rewatching Lord of the Rings

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Had time yesterday to re-watch The Fellowship of the Ring. I am almost speechless at just how moving and how awesome this movie was. Peter Jackson truly created a World on Film that lives and breathes like no other. Will we ever see another movie whether from a franchise or original that even comes close?
I think one has to consider how much of this is the movie, and how much of this is oneself.

You can only experience a certain kind of magic for the first real time once. Not necessarily the very first time you experience something, but the first time it's revelatory for you. You can see this with MMORPGs particularly clearly, because they've been going for decades now, and people's revelatory experiences with them are all on different MMORPGs. But almost always people think it's because that specific MMORPG was extra-special and unique and was first MMORPG to really "do it right". For example, I've heard the same sort of "We'll never see a game like this again!" language applied to Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, Star Wars Galaxies, Dark Age of Camelot, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Final Fantasy 11, Final Fantasy 14, and even, astonishingly, Destiny 2 (yes 2 specifically). People wax lyrical about magical and amazing these games were as experiences, and how modern MMOs just can't match up, and how much things have gone downhill, and so on, and it's like, what is the actual commonality here? Because they can't all be magical in that way, especially as people who were blown away by EQ often see WoW as dumb and run of the mill, or people blown away by WoW see SWTOR as "not special" and so on. And if you talk to people about it, it becomes clear what the commonality actually is - it's the first MMO they really got into. Not necessarily the first they played - the first they really got into.

I think a slightly similar thing is happening with LotR. It's that magical not because the films are just that good (they're kind of a mess in some ways, especially the long versions), but because it's the perhaps first time we saw fantasy translated from book to screen so superbly, so unexpectedly, and just so brilliantly on so many levels (consistent tone, style/art design, music, seriousness, grasp of the material) that it blew people away, but probably just seems like "some film old people like" to a lot of people under 30 - but I suspect for many of them there's a run of MCU movies which have the same impact.

I do however share your feeling that I was lucky to be there when these first hit the cinema and absolutely blew me away.


You scurvy dog, you.

On my bucket list. One of these days ...

It's nit that exciting. There's one "large" city of 130k roughly equal to the rest of the province population wise.

Two large towns one of which is a tourist trap.

The really pretty parts are a 3 to 5 hour drive even though they're not that far as the crow flies.

Everyday life though our "averafe" beaches blow anything away I've seen online in say the UK.

Plenty of hiking trails, nature walks close by including two waterfalls in the city.


Going camping in two weeks for a week. Close to old hone town and school and scout camps. Forest hikes, river to swim in less than an hour away.

If you're after much in the way of nightlife and big events you're kinda screwed though.

Said tracks.



City in distance.

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
to me, the Music associated to the Movie is essential
even with low graphics a poor movie ( like perhaps Hokuto Kenshiro Fist of the North Star ) with wondrous music will provide great show;
... and ( but perhaps the ego whip while in theater, with marvelous landscape will last as a great movie ?? ) , well , I totally disliked ( sorry to break the mood ) what ?
err, the music!!!

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
It's nit that exciting. There's one "large" city of 130k roughly equal to the rest of the province population wise.

Two large towns one of which is a tourist trap.

The really pretty parts are a 3 to 5 hour drive even though they're not that far as the crow flies.

Everyday life though our "averafe" beaches blow anything away I've seen online in say the UK.

Plenty of hiking trails, nature walks close by including two waterfalls in the city.

View attachment 342368

Going camping in two weeks for a week. Close to old hone town and school and scout camps. Forest hikes, river to swim in less than an hour away.

If you're after much in the way of nightlife and big events you're kinda screwed though.

Said tracks.

View attachment 342370

View attachment 342372

City in distance.
Near Dunedin? Bucket list includes camping/backpacking aka tramping the length of NZ

Voidrunner's Codex

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