[RG] [D&D4E] Path of Enlightenment

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[sblock=Shen Rui, Human Warlord 2]

Initiative: +4
Senses: Perception +5
Alignment: Lawful good
Languages: Common

Str 18 (+4)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 14 (+2)

HP 30; Bloodied 15; Healing Surge 7 (8/day)
AC 16; Fort 18, Ref 15, Will 16
Speed 6
Action Points 1

Acrobatics +1, Arcana +2, Athletics +10t, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +8, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +2, Heal +5t, History +8 t, Insight +0, Intimidate +8 t, Nature +0, Perception +5 t, Religion +2, Stealth +1, Streetwise +2, Thievery +1
t = Trained Skill

  • Tactical Assault: Ally gains bonus to damage equal to your Int modifer
  • Power attack: can choose to trade -2 to attack for +2 (+3 for 2-handed) damage
  • Skill Training: add perception to train skill list
  • Innate martial arts: allows unarmed basic melee attack, see below. Also, +1 when attempting to grab.
  • Martial arts training: Treat your fists as weapons. Allows the use of weapon powers while unarmed.

Gun (staff)
Leather Armor
Standard Adventurer's Kit

Racial and class features:
  • Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, light shield, simple melee, military melee, simple ranged
  • Human Bonuses: One extra feat, one extra trained skill, one extra at-will power
  • Combat Leader: You and each all within 10 squares who can see and hear you
    gain a +2 power bonus to initiative.
  • Tactical Presence: When an ally you can see spends an action point to make an
    extra attack, the ally gains a bonus to the attack roll equal to one-half your Int modifer.
  • Inspiring Word: You can use this power 2x per encounter (1x per round). Close burst 5
    Target: you or one ally in burst
    Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hit points.

  • Viper's Strike:
    At Will
    Martial, Weapon
    Standard Action
    Target: one creature
    Attack: Str vs. AC
    Hit: 1[W] + str mod damage
    Effect: If the target shifts before the start of your next turn, it provokes an opporunity
    attack from an ally of your choice.

  • Wolf Pack Tactics:
    At Will
    Martial, Weapon
    Standard Action
    Target: one creature
    Special: Before you attack, you let one ally adjacent to either you or the target shifts
    1 square as a free action
    Attack: Strength vs. AC
    Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage

  • Commander's Strike
    At Will
    Martial, Weapon
    Standard Action
    Target: One Creature
    Attack: An ally of your choice makes a melee basic attack against the target
    Hit: Ally's basic attack damage + your Int modifier

  • Warlord's Favor
    Martial, Weapon
    Standard Action
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Strength vs. AC
    Hit: 2[W] + Strength Modifier damage. One ally within 5 squares of you gains
    a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.
    Tactical Presence: The bonus to attack rolls that you grant equals 1 + Int mod

  • Lead the Attack
    Martial, Weapon
    Standard Action
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Strength vs. AC
    Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage. Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally
    within 5 squares of you gain a power bonus to attack rolls against the target equal to 1 +
    Int modifier.
    Miss: Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally within 5 squares of you gain a
    +1 power bonus to attack rolls against the target.

  • Knight's Move
    Move Action, Ranged 10
    Target: One ally
    Effect: The target takes a move action as a free action.

  • Channeling Chi
    Any person related with martial arts learns to channel their chi, through meditation and training. Controlling this energy will allow the characters to make some feats out of ordinary. Channeling Chi will allow you to harm ghosts and spirits with your unarmed attack. If you attack living beings, you get a +1 force damage to your damage rolls. Channel Chi is an encounter power that you can use if you are not bloodied, since it requires great amount of concentration. It last a number or rounds equal to your wisdom score, or until you get bloodied. All martially trained PC get this free. Other characters added later could gain once trained in a martial style.

Basic Attacks:
Gun: +7 1d8+4 damage
Unarmed: +5 1d4+5 damage


First Post
Koryo of Tiger's Rest

Koryo of Tiger's Rest
Male Human Rogue 2

You think you know everything about me? Only fools know everything!
Lithe and lissom is a small man of about 35 years. He is dressed in light, wide-cut black clothes and black-and-white cotton-sole shoes. His long black hair, shot with first grey, is bound in a braid and he sports a fine, pencil-thin beard. His attentive black eyes rarely miss anything. He carries himself with disciplined grace. His wide clothes and belt could easily conceal shuriken and daggers.

[sblock=Background (w/spoilers)]
Koryo of Tiger’s Rest
Koryo, an orphan by birth and raised from his earliest days to serve the Black Veil, only had one true friend in life – Daejo. Both were brought up in the same orphanage. Koryo and Daejo, both known for mischief and clever tricks they played on the other kids, almost as soon as they could walk on their own, were noted for their behaviour by the imperial housemaster of the orphanage and subsequently marked for special training to serve the needs of the empire. Where most orphans, depending on their disposition, end up either in military or administrative services of the Great Empire, both Koryo and Daejo were tried and tested and eventually ascended to a hidden school and monastery in the distant Shadow Cloud Mountains. This hidden, nameless monastery schooled and trained children in the arts of subterfuge, espionage and assassination. Those who survived and prospered became spies and assassins of the Black Veil.

Though life at the school was hard, merciless at times and many children failed to complete their training, both Koryo and Daejo prospered, even excelled in the ways of the Black Veil. Their childhood friendship grew into youthful camaraderie and competitive companionship. In time, both were initiated into the secret order, taking up the secretive work of the assassin’s order.

