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renau1g's Thunderspire Labyrinth


First Post
After swinging the door open and seeing the group of hobgoblins, Vio decides it would be best to stay out of the melee and take actions better suited to the revealing of new foes. He raises his arm and a blast of freezing air engulfs the hobs by the table, covering their skin and the floor under them in a layer of magically cold frost.

[sblock=ooc]Not sure if I am allowed to change from the cloud of daggers to icy terrain, sorry if I am not able.[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions]Surprise round: Standard Action: Icy terrain the hobs at the table. Target the area between the two hobs and still adjacient to the table. This will make the area for them to tread to get to us difficult terrain. 12 and 14 to hit reflex, (forgot to add the +2 for combat advantage, so it is 14 and 16 to hit reflex). 6 cold damage, knocked prone on a hit and the area is difficult terrain. Hob1 is first roll Hob2 is second roll. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1712533/

If I am hit by something, shield comes into play, +4 to AC and Reflex defense as an interrupt.[/sblock]

AC: 17
Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 19
HP: 34/34 Bloodied: 17
Surges: 7/day (0 used) Surge Value: 8
Basic Attack: Longsword: +4, 1d8-1
Action points: 1

Encounter Powers
Orb of imposition
Icy Terrain-Used
Fire Shroud
Fey Step
Shield(Current utility spell prepared)

Daily Powers
Sleep(current daily spell prepared)
Healing word
Magic item power [/sblock]

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First Post
Patresh moves into the room, sword and shield at the ready. Beware the caster, he says to the others. Yanwer, can you do anything about him? Knowing the danger, he ducks behind one of the casks, ready to attack the hobgoblin at the first opportunity.

[sblock=surprise round] Move Action: move to stand just south of the nearest cask, close to Hobgoblin 3, but out of Sargil's charging lane. :cool: [/sblock]


Yanwer glances at Patresh and then nods.

He guestures at the first hobgoblin, calling forth a dire radience to scoure it mercelessly.

[sblock=ooc]this is my third try to post, the lag at enworld is just brutal, everytime I try to get to my character sheet it forces me to log out.

edit: rolled. CRIT hob3 so 12 damage and 12 more if/when he approaches us.
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First Post
Yanwer guestures at the first hobgoblin, calling forth a dire radience to scoure it mercelessly.

After swinging the door open and seeing the group of hobgoblins, Vio decides it would be best to stay out of the melee and take actions better suited to the revealing of new foes. He raises his arm and a blast of freezing air engulfs the hobs by the table, covering their skin and the floor under them in a layer of magically cold frost. One of the hobgoblins slips on the icy terrain and falls to his back

Patresh moves into the room, sword and shield at the ready. He warns the others about the caster. Knowing the danger, he ducks behind one of the casks, ready to attack the hobgoblin at the first opportunity.

Wanting to get to higher ground so as to pick and choose his target... Saphalaxis rushes into the room and tries his best to scramble up the nearest keg, but the keg is too tall for the dragonborn to clamber on top of.

Sargil charges into the face of the nearest hobgoblin with a cry of "KORD!" as he swings his deadly sword at the overgrown goblin, but the blow glances off its armour.

H2 - Prone
H3 - Affected by Dire Radiance
Sargil - Granted Combat Advantage

Yanwer - 22* <- Current Init.
Hobby - 20
Warcaster - 18
Vio - 17
Patresh - 17*
Saph - 13*
Sargil - 6*
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Yawnwer slips through the doorway [move: w nw nw w]; his movement cloaks him in the darkness beyond the stars [gain:conceal] taking up position in the far corner.

He calls down the blind unseeing eyes to stare down at the warcaster [minor: curse Warcaster] and lets loose another gout of dire radience [10+1(curse)=11 DAM].

[sblock=Dire Radience and tactics]
If the warcaster moves closer he'll take another [11DAM].

I moved to the spot I did because
1. It meant the warcaster doesn't have cover (not that it mattered with a 19).
2. The DR'd hobo may be tempted to shift and attack me, and anyone else will provoke if they try to rush past our first rank

[sblock=temporary statblock]
HP 50; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 10;
17+2(conceal); Fortitude 18+2(conceal); Reflex 17+2(conceal); Will 18+2(conceal) [/sblock]


First Post
Yawnwer slips through the doorway, his movement cloaks him in the darkness beyond the stars taking up position in the far corner and lets loose another gout of dire radience

Warlock's Curse affects the closest target to the warlock that he can see, therefore the Warcaster can't be cursed...yet

The hobgoblins react with startling ferocity, one hobgoblin steps carefully through the icy terrain and draws his flail, its twirling head whistling in the air as he brings it down hard on Sargil, biting deep into his shoulder.

His comrade next to him attempts to add further injury to the dragonborn "You'll pay for that mistake weakling" he growls, but despite his bluster, Sargil easily sidesteps the erratic swing.

The prone hobgoblin stands up, looking at you with frustration in his eyes and moves over behind the table, flipping it on its side.

The final hobgoblin steps behind the casks, using them as cover.

