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I can see retirement coming. It's only 3 years away. My income will not be the same but I will still be in a good position. We will stay at our house as long as possible. We don't see ourselves in a retirement home later on.

Buying new games will not be a priority. Luckily you can play RPGs forever using your imagination. Still, I've been garnishing my bookshelves with various RPGs and board games over the last 2 years. Maybe I'm buying too many games. I don't know...

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From a certain perspective, you only need the DMG, PH and MM to have a lifetime of fun.

the drive to buy more games, variety, newness, FOMO, that's just human foible.

I don't see retiring in my future. I'll work until I'm dead because the age of retirement and the bucket of cash needed keeps increasing.

The real worry is being able to keep working. Getting aged out happens.


I'm both looking forward to, and dreading retirement. It feels like I'll be Burgess Meredith's character in that episode of "The Twilight Zone; "But I had time now....." I can retire in almost exactly one year, with full pension, but until I do the math it feels like I'll just be able to exist and not really do anything.


As a semi-retired graphic designer, operating as a pro author/publisher/illustrator, I'm always creating my own gaming materials, so aside from the Core rules of whichever games I'm running/publishing for, at the time, I'll always create my own game content to play and/or sell. I'm technically not "retirement age" yet, being only 59, but I see no need to become an employee again (haven't been one for over 30 years, having always run my own companies). So I see myself operating some kind of business, likely in gaming for the rest of my life, or until I cannot do it anymore - I'd have to be dead for that to happen, though. If I'm alive, I must create - that's always been my purpose in life.

This is my last year. I have 48 years of RPG material built up (started in 1974). Money will be a bit tighter than it currently is (still not bad though), but my time to play will expand. That works out pretty well. I think we will be moving to the east coast to be closer to my oldest child. Just have to find the right group and I'm set at that point :D

Just relax and look at the positive side. Time has been the major restraint on my hobbies right now, and that changes next June.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I don't see retiring in my future. I'll work until I'm dead because the age of retirement and the bucket of cash needed keeps increasing.

I'm not particularly near retirement age, but my wife and I expect the same.


I am the mysterious professor.
I have 20 years before I reach what the government calls full retirement age. I don't even know if I'll make it that far. The odds are against me. I'm starting late in life preparing for it in case I do reach retirement age. I'll have to wait another 3 years after that before I get full benefits from Social Security. I'm putting money in savings and investing what I can in hopes of building a nest egg.


I am the mysterious professor.
I guess I could have made my post relevant to gaming. I have a metric butt ton of gaming stuff. Books, dice, minis, more than I'll possibly use. Yet, I keep adding to it.😛 I'm going to slow down on it, at least until I actually start gaming again. It's been a few years. I suppose I just like collecting.


I'm self-employed, and I've been saving towards my pension for the past 20 years. I'm hoping it will be enough to live comfortably, but sometimes that seems unlikely.

A few year ago I was hiking along the Portuguese coast, and one of the places where we overnighted was a complex of small units surrounding a central courtyard. At the time it struck me as the perfect retirement setup, assuming you can populate the other units with people you get along with properly (and who like playing D&D, obviously).


I'm semi-retired, sold a business back a while ago, still do consulting. It is ok, I don't have fancy tastes. Game wise I am doing my own thing so there is that, yet I still buy some stuff too. I kind of like business, so that looking at the empty booth spaces at gencon, I was like hmmm there is an opportunity here. Maybe, someday ...

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