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Relic Hunters in Tekumel (IC)


First Post
Bella steps off the boat, with her helm tucked under her arm. She greets James with a warm smile of what old friends deserve. She doesn't say much when the conversation of recent events takes place, but she listens intently. Once they reach their destination she scowls at all the fabrics.

Bella of course could be a trophy wife, she is beautiful just like her three friends, even though they rarely took the time to get dolled up.

"You know I'm not the type to get all dressed up for a fancy occasion, hell I can't remember the last time I was out of this armor!"

She laughs and knocks on the breast plate.

"But if you insist we make an appearance I'll oblige. Although to be truthful I have no idea what I should wear. Angie what do you think?"

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Queen of Everything
Angelina listens intently to her friends speaking, their ideas and needs very important to her. She ponders the riddle as she listens, it was always just a matter of fitting the pieces of the puzzle together to make things work the way she wanted them to.

Finally they were done speaking, and not one of them surprised her with their opinions.

She steps over to Bella and puts an arm around her shoulder. "What do I think? I think that Briony and Zep are going to go as adventurers, representing us in our usual rough and tumble work, you my friend will look gorgeous in a flowing Tsoylani gown and work their ambassador's, of course bolstered by James's diplomatic connections and help. And I," she sighs, "I will take one for the team and stuff my !$%# in one of those horrid corsets. And if I have to have my assets on display for everyone to see, I will certainly use them to charm Lord North and anyone else who gets in our way."

She strides over to bolts of fabric, pulling out an emerald green silk. She holds it in front of Bella. "I think this for you, unless our esteemed seamstresses think it's not the right color for the Tsoylani." Next she pulls a deep purple bolt and holds it to her chest, in front of the mirror. "Goes with this mop of hair, yes?" she grins.

She turns back to the group. "Elsbeth, you have your choice, you may dress however you see fit for whichever side you want to work. Though Bella may need some help with the Tsoylani negotiations. If it comes to that." She gives a little wave to one of the servants who begins pouring them all their beverages of choice, which for Angie is rum.

"I think we are all going to be clean, smell nice and NOT BE DRUNK," she deliberately looks to Briony as she chuckles, expecting groans in return. "AND be on our best behavior. We keep our eyes and ears open and we'll easily be able to profit off this little war."

The smile slowly drops off her face as she caresses the silk in her hand. "And we absolutely, positively, under no circumstances will let those scoundrels and ruffians steal another job from us. Whatever the cost."

The crooked grin quickly returns. "How's that?" she says, raising her glass to the girls then taking a large gulp of rum. "I think it means we're getting drunk tonight."


Zephia smiles and nods, still lounging against the wall. Zephia had every intention of working the party in another way - listening, watching, and gathering as much information as she could about potential employers, potential rivals, and everyone else in the room.

[section]Briony hopped off the chaise and strode to the bottle of rum. Kissing Ang on the lips quickly, Briony washed down that bit of sisterly affection with a swig of rum. Echoing Ang, Briony agreed, "Whatever the cost. Here's to us, and here's to them, and, well ... f--- them." Briony grinned at her ship mates and offered the bottle around. "Drink up. Trouble awaits, my lovelies."[/section]


First Post
"I think it would be nice to expand my wardrobe with Tsoylani fashion, and I do not mind helping Bella"

Elsbeth picks up some delicate fabric,

"I think this would look very nice."


First Post
Bella offers a quick nod, graciously accepting the fabric, which after feeling it she smiles,

"This fabric will be a nice change in comfort. And thank you Elsbeth, I will most certainly require it."

When the bottle of rum reaches her she takes a generous swig, making a face that looks like she bit into a lemon, then passes it around.

"It might be a long night playing diplomat, might as well make the best of it. Now where's that bath I was promised and have been waiting for?"

Deuce Traveler

You make your selections and are soon surrounded by the seamstresses, who busy themselves with you for the next few hours taking measurements, selecting various colors and comparing them against your skin, eyes and hair, and finally playing with an assortment of pins and gemstones. The women speak in fast Tsoylani, which you easily understand due to your time adventuring here, but they mostly talk to one another and only break this habit in order to request the occasional opinion of you. The hours are exhausting, but the women seem happy in their work and James is kind enough to bring fresh fruit and cool water and wine to help ease the efforts. Finally, the women are done for the evening, and you are free though exhausted. Soon you are bathed and changed into new clothes of the Realms.

The five of you stumble towards the House of the Fulfillment of Dreams where you are attended by the local family of owners. As you are a familiar presence here, you are soon led to a lone corner of the establishment and feted your preference of food, drink and shisha while two handsome musicians play a jade flute shaped as a serpent and a small pair of leather-covered drums. The evening passes too quickly, and your tiredness creeps up on you. All except for Briony, anyway. By the time the rest of the relic hunters were ready to turn in, she had already seen the curly reddish-brown head of hair on the tall, aggressive Rolfe peeking out from the crowd from across the room. They purposely bumped into each other twice, neither apologizing for the rude shoulder knocking into the other. Briony and Rolfe also started numerous loud arguments with other patrons at the bar, and by the time the other four friends of hers called it quits, it was still not clear on whether Briony and Rolfe would be on the same side of the upcoming bar brawl or on opposing sides. Whatever the case, a tab would be established by the proprietor and the damages put against her current credit. Briony came home much later; a slight limp to her gait and a satisfied smile upon her lips.

