Revisiting Old Modules


Spoiler alert for a near 30 year old module. There's a part of the adventure were the PCs run into a posergang called The Elvises. In Cyberpunk, a posergang is a violent criminal gang themed around imitating a celebrity eitehr fictional or real. In the original Cyberpunk 2020, there was a posergang of gay men and drag queens who all looked like members of the Brady Bunch. These folks are biosculpted (plastic surgery) to resemble the celebrity they're imitating. So the Elivses all look like Elvis.

Having just died 16 years earlier in 1978, Elvis' music was frequently played on the oldies stations, everyone knew what he looked like, and we were all familiar with the tabloids which used to run a lot of "Elvis is Really Alive" stories throughout the 1980s. But it's been 44 years since his death, I only hear Elvis on the radio around Christmas these days, and despite the recently released biopic, I just don't think Elvis is all that relevant today. i.e. It just doesn't resonate with us today like it did back then.

My solution? A posergang patterned after Justin Bieber called The Beliebers. And their leader is basically Kate Mckinnon playing Just Bieber.

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Well there are so many to mention from the past that i will leave only some of the ones "not licensed" just to enlarge the scope:

* All the modules from The Companions:
Suffice to say that TSR planned to re-edit all these modules in a single campaign under the AD&D brand

* All the Dimension Six modules for the high quality of contents:

* Single gems like Paul Vernon "Starstone" or Tom Moldvay "Seren Ironhand"

...apologies if i forgot to mention other wonderful products: there are too many to mention that it'd be impossible to have a complete list! The ones i mentioned are those that came immediately to my mind!

Starstone is my singular favourite adventure. Doable with 1st level starter pcs. Still have my original copy bought new from a shop!.

I own a lot of those Islandia modules ( which I have never read much never mind used).

UK2+3 also great


Small God of the Dozens
I have a low-key and occasional hobby of converting classic modules and flipping them on their head for Trophy Gold play. I only have one finished, but I'm working on a couple more. I took B2 and fast-forwarded a bunch of years and posited an undead invasion and siege, so the resulting module is a group of intrepid (foolhardy?) adventurers venturing into the Keep from the caves (where the survivors are huddled) and trying to reclaim the Keep from the leftover undead after the invasion moves on. I called it Deathkeep on the Borderlands, which may be too on the nose, but whatever.


This is a thread for running old modules and sharing about the experience. These can be old favorites, classics you've never tried before, or modules you are running purely to explore the history of the hobby.
Do you count adaptations?

In that case, I can nominate D2 and G2, adapted to 4e play.

And also my own takes on Annic Nova and Shadows, which are Double Adventure 1 for Classic Traveller.

My most recent experience running an old module more-or-less as it presents itself was a session of White Plume Mountain earlier this year. The heat induction tunnel with a posse of ghouls at its end is pretty vicious!

I have a low-key and occasional hobby of converting classic modules and flipping them on their head for Trophy Gold play. I only have one finished, but I'm working on a couple more...
I assume it might not be possible for legal reasons, but are you sharing the results anywhere?

Do you count adaptations?

In that case, I can nominate D2 and G2, adapted to 4e play.

And also my own takes on Annic Nova and Shadows, which are Double Adventure 1 for Classic Traveller.

My most recent experience running an old module more-or-less as it presents itself was a session of White Plume Mountain earlier this year. The heat induction tunnel with a posse of ghouls at its end is pretty vicious!

It is pretty open. Those look like good examples of what the thread was meant to cover. Any revisiting of old material from any system or setting is what I had in mind (and I think that should include adaptations, hacking, reboots, etc). The original Ravenloft module has been redone more than once and I think discussion of each take on the original is interesting for the purposes of this thread. I combined Feast of Goblyns from Ravenloft with 100 Bushels of Rye from Harn, and repurposed them for my own system, and might include a link to the blog entry I made on that.

Another one I remembered: using the Keep from B2 in my Burning Wheel game. I do have a fondness for the Keep, especially the cult priest pretending to be a good guy.

In later sessions the evil temple in the Caves got used, but as a strange temple in the catacombs beneath the city of Hardby.

I love taking modules and reworking them for different systems or adjusting them to fit a new setting or alternate adventure structure/style. It has been a while so I am fuzzy on the details but this, I believe, is the blog post describing the adventure I put together with 100 Bushels of Rye as the foundation (if I recall I brought in a lot of the core ideas and refit them to the setting). Then I am pretty sure this somehow led to the party going on an adventure that was a section taken from Feast of Goblyns (Cavern of the Undead Priestess portion I believe). This is the blog entry:

The Immortal Architect

Voidrunner's Codex

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