

Victoria Rules
It is not. We don't publicly discuss individual moderator actions.
Which while understandable from one angle may, from another, be part of the problem.

Once in a while a mod action really is puzzling (my current example is what seems like a completely harmless thread here in Meta titled "Trades" was locked); in these cases the ability to publicly ask why it was done and get a public answer would be appreciated.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Which while understandable from one angle may, from another, be part of the problem.

Once in a while a mod action really is puzzling (my current example is what seems like a completely harmless thread here in Meta titled "Trades" was locked); in these cases the ability to publicly ask why it was done and get a public answer would be appreciated.
You can ask questions in meta. That’s what it’s for. In that case, the question was asked and answered.

But having mods forced to defend at length every single decision (because that’s what that would be) = not having mods. And a mod-free community is not the sort of community I’m interesting in hosting. There are plenty of places like that out there for those who want them. This ain’t one of them.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Which while understandable from one angle may, from another, be part of the problem.

Yes, well, perfection is denied us in this life. We make do with what we can.

Once in a while a mod action really is puzzling ... ; in these cases the ability to publicly ask why it was done and get a public answer would be appreciated.

Oh, we understand it would be appreciated. But it would be an unsustainable practice.


@Snarf Zagyg should ask for a one year ban, save up and just dump some big post on us at the one year mar
I bet there's phonebooks smaller than this post would be. Well not anymore, they don't make phonebooks. Hopefully this is a case of a bad day, misunderstanding, or we could've all handled the situation better, and it'll get worked out. If it's a case of all sides sticking to their stance, then sometimes it's better to just walk away.


Toxic people are part of D&D forums. I recently left an Italian famous forum (considering Italian standards for "famous" with respect to international forums :)). Few toxic people made funny people to move away and now they can speak within themselves. I don't want to see it also here (OK, here you need tons of toxic people to make all the nice people to leave, but in the Italian forum it started with few nice persons leaving). Just take a break or ignore toxic people, but stay here.
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Godspeed Snarf! Here's hoping you either decide to stay or return at some point in the future. You had great taste in film, if somewhat questionable taste in Italian pastry...


B/X Known World
Apologies, but not all red text is created equal. Mod actions, i.e. telling posters to stop breaking the rules is one thing, but snarking at posters in red text should not be covered by those same forum rules of no discussing mod actions. If any non-mod poster had told another to "go have a snickers" the mods would rightfully red text that post. Yet, in this case, it's a mod and done in red it's somehow above reproach. That's a bit much.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Apologies, but not all red text is created equal. Mod actions, i.e. telling posters to stop breaking the rules is one thing, but snarking at posters in red text should not be covered by those same forum rules of no discussing mod actions. If any non-mod poster had told another to "go have a snickers" the mods would rightfully red text that post.

We already noted that we do not, and will not, be discussing individual moderations in public. Please respect that - it is in the rules, you know. Those aren't in abeyance here.

Yet, in this case, it's a mod and done in red it's somehow above reproach.

Not really. We answer to Morrus, since he's the one who owns the place. If he doesn't like something we do, he tells us. If we ever did anything he felt was way out of line, I would expect him to boot us from the role.


As long as i get to be the frog
This seems as good a place as any to say this. One trend that I'm noticing more and I'm very pleased to see is mods red texting threads with a general warning to be nicer to each other first and then proceeding to mod more strictly after that. I don't know if this was planned or just coincidence or heck, maybe it always happened and I'm just now noticing, but it's a practice I think most of us likely appreciate. Obviously, this can't be a 100% all the time thing but I wanted to give props.


B/X Known World
We already noted that we do not, and will not, be discussing individual moderations in public. Please respect that - it is in the rules, you know. Those aren't in abeyance here.
Right. And that’s the problem. I’m not interested in talking about this mod enforcing the rules. I am curious about this mod breaking the rules. Telling a poster to “go get a snickers” is not something anyone else would get away with. We all know that. That’s a problem. The mods should not be above the rules.

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