The robed hobgoblin lifts his staff high and points it at Sargil. He feels a blast of force strike his chest, pushing him back away from his enemies and out the door. "Do you have any idea who you're messin' with here? Y'er interfering with somethin' that's none of your concern" the robed hobgoblin shouts.

**I can't attach an updated map... changes to the previous map are:

Yanwer moved into left corner of room, H1 moved next to H3, Sargil was pushed three squares back, H2 moved behind the table.

Sargil - H1 hit - 14 damage
Attack; Damage (1d20+7=26, 1d10+4=14)
Warcaster - 9 damage atk (vs. Fort); damage (1d20+7=20, 2d6+4=9)
Total = 23 damage

Yanwer - 22*
Hobby - 20
Warcaster - 18
Vio - 17 <- Current Init.
Patresh - 17*
Saph - 13*
Sargil - 6*


First Post
Not today! Your evil work here is done! Patresh says with pride and arrogance. Sargil, step up and show them how it's done, he prods his fellow dragonborn, punctuating his words with a vicious swing at the hobgoblin nearest him.

[sblock=ooc] Minor Action: Inspiring Word on Sargil
Move Action:
Standard Action: Warlord's Strike vs. hobgoblin 3, hits AC 14 for 13 damage On the off-chance that hits, it also provides a +4 bonus on damage rolls to all allies attacking Hobgoblin 3 UtEoNT. [/sblock]
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Lord Sessadore

Sargil staggers under the assault, and he can feel his blood starting to seep into the padding under his armor. The paladin mutters a curse under his breath, his eyes burning with vengeance. The words of Patresh encourage him to forge ahead with renewed resolve.[sblock=OOC]Sargil is bloodied. +1 to all attacks until he is no longer bloodied (Dragonborn Fury). I guess not... Thanks for the healing though, RC.[/sblock] [sblock=Stats]HP: 41/45 | Surges: 12/13 | AP: 1
AC 23 | F 18 | R 17 | W 17
Resist 5 fire, 5 necrotic, 5 poison

Holy Strike
Valiant Strike
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands 3/3

Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity
Piercing Smite
Arcing Smite

Paladin's Judgement
Martyr's Blessing

Lightning Bastard Sword[/sblock]
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First Post
Vio whispers words of arcane power. The area behind the hobgoblins begins to get warm. Flames lick at his pale lips and he fininshes his incantation with a great shout. Abruptly the area behind the goblinoids explodes with flame. Taking advantage of the distraction, Vio gestures gently with his hand. The mage hand that opened the door moves forward, to the keg. Vio nods his head and the hand grasps the tap, turning it, and the keg's contents start to spill to the floor, pooling under the feet of the hobgoblins. Hopefully that will make fighting a little more difficult for them, he thinks.

[sblock=Actions]Stand ground.Standard: Scorching burst H1 and H3. 11 to hit h1 26 to hit h3. 8 damage (fire). http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1718775/

Move action: Move mage hand to keg.
Minor: Have hand manipulate the tap to open it.Immediate: Use shield if I need to.[/sblock][sblock=Stats]AC: 17
Fort: 14 Ref: 14 Will: 19
HP: 34/34 Bloodied: 17Surges: 7/day (0 used) Surge Value: 8
Basic Attack: Longsword: +4, 1d8-1
Action points: 1
Encounter Powers
Orb of imposition
Icy Terrain-Used
Fire Shroud
Fey Step
Shield(Current utility spell prepared)
Daily Powers
Sleep(current daily spell prepared)
Healing word
Magic item power[/sblock]
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Lord Sessadore

Sargil rotates the shoulder hit by the hobgoblin, loosening up the tight muscles around the injury before charging back into his former position, shouting "Who are you calling weakling? Taste Kord's fury!" The golden paladin swings his bastard sword in a great sweeping arc, showing them the danger in ignoring him.
[sblock=Actions]Depending on Saph's actions. Hopefully it'll still make sense after Saph goes though.
Move Action: Move back to previous position (S of H3)
Standard Action: Arcing Smite on H1: 1d20+10=30 vs. AC (crit!), 1d10+6=16 damage + 2 lightning; on H3: 1d20+10=25 vs. AC, 1d10+6=14 damage, targets marked until the end of my next turn on a hit.
Minor Action: If Arcing Smite missed H3 (that would be very discouraging - >25 AC!), use minor action to Divine Challenge him.
If those both hit (I think they did) and Saph won't get caught in the blast, use dragon breath as well: H1: 1d20+8=24 vs. Ref; H3: 1d20+8=13 vs. Ref; 1d6+1=5 fire damage). Also, if the keg liquid looks flammable and that igniting it will make a big boom that could hurt us, he won't breathe fire on it ;)
If they're both marked by Arcing Smite but Saph would get caught in the dragon breath blast, Divine Challenge H3 anyway.[/sblock]
[sblock=Stats]HP: 41/45 | Surges: 12/13 | AP: 1
AC 23 | F 18 | R 17 | W 17
Resist 5 fire, 5 necrotic, 5 poison

Holy Strike
Valiant Strike
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands 3/3

Dragon Breath
Channel Divinity
Piercing Smite
Arcing Smite

Paladin's Judgement
Martyr's Blessing

Lightning Bastard Sword[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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