Koryo, ever the more driven and ambitious of the two friends quickly rose in rank and reputation. Daejo, though equally skilled, eventually found love and purpose in the arms of a beautiful woman. Eventually they married and had a daughter named Areum (아름; "Beauty"). Dark fortune came upon the two friends when Mastermind Tien died and ‘Mask’ took over the order. Daejo, sensing the cruel streak of the new head assassin urged Koryo early on to part ways with the Black Veil. Koryo, denying the subtle early changes within the ways of the assassins order persuaded his friend – and his family – to stay. But ‘Mask’ was a man of cruel and fickle temper. In a nefarious scheme to rid the Black Veil of traitors and disloyal man, Daejo, having talked about disbanding the order once to often, was singled out to be assassinated. Black-clad figures descended upon the humble town-house where Daejo lived with his family, outside the Black Veil’s monastery. Daejo and Koryo, who came aware of the assassination at the last moment, fought off the assassins, but not before a poisoned throwing knife took the life Daejo’s beautiful young wife.

Before sunrise, Koryo, Daejo and Areum where gone and well out of sight of the city. They fled to the eastern islands, fighting pursuers and robbers all the way. But even though accusations where never spoken, the death of Daejo’s wife stood heavy between the two friends. Having persuaded Daejo and his family to stay, Koryo couldn’t help but feel responsibility for the women’s death by assassin’s poison. Eventually, the friends parted ways and Koryo settled in Tiger’s rest, where he lived, many years, in the solitude of the large islands lush forests, thinking, meditating, and contemplating.

Eventually, Koryo slowly grew back into a life of sorts, taking up businesses with the people of the island. Still, now in his middle ages, still lithe and muscular from the daily exercises of demanding martial art forms, he remains a withdrawn man, reluctant to engage with people for fear of harming them unintentionally.[/sblock][sblock=Abilities]
[U]Ability scores[/U]
Strength     : [B]15 (+2)[/B]     Hit points : [B]36[/B]
Constitution : [B]14 (+2)[/B]     Bloodied   : [B]18[/B] 
Dexterity    : [B]18 (+4) [/B]    Surges     : [B] 9[/B]
Intelligence : [B]10 [/B]         Surges/day : [B] 8[/B]     
Wisdom       : [B]12 (+1) [/B]    Initiative : [B]+4[/B]
Charisma     : [B]10 [/B]     

Armour class : [B]17 [/B]
Fortitude    : [B]14[/B] 
Reflex       : [B]18[/B] 
Will         : [B]13[/B]

Acrobatics (Dex): [B]+10 [/B] (trained)
Athletics  (Str): [B]+ 8 [/B] (trained)
Bluff      (Cha): [B]+ 7 [/B] (trained)
Perception (Wis): [B]+ 6 [/B] (trained, Bonus skill)
Stealth    (Dex): [B]+10 [/B] (trained)
Streetwise (Cha): [B]+ 7 [/B] (trained)
Thievery   (Dex): [B]+10 [/B] (trained)
Common, ??

Racial traits
Bonus at-Will power, Bonus feat, Bonus skill, Human Defense Bonus

Class features
Brutal scoundrel, first strike, rogue weapon talent, sneak attack (2d6 +2)

Action Surge, Toughness, Surprise Knockdown

Innate Martial Arts, Martial Arts Training, Channel Chi

Weapon Proficiency:
Dagger, hand crossbow, shuriken, sling, short sword

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal[/sblock][sblock=Powers]
Basic attack
Unarmed (Innate martial arts)
:bmelee: Attack: +6 vs. AC; Damage: 1d4 +2

:bmelee: Attack: +7 vs. AC; Damage: 1d4 +2

:ranged: Attack: +7 vs. AC; Damage: 1d6 + 4
Deft Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +9 vs. AC Damage: 1d4 +4

Riposte Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +9 vs. AC Damage: 1d4 +4
-- riposte if attacked next turn --

Piercing Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +9 vs. Reflex Damage: 1d4 +4
A needle-sharp point slips past armour into tender flesh

Channeling Chi (Training)
Channeling Chi will allow you to harm ghosts and spirits with your unarmed attack. If you attack living beings, you get a +1 force damage to your damage rolls. Channel Chi is an encounter power that you can use if you are not bloodied, since it requires great amount of concentration. It last a number or rounds equal to your wisdom score, or until you get bloodied

Dazing Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action, Attack: +9 vs. AC Damage: 1d4 +4
--- target dazed ---​
Blinding Barrage (Class)
:close: Standard Action; Attack: +9 vs. AC Damage: 2d6 +4
--- target is blinded until the end of next turn (half damage on miss) ---​
Great Leap (Class)
You leap a great distance without a running start


Lucky Leng

Human Fighter 3
Initiative: +2
Senses: Perception +2
Alignment: Lawful good
Languages: Common, ?

Str 18 (+4)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 10 (+0)

HP 43; Bloodied 18; Healing Surge 9 (12/day)
Defenses: AC 19; Fort 18, Ref 13, Will 13
(With stone palm stance: AC 21; Fort 18, Ref 15, Will 13)
Speed 5 (base 6, -1 armor)
Action Points 1

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +1, Athletics +10t, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +9t, Heal +7t, History +1, Insight +2, Intimidate +1, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +1, Stealth +2, Streetwise +6t, Thievery +2
t = Trained Skill

  • Human perseverance: +1 to saving throws
  • Improved Vigor: gain +1 extra temp HP from invigorating powers
  • Potent challenge: add con mod to opportunity attack damage.
  • Innate martial arts: allows unarmed basic melee attack, see below. Also, +1 when attempting to grab.
  • Martial arts training: Treat your fists as weapons. Allows the use of weapon powers while unarmed.

