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Resurrection City IV: Et In Arcadia Ego

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Possibly. But what do we know about Edward? What do we know about Sosostris? We know some things, but enough?"

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Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Longtree pages through the notebook. "Well, it seems John McCarthy may have been more involved than he let on. Even just reading the papers, my gut always told me not to trust that fellow entirely. Our man mentions some 'Casket of Ammut'. Do you think it's possible that we could use that somehow?" He thinks for a moment, brow furrowed. "Doctor," he says, "do you happen to have a telegraph about? Thank you." Longtree walks out to the machine. "I'm going to wire my men in London, and have them start hunting for our Mr. Langan. It seems as if he may be rather important to whatever nefarious plans they have. And," he pauses, waiting for confirmation. "Should I wire Skeats at the Thames Station and have his men check into this Sosostris' address in Limehouse?"

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Yes, I suppose that would be helpful now. I think I'm actually going to send a wire to a friend, too — might be able to help or, at least, offer advice."

Diggory heads off to wire Yeats the following:
E.I.E.C.E.T. dead by Sosostris STOP Sosostris fled STOP Situation greatly changed STOP Advice appreciated if possible STOP Wire in Avebury STOP Diggory

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
"Fine, then," says Longtree. "Nothing to do now but wait for our answers."

The next morning (if no one's got any particular actions for overnight)...
The day dawns clear and bright in Avebury, and you take small comfort in the realization that the world is unchanged and life goes on as normal despite the events of the previous evening. Diggory, the Baron, Hewitt and Longtree are staying at The Silbury, a small hotel in town. The room service man brings two telegrams with your breakfast. He hands one to Diggory and one to Longtree.

[sblock]Yeats has wired you the following:
Dawn's situation also changed STOP Westcott gone STOP Farr and myself believe Sosotris behind this STOP Will meet you in Avebury and explain
[/sblock]"Oho! Seems my boys got cracking on this early enough!" Longtree exclaims. His eyes betray disappointment, however. "They've found records of Langan, apparently, but..." he emits an audible sigh. "It seems that they could procure no documents except a birth registration. The others are sealed."

Sorry about the several-day absence... birthday weekends and probable girlfriends make Andrew D. Gable a dull boy. ;)
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Hmm. Things appear to have changed in London, too." Diggory hands the telegram to Walsingham, but doesn't elaborate further.

OOC: No worries, ADG. :)


First Post
Trevor raises an eyebrow at Inspector Longtree's statement. "Sealed by whom?" he asks. "I should think a murder investigation would be sufficient reason to get them open."

Kajamba Lion said:
"Hmm. Things appear to have changed in London, too." Diggory hands the telegram to Walsingham, but doesn't elaborate further.

OOC: No worries, ADG. :)

Perusing the telegram, Walsingham nods. "He doesn't say when he's arriving, but it sounds urgent. I presume he'll be on today's train." He hands the telegram back to Diggory and extracts his pocket-watch. "We've several hours before it arrives. Perhaps I'll go back and ask some questions at the fair. Someone may know something about Sosostris that they would be hesitant to share with police."

OOC: I was feeling bad about not posting, so no problem! :)

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Longtree nods. "Yes, Baron, one would think that. I'm sure I'm not overstepping any boundaries by saying that, to my knowledge, there would be only two sources that could completely block a police investigation, and those two would be either Parliament or the upper crust of the military. Either way, it seems your Langan might be a bit more than you realize."

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Blast. That does color things a bit." Diggory sips his tea. "I'm going to take a quick pass through town, see if I can find out anything, maybe hear some rumours or some such. Or, of course, if there's anything ye need me to be doing, Inspector, I'd be happy to assist."


First Post
Kajamba Lion said:
"Blast. That does color things a bit." Diggory sips his tea. "I'm going to take a quick pass through town, see if I can find out anything, maybe hear some rumours or some such. Or, of course, if there's anything ye need me to be doing, Inspector, I'd be happy to assist."

"Shall we split up, then," Trevor asks, "or both go into town, and both go to the fair? I suppose Harrington's long gone, so I don't suppose we're in too much danger."

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
"I'm certain you're right, Baron," Longtree says, "about Harrington being gone, I mean. Or at any rate, I certainly hope you are. But, and I think Diggory here might agree, we have to be cautious. Perhaps we should stick together for now."

Give me a two Gather Information checks, one for the fair and one for the town.

Voidrunner's Codex

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