The next day was full of more insufferable preparation, not helped by the late hour that you had pulled yourselves out of bed and the dry mouths and blurry heads that came from your late night. Elsbeth, in particular, had to deal with the lectures of a certain impatient raven. The seamstresses worked once more on your dress and appearance. Finally, as it grew dark, you were ready.

Angelina wore a formal ball gown of the Realms, dark blue satin decorated with blue sequins and silver loops to connect the top of bodice, instead of the usual lace ties. A golden necklace with three sapphires showing with brilliance similar to her eyes, and a matching headpiece crowned her finely braided red hair. Peeking from her red hair could be seen two ovular golden earrings, also with sapphires. The dark gown seemed simple enough, but the material was of expensive sort that shimmered with the light. Underneath she cheated a bit, eschewing high heels for dark boots with heels and a knife tucked into each of them because you never know.

The thin, stubborn Zephia made a compromise with the seamstresses and gave them the hardest time, but in the end she went as a relic hunter in the Tsoylani style, mixing adventurer with local subaltern. The light-weight ceremonial armor she wore was of dark purple leather decorated with bright silver studs etched with Tsoylani lettering. She wore pantaloons of similar color, along with dyed, flat shoes. An off-duty, long collar draped from her neck with silhouettes depicting the ten kills she could best brag if approached by Tsoylani warriors who wanted to compare. Her hair was done up in a Realms-like bun held together by numerous pearls and two silver stilettos, which were also weapons more familiar in the Realms. Two short, thin blades were carried inside velvet-covered scabbards resting along a hip. Her scowl gave the message, “Do not touch.”

The taller and broader Briony was covered in blue and yellow cloth with a shiny sheen. Her breeches were bright blue along with her closed shoes (flat boots, actually, but covered in a way with the breeches to seem more Tsoylani in wear). A mostly-blue linen tunic and outer quilted vest were also made in a cut pattern that made it difficult to see where the breeches stopped and upper garments began. The vest was padded in a way to resemble light Tsoylani armor. Dark Tsoylani kohl decorated her eyes, and her hair was placed into tight cornrolls with turquoise and shell gemstones lined evenly throughout. She also wore a long off-duty collar depicting the ten kills she was most ready to vouch to others, and a copper Tsoylani axe hung from a silk belt at her side, brightened by the numerous opals etched into its surface. Walking next to Zephia, the two made an intimidating pair.

Bella dressed as Tsoyani nobility, with a green skirt that showed off part of her knees and down towards her ankles. She was also fitted with green, closed shoes with jade gemstones near the heels. A darker green snakeskin belt was easily fitted to her, but it was mostly obscured by the sleeveless over-tunic in the colors of green with golden stripes along the sides (and besides, she hid a set of brass knuckles there). The over-tunic was also decorated with ceremonial Tsoylani lettering depicting her family name and the first names of her immediate three generations of ancestors. A jade collar with golden wiring closely circled her neck and she wore a golden metal headdress over her braided hair, with the wiring enclosing at a center point six inches above the top of her head. The headdress itself had several small, green alexandrite gemstones embedded into it.

Lastly, Elsbeth was also dressed in the style of a Tsoylani priestess of a nature god. With the raven as her totem, the witch wore brown shoes and earthen-colored robes. The robes themselves were covered in dark yellow-colored thread to form Tsoylani script. Along her shoulders hung a brown wide belt with yellowed bits of bone stitched inside to give the appearance of birds. Over Elsbeth’s braided hair, ears, and eyes the witch wore a darkened copper half-mask that covered the upper front portion of her hair and was shaped to give her the appearance of a raven. Black feathers were also tied into the hair behind the mask, and she was given a copper-coated baton with a cord on the end tied to a bunch of black and purple bird feathers to carry as a sign of her office as a recognized priestess, though she planned to hand it off to Bella to use as a weapon in case of trouble. Her own animal companion looked at her with apparent approval.

The clothing feels comfortable enough to move in, with the looser Tsoylani clothing being the more comfortable. And all of you look appropriately able to make the intended impression.

OOC: Next update tomorrow.
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Zephia quickly quashed the twinge of jealousy that arose when she saw Elsbeth's attire. She looked amazing and Zephia found herself wishing she'd gone with something more formal. But, she shoved the feeling aside. She had her own way of dealing with events like this and she wasn't about to compromise now.

Trying not to sound sarcastic, she says to the group, "Well, don't we look fantastic."