Cost   Weight   Item
 n/a   33       Adventurer's kit
 n/a   15       superior leather armor (+3 AC)
 n/a   12       gun (staff)
 n/a             Longsword
 n/a    ?        +1 Curseforged scale armor

Racial and class features:
  • Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale, light shield, heavy shield, simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, military ranged
  • Human Bonuses: One extra feat, one extra trained skill, one extra at-will power
  • Combat challenge: Can mark an enemy with attack. Marked enemy takes -2 to attacks that do not include you. When adjacent marked enemy shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include you, make a basic melee attack as an immediate interrupt.
  • Combat superiority: Add wisdom mod to opportunity attack rolls. If the OA was provoked by a move and hits, that enemy stops moving.
  • Fighter weapon talent: +1 to attack with 1-handed weapons

:bmelee: basic melee attack (longsword) (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.

:bmelee: basic melee attack (unarmed) (standard; at will, martial)
+8 vs AC; 1d4+4 damage.

:melee: Cleave (standard; at will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage and an adjacent enemy takes 4 damage.

:melee: Crushing Surge (standard; at-will, martial, weapon, invigorating)
+9 vs AC; Hit: 1d8+4 damage, and Leng gains 4 temp hp

:melee: Tide of Iron (standard; at-will, martial, weapon)
+9 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage, push the target 1 square and can shift into the previous space. Only available in Stone Palm stance.

:area: Sweeping Blow (standard; encounter, martial, weapon)
Each enemy in close burst 1 that I can see. +11 vs AC; 1d8+4

:melee: Shield Bash (standard; encounter, martial)
+7 vs. Reflex, 1d10+4 damage and you push the target 1 square and knock it prone. Special: can be used in place of a basic melee attack at the end of a charge. Only available in Stone Palm stance.

:melee: Comeback Strike (standard; daily, martial, weapon, reliable)
+9 vs AC; 2d8+4 damage and you can spend a healing surge

Pass forward (move; at will, personal)
Effect: Pick an adjacent enemy. Move up to your speed without provoking OAs from that enemy as long as you end your move adjacent to them.

Stone Palm (minor; encounter, martial, stance)
Effect: Your empty hand becomes as hard as stone and can be used like a shield. Gain +2 to AC and Reflex while in the stance.
Requirement: You must have an empty hand

Channel Chi (minor; encounter, martial)
Effect: Your unarmed attacks can damage spirits and ghosts. Also, your unarmed attacks against living creatures gain a +1 force bonus to damage.
Duration:12 rounds (equal to wisdom score)[/b]
Special:cannot be used when bloodied[/b]

Curseforged Armor (immediate reaction, daily)
Use when someone hits you with an attack. That enemy takes -2 to attack rolls (save ends). After the enemy saves, it takes -1 to attack rolls (save ends)


[sblock=Appearance]Lucky Leng is tall and bony, with callused hands and slighly lumpy features. He moves awkwardly and tends to duck his head a lot when speaking or entering buildings. He often has food stains down the front of his simple brown tunic.

[sblock=Background]Leng was not an athletic child. Tall and clumsy, he could never seem to control where his limbs went, and often slipped in puddles, tripped over stairs, crashed into doors, or simply found himself prone for no reason at all. But for some reason, he never seemed to hurt himself badly in his misadventures, and he always got up with a smile. Master Jiem was always patient with his clumsiness, treating it as a passing annoyance rather than a crippling disability for a warrior. It was he who first called the boy Lucky Leng, since he never seemed to hurt himself.

Leng in turn idolized Master Jiem, who not only treated him as a young warrior rather than an incompetent, but also let him eat as much food as he wanted. Which was quite a lot; Leng never could seem to eat enough to fill himself properly. Even when he stuffed himself, he would be hungry again a short while later.

Leng continued to practice the old man's lessons slowly and carefully, which was the only way he could perform the exercises without toppling over or tangling himself up in the training weapons. Other children mocked his slowness, his clumsiness and his near-insatiable appetite, and occasionally beat him when neither Jiem nor (insert other character's name here) were around, but his body was toughened by his frequent accidents, and he never saw any reason to complain of the small scrapes and bruises from the beatings.

Not everyone in town was unkind to Leng, though. Mei Fu, the baker's daughter, always had a smile for the tall boy, and often left out a bag of scraps for him to find. Jiang Wu, the wise old woman who served as the town's apothecary, often tried to get him to wear bandages and poultices for his minor injuries, though he usually lost them the first time he went swimming in the island's lagoon. And, of course, there was (insert other character here). He was like a brother to Leng, always watching out for the younger boy and defending him from the meaner children. Most thought it was because they were both orphans, abandoned as babies on Master Jiem's doorstep, but Leng sometimes fancied that somehow, they would turn out to be brothers in truth, abandoned by the same mother. He never mentioned this, since the two boys looked nothing alike, and he did not want his secret hopes to be mocked. (Obviously, all of this is subject to the approval of the other player.)

Master Jiem's foresight and Leng's patience were rewarded when, as Leng neared manhood, his body's strength finally caught up with his height. Suddenly, all of the exercises that he had laboriously practiced for all those years took root. His movements became quick and strong, and because of all his slow, careful practice, his body naturally knew what to do even in the thick of a fight. Almost overnight, or so it seemed to him, he went from being a slow, awkward boy to a powerful man and one of Master Jiem's best students.

