

Mod Squad
Staff member
I actually did so and sort of regret it. It was cleansing and good to have a fresh start but I would have been better served just signing out and then coming back later.

How about an indefinite suspension, something less irrevocable.

Sometimes folks find an enforced break useful. One option is a long, but definite suspension - we ban for a month, three months, six months, or whatever. The person has an enforced break.

Ideally, the break is long enough that they actually forget that the end of it is coming. We make it long enough that they get to change habits, do other things with the time they were spending here. Then, after the enforced break ends, when they think about it, they get to make a choice, based on where they are at the time.

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The EN World kitten
Given that EN World would absolutely be poorer without Snarf here, and that his account won't be deleted until Monday, I hope the mods are discussing ways to fix this, since it was one of their own that precipitated this unfortunate state of affairs. At the very least, a public apology might go a long way towards hopefully getting Snarf to change his mind.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)

You know, I wish folks would have a discussion with us before deciding on and announcing a nuclear option.

I'm well aware that how things unfold on this site can sometimes be, let's say, extremely frustrating. But it might have been good to try other things to manage that frustration short of this.
I've walked away from ENWorld several times since I joined back in 2007. There have been a couple of periods where the environment here was a bit too toxic for my tastes, and certain people were beginning to damage my blood pressure. Sure, 'sticks and stones' and all that, but when I start losing actual sleep over an internet chat forum I tell myself it's time for a break. I'll just log off and wander away for a couple of days/weeks/months, until both my attitude and the forum climate have improved to my liking. Then I'm back on my usual, clumsily-worded, snarky old B.S.

It hasn't happened in a while, though. I think the most recent time was back in 2018 or so, when people were trashing gaming streams (especially Critical Role) for being so popular, and folks were comparing it to adult filmmaking. Ugh. Before that, it was probably one of the many, many repeated, heated (rep-heated?) arguments over 4th Edition. I probably took three or four breaks from ENWorld over that topic, and I still won't play it to this day. Change always seems to bring out the worst in people.

In all cases, I've never taken the time to write out my cause for doing so. Which, in retrospect, isn't terribly helpful for the moderators and owners of the forum. In the future, I'll take the time to write out a quick "see you next week and here's why" email to the mods on my way out.

(Christ, have I really been here for 15-1/2 years?! My account is old enough to apply for a driving permit.)
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Given that EN World would absolutely be poorer without Snarf here, and that his account won't be deleted until Monday, I hope the mods are discussing ways to fix this, since it was one of their own that precipitated this unfortunate state of affairs. At the very least, a public apology might go a long way towards hopefully getting Snarf to change his mind.

With all respect, there is no one-sided "fix" here.

If this is the result of one moderator action, it is rather out of proportion, and there's darned little we can do about that.

If this is the result of longer term issues or frustrations, there's still nothing we can do if Snarf doesn't choose to come to us to discuss the matter.

That this thread exists suggests that Snarf doesn't want to talk, which is Snarf's prerogative.
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