D&D 5E Respect Mah Authoritah: Thoughts on DM and Player Authority in 5e


If this use of Find Familiar to let a pet steal baubles breaks your game, then I’d say you have an overly fragile game.
Maybe the reason Prof X was able to fund the Danger Room through so many Sentinel attacks, Shi'ar technology upgrades etc is because between every issue Kitty Pryde was using her phasing to rob bank vaults?

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Victoria Rules
If this use of Find Familiar to let a pet steal baubles breaks your game, then I’d say you have an overly fragile game.
Baubles? Baubles???!

You think I'm going to waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on mere baubles?

I mean, really. If it's small enough for a raccoon to pick up, it's mine. Your jewelery, your gems, your expensive incenses, your small-size magic items that you don't wear at home while sleeping, [edit to add] your scrolls, your important documents: all mine, soon enough. :)

I case the place during the day. Then at night when all the lights are out I saunter up to the wall and summon good ol' Rocket Raccoon to appear on the other side of said wall. Rocket scoops what goods he can carry, then I put him into the extradimensional pocket and re-summon him such that he appears at my feet. Unload him. Repeat this process until there's nothing of value left to take. Repeat each night at a different site until the hue and cry gets too great, then move on to the next town and start over.

Now in 5e this might not be so much of a concern as from what I gather there's precious little (by RAW) to spend your hard-earned money on; but in any other edition of the game being the wealthiest character in the party (and maybe in the whole damn kingdom!) by a factor of huge is going to throw in-party balance completely out the window. And that's where things get broken.

Voidrunner's Codex

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