Leng has not quite adjusted yet to his newfound competence. He still thinks of himself as a clumsy boy, and hasn't really noticed that no one seems to want to try him in a fight any more. He has no real thoughts of the future, except to the extent that he has started spending more time with Mei Fu, much to the amusement of (other character).
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First Post
[sblock=Wang Chi, human paladin]
Name: Wang Chi
Male Human Paladin Lvl 2
Alignment: Lawful Good
Religion: Way of the Sword
Medium Humanoid, 5’10" tall, 154#, 23 yrs old
Black hair, Brown eyes

Speaks Common, languagename

Ability Scores (25 Points)

Str: 17 (+3) 7 pts (+racial Bonus)
Con: 14 (+2) 5 pts
Dex: 13 (+1) 3 pts
Int: 10 (+0) 2 pts
Wis: 13 (+1) 3 pts
Cha: 14 (+2) 5 pts

Basic Combat Stats

Hit Points: 40
Bloodied: 20
Healing Surge: 12/day
HP/Surge: 10

Initiative: +2
Speed: 6 squares (5 in armor)
Action Points: 1


AC: 16
Fort: 16
Ref: 14
Will: 15


+7 Melee, Unarmed, 1d4+3 damage
+7 Melee, Jian , 1d8+4 damage


Athletics +9
Diplomacy +8
Endurance +7
Heal +7
Insight +7
Religion +5

Racial Traits and Power
+1 to fort, ref, will defenses
Bonus power, feat, skill

At Will Powers

Bolstering Strike: Weapon, Standard Action
Holy Strike: Weapon, Radiant, Standard Action
Valiant Strike: Weapon, Standard Action

Encounter Powers

Radiant Smite: Weapon, Radiant, Standard Action

Daily Powers

Paladin’s Judgment: Healing, Weapon, Standard Action

Utility Powers

Martyr’s Blessing: Daily, Divine, Immediate Interrupt

Other Class Features

Divine Challenge: At Will, Radiant, Minor Action
Lay on Hands: At Will (1/day), Healing, Minor Action
Channel Divinity: Encounter, Minor Action
+1 to attack and mark target with one-handed weapons 1/encounter


Student of The Sword
Weapon Focus: Heavy Blades


Innate Martial Arts
Channeling Chi


Shin Wen Kia (Chainmail Armor - worn, 40#)

Jian (Longsword - belt left, 4#)
Dagger (belt right, 1#)
Belt Pouch (belt, 0.5#)
Quiang (Longspear - carried, 9#)

Crossbow (left back, 4#)
Quiver/20 bolts (right back, 2#)
Backpack (center back, 2#)
Bedroll (below backpack, 5#)

Holy Symbol (neck, 1#)

Waterskin- water (backpack, 4#)
5 Torches (backpack, 5#)
Flint & Steel (backpack)
Trail Rations- 10 days (backpack, 10#)
4 healing potions

Coins- 41gp, 5sp, 0cp (pouch)


Wang Chi was born to an ancient family, with a history of distinguished service to the empire. Many philosophers, poets, and generals have been numbered among his ancestors. As a child, Chi was a quick learner, and quickly mastered the basics of calligraphy and music. He wished, above all, to be a monk and philosopher, and attain enlightenment through meditation and learning. However, as the fifth son of his house, he was not deemed worthy of such. He was duty-bound to join the Imperial Army. At first the sensitive, thoughtful lad was unhappy with this. But he soon discovered hidden reserves of strength, and the aptitude to lead others in battle. Although quiet, he was well-liked by his peers, as he never shirked hard work, and led by example, taking the hardest task for his own.
His greatest surprise was that as he spent hours in combat practice – whether unarmed, or with dao, gun, quiang, or jian (his preferred weapon) – he began to know himself better, and understand the teachings of the priests. To this end, he would practice far into the night, his heart soaring as he walked the path to enlightenment. For he knew that his skills could be used to defend as well as to harm, and it was thus he was meant to use them. He feels most fortunate to have trained with his master, who was once a disciple of Lu Ian Sin, the Dancing Sword.
Thus, at the age of 23 years he is an imperial officer, a title that invests him with honor and glory, and one that he carries with pride. But he has yet to know the greatness of his forebears, for how does catching a chicken thief compare to winning a battle against horse-nomads? He was assigned to the distant village of Iron Hill, a town built at the feet of the grey-picked Iron Mountains. The town itself is small and scattered, many of it’s inhabitants live of husbandry and mining in the mountains. As his master once said: “Where there is nothing to steal, there will be no crime, and people will live in the peace of the poor.” A blunt statement for an imperial officer, but truth, nonetheless. This town is more peaceful than the seven heavens themselves.

Appearance: Chi is of above-average height, and lean but solid. He is made of wiry muscle, and walks with a swordsman’s grace. Much stronger than he looks. He is clean shaven and keeps his hair short, in military manner. His handsome features are almost gentle, and his light brown eyes appear thoughtful. But in battle, he appears supremely focused, and his features turn grim. [/sblock]
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Ban Lu Human Cleric 3

[sblock=Ban Lu]Ability Scores
Str 12
Con 10
Dex 13
Int 12
Wis 18
Cha 13

Init +1; Vision normal; Perception +5
Languages Common (Ti Ian), Eastern Dialect (To Ian)
Size Medium 6’0 Tall, #200
Alignment Good

God of Light/Radiance? Golden Dragon?

AC 17; Fort 14; Ref 14; Will 20

Hit Points 32
Bloodied 16; Healing Surge 8; Surges/Day 7+0Con
Speed 6
Unarmed strike base +5 1d4+2

At-Will Prayers

Lance of Faith Cleric Attack 1
A brilliant ray of light sears your foe with golden radiance. Sparkles of light linger around the target, guiding your ally’s attack.
At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally you can see gains a +2 power bonus to his or her next attack roll against the target.
Increase damage to 2d8 + Wisdom modifier at 21st level.

Righteous Brand Cleric Attack 1
You smite your foe with your weapon and brand it with a ghostly, glowing symbol of your deity’s anger. By naming one of your allies when the symbol appears, you add divine power to that ally’s attacks against the branded foe.
At-Will ✦ Divine,Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and one ally within 5 squares of you gains a power bonus to melee attack rolls against the target equal to your Strength modifier until the end of your next turn.
Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength modifier at 21st level.

