his knees, buckles, and fall to the gro0und staring you in your face.

A modified 6 on the old athletics check...
Round 1
Crawdad (outside, approaching) you'll arrive round 4.
Terry @jmucchiello
Gaspar (Nose man)
Sheila (blonde)
Neeno (orc)

"We have no beef with you," Terry says to the kobold. "Why are you headed at us? We were just trying to stop the fight."

She readies her weapon to strike anyone who gets too close.


The large human grunts at the woman "have it your way, Coppertree." and slashes at her with his sword and connects, leaving a light gagash on one arm.
She retaliates with a vicious slash across the mans' chest. "we used the same dice, fool!"
The orc crawls to his feet and turns to the tiny Zrock "Dont meddle, little one. this not your fight." and then attempts to grab the Kobold and hoist him up into the air.

Gaspar [12]+5=17 to hit, 8 damage to the woman
Sheila [20]+5=25 to hit (CRIT), 15 damage to Gaspar
Neeno Grapple attempt [10]+4=14 to Zrok
Round 1
Crawdad (outside, approaching) you'll arrive round 4.
Zrock Please roll either a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to oppose the Grapple.
Gaspar (Nose man)
Sheila (blonde)
Neeno (orc)
Umbril @Neurotic


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Umbril steps on the chair, over the table and rocks on the chair on the other side attempting a disarm of the pirate and the woman in a flurry of quick swings.

Move: S --> S --> SW (assuming difficult terrain)
Action: neurotic: D20 + 6#umbril disarm vs gaspar → 13(7 + 6)#Umbril disarm vs Gaspar contested with his Acrobatics or Athletics

Free interact: flick the weapon away

Bonus offhand: neurotic: D20 + 6#umbril disarm nr 2 → 21(15 + 6)#Umbril disarm nr 2
- going against Gaspar again if the first didn't succeed, against the woman otherwise


The large Orc grabs Zrok and hoists him off the floor.
Umbril deftly step up, over and onto the chairs and attempts to disarm the large man but he hold onto his weapon

Sheils tough but fair. I sincerely believe that, if we tell her what's going on and that the Jade Lion is involved, she will go and the reward will be a bonus. It's fairly common knowledge that she and the captain of the Lion were at least interested in each other.
15 and 21 on the contested athletics checks.
Round 2
Crawdad (outside, approaching) you'll arrive round 4.
Zrock @gnarlygninja
Gaspar (Nose man)
Sheila (blonde)
Neeno (orc)

Voidrunner's Codex

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