Deuce Traveler

Your procession makes an impression even before it makes it to the red oak doors of the ambassador’s estate. The greeter is lost for words momentarily until he finally recovers and blurts out your names to the rest of the revelers at the gala. Citizens of the Realms stop their dancing, sipping of brandy, and mixing in order to stare just a bit longer. To the band’s credit, the soft music of violins and brass instruments never missed a beat. Zephia and Briony came into the hall first with their warrior outfits blending Realms weapons with Tsoylani style; the rogue with a look at the crowd daring someone to speak something crude while her taller companion could not resist a slight smirk playing upon her face as if enjoying a private joke. The people of the Realms shrunk from them upon their entry, but near the railing of the second floor could be seen several armed and decorated warriors of the Tsoylani delegation perk up and take their measure with studied looks. Angelina came in next, wearing her Realms ball gown designed to accentuate her femininity and walking gracefully and with slight, polite nods of recognition towards her fellow aristocrats. Because of her rough and tumble adventuring ways, some had forgotten about her noble background and that she could play games for wealth and position in a wide array of ways that humbled the less diversely skilled. The last two to enter were Bella and Elsbeth in their upper caste Tsoylani dress, the fighter with her back straight and dignified posture while the witch appeared alien and strange, and therefore even more mysterious than usual. Bella noticed a long look by two elderly noble Tsoylani standing near Lord North, while Elsbeth was given uncomfortable stares by a robed Tsoylani in a bronze skull mask.

The five relic hunters greeted people that they recognized as they skillfully navigated through the reception and weaved through the crowd towards the ambassador and his Tsoylani guests. It is the ambassador that moves to intercept them, however, and although the middle-aged man is all smiles you can see from his eyes that he is furious. ”Ah, Ms. Crawford! So nice to see you and your crew. Please, won’t you come and join me and some of your fellow danger seekers in my parlor?”

The ambassador guides the five of you through the crowd and into a side room with a large table partly surrounded by a half-circle couch. Waiting there are three familiar gentlemen in the strikingly handsome military-like outfits of Realms aristocrats: Handsome Jack, his best friend Rolfe, and their elder mentor Sid. The first two men nearly drop their jaws upon looking upon the women as they enter, but they quickly recover; Jack with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye while Rolfe has an entirely wolfish grin and looks ready to say something that only he’ll find witty. The third man looks critically at Bella, but old Sid had always been conflicted over his daughter’s decisions to follow his career and her choice of crew.

Quick greetings of various temperatures were passed, and then Lord North motioned to join him at the table. He sat at the center, while the two crews waited on either side. The ambassador chose to chastise the women in the parlor before getting unto business. ”I don’t know what in the hell you were thinking coming in that primitive get-up, but our goals here should be to show the natives that they would be better under the protection of our queen, not for our own people to go native on Realms territory…”

”Oh lighten up, man. Who cares what the ladies are wearing? Aren’t your hosts in the same clothes? I mean, an outfits just an outfit... oomph!” The impetuous Rolfe blurted out a rambling speech before being sharply nudged by Sid’s elbow. Rolfe and Briony were both hot-headed and constantly seeking heads to smash, but pick on one and the other would angrily respond. Despite the severe stress and tension between the two adventurers, they were also oddly the ones that would most quickly peacefully deescalate conflicts that grew too severe between the two teams.

The ambassador turned towards Handsome Jack and said, ”Monsieur La Tulipe, your friends outburst has reminded me of a decision I have made as of this morning. Since we lack better relations with the Empire of the Petal Throne, we have no need to support Tsoylanu in their current war. Starting immediately, I am forbidding all trade ships from leaving port with the intent to return to the Realms to trade in metal ore or any other material that can be used to support the Petal Throne’s war effort. That should stick it to the Emperor and his court until they finally give into our concessions.” Jack and Sid give Rolfe a sharp look, not knowing whether or not this was in fact already decided or whether Rolfe’s outburst gave the sensitive ambassador a reason to enact a measure he had only been pondering. The ambassador sighed and sat back, adding, ”Unfortunately, this lack of support means has given some in Tsoylanu worry that we might attempt trade with their enemies and because of this I am hard-pressed to show some support, else we might find ourselves kicked out of this part of Tekumel permanently. So, I am allowing for a new proposal and opportunity. Tsoylani representatives of the Emperor have found news of several relics of importance that might help their domestically or in their war. Unfortunately for them, they find their resources spread thin and cannot send skilled warriors of their own to recover these relics. My understanding is that they wish to hire relic hunters, and I have recommended your two parties as the most experienced and successful. I have been led to believe that you will be given resources and be allowed more freedom of movement through the country than what you have been used to in the past. I can say on behalf of our Queen, that any intelligence you can bring back on the deeper regions of Tekumel will be of value to us, and that our government can also reward you well. When our meeting here is complete, each of your parties is to meet with part of the present delegation and talk over the particulars.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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