Sacred Flame Cleric Attack 1
Sacred light shines from above, searing a single enemy with its radiance while at the same time aiding an ally with its beneficent power.
At-Will ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and one ally you can see chooses either to gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + one-half your level or to make a saving throw.
Increase damage to 2d6 + Wisdom modifier at 21st level.

Encounter Prayers

Channeling Chi Martial Attack 1
Any person related with martial arts learns to channel their chi, through meditation and training. Controlling this energy will allow the characters to make some feats out of ordinary.
Encounter ✦ Martial
Minor Action Special Melee
Target: One Creature
Channeling Chi will allow you to harm ghosts and spirits with your unarmed attack. If you attack living beings, you get a +1 force damage to your damage rolls. Channel Chi is an encounter power that you can use if you are not bloodied, since it requires great amount of concentration. It last a number or rounds equal to your wisdom score, or until you get bloodied. All martially trained PC get this free, non-martial PC's must be trained later.

Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune Cleric Feature
In the face of peril, you hold true to your faith and receive a special boon.
Encounter ✦ Divine
Free Action Personal
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn.

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead Cleric Feature
You sear undead foes, push them back, and root them in place.
Encounter ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Close burst 2
(5 at 11th level, 8 at 21st level)
Target: Each undead creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and you push the target a number of squares equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Increase damage to 2d10 + Wisdom modifier at 5th level, 3d10 + Wisdom modifier at 11th level, 4d10 + Wisdom modifier at 15th level, 5d10 + Wisdom modifier at 21st level, and 6d10 + Wisdom modifier at 25th level.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is not pushed or immobilized.

Healing Word Cleric Feature
You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping to mend its wounds.
Encounter (Special) ✦ Divine, Healing

Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round. At 16th level, you can use this power three times per encounter.
Minor Action Close burst 5 (10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hit points.
Increase the amount of additional hit points regained to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 16th level, 5d6 at 21st level, and 6d6 at 26th level.

Healing Strike Cleric Attack 1
Divine radiance gleams from your weapon. When you smite your enemy, your deity bestows a minor blessing in the form of healing for you or one of your allies.
Encounter ✦ Divine, Healing, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier radiant damage, and the target is marked until the end of your next turn. In addition, you or one ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing surge.
Daily Prayers

Cascade of Light Cleric Attack 1
A burst of divine radiance sears your foe.
Daily ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and the target gains vulnerability 5 to all your attacks (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target gains no vulnerability.

Daunting Light Level 3
A burning column of light engulfs your foe. Its brilliance burns and hinders your foe’s defense for a short time.
Encounter ✦ Divine, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect: One ally you can see gains combat advantage against the target until the end of your next turn.

Utility Prayers

Shield of Faith Cleric Utility 2
A gleaming shield of divine energy appears over you, granting you and nearby allies protection against attacks.
Daily ✦ Divine
Standard Action Close burst 5
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: The targets gain a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter.
Cleric Class Features

Divine Leader
Implement Holy Symbol
Armor—Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chain
Weapons—Simple Melee, Simple Ranged
+2 Will defense
Ritual Caster
Channel Divinity--With the divine might you invoke you can wield special powers, such as turn undead and divine fortune.
Healer’s Lore--When you grant healing with one of your cleric powers that has the healing keyword, add your Wisdom modifier to the hit points the recipient regains.
Healing Word--Using the healing word power, clerics can grant their comrades additional resilience with nothing more than a short prayer.

Human Racial Traits
Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: One extra Class Skill
Bonus Feat: Human Perseverance, Innate Martial Arts, Martial Arts Training

Astral Fire +1 damage with fire or radiant power
Human Perseverance +1 to saves
Weapon Focus Unarmed strike +1 damage with unarmed strike attacks
Innate Martial Arts Unarmed strike attack +3 proficiency 1d4+str attack with a +1 to unarmed grab attempts
Martial Arts Training Use powers with Unarmed Strike


Skills Trained
Religion +7 (1/2 Level +5 Pro +1 Int)
Arcana +7 (1/2 Level +5 Pro +1 Int)
Heal +10 (1/2 Level +5 Pro +4 Wis)
Insight +10 (1/2 Level +5 Pro +4 Wis)
Diplomacy +7 (1/2 Level +5 Pro +1 Cha)

Skills Untrained
Athletics +2 (1/2 Level +1 Str)
Acrobatics, Stealth, Thievery +2 (1/2 Level +1 Dex)
Endurance +1 (1/2 Level +0 Con)
History +2 (1/2 Level +1 Int)
Nature, Perception +5 (1/2 Level +4 Wis)
Bluff, Intimidate, Streetwise +2 (1/2 Level +1 Cha)

Gear and Gold
Leather Armor 25 gp
Adventurer's Kit 23 gp
-flint and steel
-belt pouch
-Rations x10
-rope 50’ hempen
-sunrods x6
+1 Flameburst Gun Staff
Weapon: Any ranged
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 fire damage per plus
Power (Daily ✦ Fire): Minor Action. The next ranged basic
attack you make with this weapon before the end of your
turn becomes a burst 1 centered on the target. Use your
normal attack bonus for the basic attack, but against Reflex.
Instead of normal damage, each target hit takes ongoing
5 fire damage (save ends).

symbol of Shared Healing +2 level 7 2600 gp

Implement (Holy Symbol)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily + Healing): Free Action. Trigger: You use your second wind, or you use a power that allows you to spend a healing surge to regain hit points. Effect: One ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing surge.

And Curse forged armor +1 level 3 680 gp

Armor: Chain, Scale
Enhancement: AC
Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. You can use this power
when an enemy hits you with an attack. That enemy takes
a –2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). When the enemy
saves against the penalty, the enemy takes a –1 penalty to
attack rolls (save ends).
Level 13 or 18: –3 penalty.
Level 23 or 28: –4 penalty.
Crossbow 25 gp
Daggerx2 2 gp
Ritual book
-Make Whole
-Gentle Repose
-Endure Elements 100 gp

25 gp

Ban Lu was born under the signs of great turmoil. The local people were sure that his life would be filed with war, change and strife. This was enhanced by his eyes which were not exactly the same color and did not track exactly together. Even as a baby the green eye seemed to have an unnatural radiance and his penetrating stare was unnerving. His parents, simple people, did not feel they deserved such a special and blessed child. After considerable prayer with the ancestors they made a decision. At a young age they took little Ban to the monks of the yellow veil to learn and find his great destiny. There he became a warrior and mystic growing in both power and mystery.
The monks of the yellow veil are known by their compassion and and they will of teaching the common people about the ways of the gods. Your master, Kin Wu, was an old man, who Ban Lu quickly adopted as father. He thought Ban how to fight, how use a gun, and the most important thing: how to use the gift he had. The yellow veil monks are known by their skills in healing and their mystic powers related with it. As a young boy you manifested such powers.
One day, Glorious To, the emperor’s brother, and leader of the entire monastic order visited the temple where Ban lived. Ban was around 7 years old. Glorious To was wisdom’s personification despite his age. He was kind, honorable and fair in his words; he treated you and the others like his sons. His virtue was great, and he clearly had the god’s favor. He taught you all many things, and when he left he monastery, you were all wiser.
Kin Wu trained you in the use of your gift, and made you grow strong and mature wise and honorable. But Kin Wu’s time in the mortal realm was near it’s end. He died of old age, speaking his last words to you “My student… you made me proud… But I see a great destiny for you… far more relevant… You… you must go to the town of Dragon’s Gate, to the south… there you shall wait… you shall wait…” he expired after those enigmatic words.
The day after burying master Kin Wu you departed to the town of Dragon’s Gate, a seaside town, which economy based on the fishing activity and the taxes of the sea trading routes. You walked many days, meditating and contemplating the landscape in which you walked. You were well received in Dragon’s Gate, and provided guidance and healing to its inhabitants. He uses his gifts of healing to help the people, his aggressive teaching style to educate the youth and his often acid tongue to guide the village leaders to wisdom. Now in his mid-twenties, Ban Lu is well known for his firm hand and a stout Gun in dispensing education. The families for miles around send their most unruly children to learn wisdom from Ban Lu. Indeed merely the suggestion of such a course of education is now enough to lead many a disobedient child back to the path of enlightenment and respect for their elders.

Ban is a large man in both stature and girth no doubt due to his fondness for rice, especially rice that has been made into beer or wine. Hair dark hair tends to stand out from his head like a lion's mane, an effect enhanced by his long sideburns and scraggly whiskers along the line of his jaw and chin. He wears the azure and saffron robes of a holy man and is quick to quote the tenets of great thinkers. The passages he chooses are often obtuse and can only be understood after careful meditation and consideration which is no doubt a testament to his great wisdom and not his love of drink as has been suggested by some of his students.[/sblock]
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Walking Dad

First Post
Ziang Yu, Artficer 2

Name Ziang Yu Player: WD
Human Artificer XP ? Level 2
Initiative +1 Senses Normal Vision
Passive Insight 14; Passive Perception 17
HP 31; Bloodied 15; Surge Value 7; Surges Per-Day 9
AC 18; Fortitude 15; Reflex 16; Will 14
Speed 6
Alignment Unaligned
Languages ?

Str 13 Dex 11 Wis 12
Con 14 Int 18 Cha 10

Racial Abilities
Bonus At-Will Power; Bonus Feat; Bonus Skill; Human Defense Bonuses

Class Features
Arcane Replenishment, Healing Infusion, Ritual Casting, ritualbook

At-Will Powers
Thundering Armor (Range 10, ally +1 to AC eynt; sec attack one adj creature: +5 vs Fort / 1d6+4 thunder, push 1 sq)

Aggrevating Force (crossbow) (Range 15; +7 vs AC / 1d8+4 force; next attack of ally vs enemy gets +2 to hit)

Scorching Burst (burst 1 in 10; +5 vs Reflex / 1d6+4 fire)

Encounter Powers
Repair Object (Minor, Touch; repair 7 HP to object)

Spike Wire (crossbow) (burst 1 in 15; +7 vs fort / 1d8+4 force; +2 on damage rolls against target eynt)

Healing Infusion: Restorative Formula (Minor Cl Burst 5; can spend HS, heals 1d6 extra)

Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture (Minor Cl Burst 5; can spend HS to gain 3 THP)

Daily Powers
Caustic Rampart (Wall 5 in 10 sq; creatures in or next take 1d6+4 acid, difficult terrain, sustain minor)

Utility Powers
Restorative Infusion (Range 10, 20 THP, can give further as minor up to 5 sq)

Ritualist, Alchemy, Jack of All Trades

Arcane* +10
Diplomacy* +6
Heal* +7
Perception* +7
History* +10
Thievery* +6

Make Whole, Brew Potion

Standard adventurers pack (15gp), leather armor (25gp), crossbow (25gp), sling (1gp), 2 daggers (2gp), spear (5gp), ritualbook (class feature), Residium (15gp), 10 empty fasks (3gp), 20 sling bullets (1gp), 20 bolts (1gp), Recipes: (Alchemist's Fire, Tanglefoot Bag) (170gp), Tanglefootbag lev 2 (25gp)

13gp still to spend

Name: Ziang Yu
Class: Artificer




My name is Ziang Yu. I'm a scientist in the years that most call 'The Times of the Four Nations'. My mainsource of knowledge are old scrolls, written by ancienct alchemist. By now, I have collected three recipes: 'Blazing Oil', 'Draught of Life' and 'Grappling Tar'.
I finance my exporations by working for fancy nobles, lords, secret societies, crime lords, and the list is quite long. The things you make range from weapons to 'stamina' pills.

Everything was good, as I earned enough money to continue my researches. But then I took a contract with a noble to make a chair that propels itself forward. The nobleman’s father was too old to walk, and his temper didn’t allow anyone to carry him in a wheel chair.
The ignorable cretins hurried my work and objected more tests. I was only mildly surprised that the test-run ended with the nobleman’s father joining his ancestors. I the end, I got my test-dummy...

In the accompanying smoke and confusion I made my way far from the reach of the noble's revenge.
That's how I ended here.

And what is your story?

Proud and intelligent, shyness is not one of his flaws.
He is very inventive, but tends to repeat tactics, that sound 'good'.
("Perhaps it just was not enough blackpowder...")
In fights he prefers to use his arcane/alchemical formulas for ranged combat and to heal his companions.



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First Post
Male Human Warlock 2

Great are the mysteries of nature, and even greater is the mystery of man. Now, give me a hand with this bread
Judging by his height, Kaoru is clearly a man in his early twenties, but his carefully shaved and soft, almost baby-like face, and his usual merry smile make him look a lot younger. He carries long raven-black hair and his brown eyes. He wears simple white and green clothes.

[sblock=Background and personality]
Kaoru the Airhead
Kaoru was brought on the island as an infant, by the same man that murdered his family. That man was stopped, and sadly, killed by master Jiem. Since then, Kaoru was brought up by the master, but was not trained in martial arts, even if he showed some promise.

Some could say that he was raised as a spoiled child, since apparently he had no duties, but that doesn't happens for two reasons: first of all, he always offers help to whoever is willing to accept it, and thus you can often see him working with other people. Besides, he has assumed the habits of a contemplative, often engaging in deep reflections about the nature of world and mankind with master Jien.
The second reason for which he is not called "spoiler brat" is simply that fact that everyone likes him: his open personality and merry smile often bring laughter to the most worried of minds. Women of all ages adore him, male adults appreciate his willingness to help and his maturity and the other students love his company. Even his few rivals and envy-holders have to grudgingly admit that "you can't dislike the man". Because of that, he often gets favors that other don't even dare to ask: for example, the other students built him a house even when no one asked them to do it.

While everyone knows that Kaoru seems to be gifted with strange abilities, out of politeness no one speaks about it, and he doesn't display it. He is gifted with the ability to commune with ancient spirits of the nature, and from the he draws inspiration and powers. He has never used them, but sometimes he has dreamed about using them in battle, and these dreams unnerve him.

When not helping someone else, he increasingly spends his time studying, and is well versed in history, philosophy and religion.

Although very often other people cook for him in exchange for his help, he often cooks on his own, especially bread: he always makes a lot of bread and offers it to the students of his master, for a pleasant rest. Then, he challenges someone at the lying game, and while he is exceptionally good at lying, he is poor in spotting lies.

[U]Ability scores[/U]
Strength     : [B]10 (+0)[/B]     Hit points : [B]19[/B]
Constitution : [B]14 (+2)[/B]     Bloodied   : [B]9[/B] 
Dexterity    : [B]14 (+2) [/B]    Surges     : [B] 4[/B]
Intelligence : [B]14 (+2)[/B]         Surges/day : [B] 8[/B]     
Wisdom       : [B]11 (+0) [/B]    Initiative : [B]+0[/B]
Charisma     : [B]20 (+5)[/B]     

Armour class : [B]12 [/B]
Fortitude    : [B]14[/B] 
Reflex       : [B]15[/B] 
Will         : [B]13[/B]

Arcana (Int):     [B]+11 [/B] (trained)
Bluff (Cha):      [B]+11 [/B] (trained)
History (Int):    [B]+ 8 [/B] (trained)
Religion (Int):   [B]+ 8 [/B] (trained)
Streetwise (Cha): [B]+11 [/B] (trained)
Diplomacy (Cha):  [B]+11 [/B] (trained, Bonus skill)
Common, ??

Racial traits
Bonus at-Will power, Bonus feat, Bonus skill, Human Defense Bonus

Class features
Eldritch blast, Eldritch pact, Prime shot, Shadow walk, Warlock's curse

Ritual caster, Skill focus: arcana, Skill training: diplomacy

Innate martial training, Channel chi, Chi blast

Weapon Proficiency:

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal[/sblock][sblock=Powers]

:bmelee: Unarmed attack: +3 vs CA, 1d4 dmg[/COLOR]

:ranged:10 Eldritch blast: +5 vs Reflex, Hit: 1d10+5 dmg

:ranged:10 Eyebite: +5 vs Will, Hit: 1d6+5 psychic dmg, and invisible to the opponent until the start of my next turn.

:ranged:10 Witchfire: +5 vs Reflex, Hit: 2d6+5 fire damage, the target takes a -4 penalty to attacks until the end of my next turn.

:ranged:10 Curse of the dark dream: +5 vs Will, Hit: 3d8+5 psychic dmg and slide the target 3 squares. Sustain minor: slide the target one square, whether I hit or miss (save ends)

Beguiling tongue -I gain a +5 to the next Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate check that I make during this encounter.


First Post
Koryo of the Tiger's Rest, human ranger 3

Lithe and lissom is a small man of about 35 years. He is dressed in light, wide-cut black clothes and black-and-white cotton-sole shoes. His long black hair, shot with first grey, is bound in a braid and he sports a fine, pencil-thin beard. His attentive black eyes rarely miss anything. He carries himself with disciplined grace. His wide clothes and belt could easily conceal shuriken and daggers.

[sblock=background]Koryo of Tiger’s Rest
Koryo, an orphan by birth and raised from his earliest days to serve the Black Veil, only had one true friend in life – Daejo. Both were brought up in the same orphanage. Koryo and Daejo, both known for mischief and clever tricks they played on the other kids, almost as soon as they could walk on their own, were noted for their behaviour by the imperial housemaster of the orphanage and subsequently marked for special training to serve the needs of the empire. Where most orphans, depending on their disposition, end up either in military or administrative services of the Great Empire, both Koryo and Daejo were tried and tested and eventually ascended to a hidden school and monastery in the distant Shadow Cloud Mountains. This hidden, nameless monastery schooled and trained children in the arts of subterfuge, espionage and assassination. Those who survived and prospered became spies and assassins of the Black Veil.

Though life at the school was hard, merciless at times and many children failed to complete their training, both Koryo and Daejo prospered, even excelled in the ways of the Black Veil. Their childhood friendship grew into youthful camaraderie and competitive companionship. In time, both were initiated into the secret order, taking up the secretive work of the assassin’s order.

Koryo, ever the more driven and ambitious of the two friends quickly rose in rank and reputation. Daejo, though equally skilled, eventually found love and purpose in the arms of a beautiful woman. Eventually they married and had a son named Areum (아름; "Beauty"). Dark fortune came upon the two friends when Mastermind Tien died and ‘Mask’ took over the order. Daejo, sensing the cruel streak of the new head assassin urged Koryo early on to part ways with the Black Veil. Koryo, denying the subtle early changes within the ways of the assassins order persuaded his friend – and his family – to stay. But ‘Mask’ was a man of cruel and fickle temper. In a nefarious scheme to rid the Black Veil of traitors and disloyal man, Daejo, having talked about disbanding the order once to often, was singled out to be assassinated. Black-clad figures descended upon the humble town-house where Daejo lived with his family, outside the Black Veil’s monastery. Daejo and Koryo, who came aware of the assassination at the last moment, fought off the assassins, but not before a poisoned throwing knife took the life Daejo’s beautiful young wife.

Before sunrise, Koryo, Daejo and Areum where gone and well out of sight of the city. They fled to the eastern islands, fighting pursuers and robbers all the way. But even though accusations where never spoken, the death of Daejo’s wife stood heavy between the two friends. Having persuaded Daejo and his family to stay, Koryo couldn’t help but feel responsibility for the women’s death by assassin’s poison. Eventually, the friends parted ways and Koryo settled in Tiger’s rest, where he lived, many years, in the solitude of the large islands lush forests, thinking, meditating, and contemplating.

Eventually, Koryo slowly grew back into a life of sorts, taking up businesses with the people of the island. Still, now in his middle ages, still lithe and muscular from the daily exercises of demanding martial art forms, he remains a withdrawn man, reluctant to engage with people for fear of harming them unintentionally.

[sblock=stats]Koryo Human Ranger 3

Str 18 (+2 race)
Dex 15
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 10

AC: 15

Hp:39 Surge:9 Surges/d:7

Init: +3
Speed: 6
Senses:normal vision, Insight:13 Perception:18

Basic attacks: -Melee(scimitar) +8 vs AC, 1d8+5 dmg(high crit)
(dagger) +8 vs AC, 1d4+5 dmg
(unarmed attack) +8 vs AC, 1d4+4 dmg
-Ranged(dagger) +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 dmg

Skills (*trained; ):
Acrobatics°* +8
Arcana +1
Athletics*° +10
Bluff +1
Diplomacy +1
Dungeoneering +3
Endurance*° +7
Heal +3
History +1
Insight +3
Intimidate +1
Nature* +8
Perception* +8
Religion +1
Stealth* +8
Streetwise +1
Thievery +3

Feats (*bonus):
Action Surge*
Weapon Expertise (Heavy blades)
Weapon focus (heavy blades)

Racial features:
Bonus feat
Bonus trained skil
+1 to For,Ref,Will

Class Features:
Fighting style (two-weapon fighting)
Hunter's quarry
Prime shot

Innate Martial Arts, Martial Arts Training, Channel Chi

At will:
-Hit and run: melee,1w+str dmg, leaving threatened square after attack does not provoke opportunity attacks
-Twin strike: melee or ranged, two attacks, 1w dmg each
-Careful attack: melee or ranged, str or dex +2 vs AC, 1w dmg

-Two-fanged strike: melee or ranged, two attacks, 1w+str or dex dmg each, if both hit, +wis to dmg
-Unbalancing parry: immediate reaction, if enemy misses you in melee, shift him to square adjacent to you and gain combat advantage till end of your next turn
-Channel Chi: Channeling Chi will allow you to harm ghosts and spirits with your unarmed attack. If you attack living beings, you get a +1 force damage to your damage rolls. Channel Chi is an encounter power that you can use if you are not bloodied, since it requires great amount of concentration. It last a number or rounds equal to your wisdom score, or until you get bloodied
-Disrupting Strike: melee or ranged, immediate interrupt if you or ally is attacked, 1W+str or dex, and target takes penalty to attack roll for triggering attack of 3+Wis mod

-Jaws of the wolf: melee, two attacks, 2w+str dmg each; miss:half dmg

2 Daos (scimitar)
Leather armor
Black veil cape[/sblock]
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