Rich Baker Comments on the lack of FR products in the 1st Trimester 08 Catalogue


ruleslawyer said:
In fact, to really think about it, I'd prefer if NO future FR books had any new PrCs, playable races, feats, or magic items. Grand History of the Realms seems perfect... if it weren't already out there on the Web!

Comments at Candlekeep and on the WotC FR Boards tend to indicate that the published version of GHotR will be far superior to the web version.

The Swordsage

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The Sage

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Swordsage said:
Comments at Candlekeep and on the WotC FR Boards tend to indicate that the published version of GHotR will be far superior to the web version.

The Swordsage
The printed version of Grand History, is the result of countless hours of collaboration between Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood, Eric L. Boyd, George Krashos, and Tom Costa.

So you already have the PDF and want to know why you should purchase the sourcebook? There are too many goodies to list them all but I’ll mention some of the features that I find particularly compelling about the print version of the Grand History:-

• Fans of the creator races will find juicy new lore.
• Want to know more about the Sundering? Or what the planet looked like before this catastrophic event?
• Curious about the Crown Wars? Want to see the first official map of the elven nations which fought the 2nd and 4th crown wars?
• Dark elf fans will enjoy new lore on ancient Ilythiir and the Descent of the Drow.
• The lost empires of Jhaamdath and Imaskar are fleshed out further than in any previous sourcebook, including a fantastic map for each.
• Updated lore on Netheril, their enslavement of gnomes and the fate of General Matick.
• Fans of the lands beyond Faerûn will enjoy new lore on Katashaka (the ancient home of the Chultans), the rise of the Imaskar survivor states, and the formation of Shou Lung. Maztica and Anchorome are represented as well. Sorry no Osse.
• You want to read more about the Dark Three when they were mortals right? Or how the Tears of Selûne were formed?
• Dawn Cataclysm.
• Ed Greenwood's name is on the cover for a reason.

Ancient history is great and all but you’re wondering how the Grand History will help your campaign set in the present. How about a month by month break down of every major event from the Year of Wild Magic (1372 DR) through the Year of Risen Elfkin (1375 DR). Those of you that don’t read every novel can now use these events in your campaign if you so choose.


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The Sage said:
• Fans of the creator races will find juicy new lore.
• Want to know more about the Sundering? Or what the planet looked like before this catastrophic event?
• Curious about the Crown Wars? Want to see the first official map of the elven nations which fought the 2nd and 4th crown wars?
• Dark elf fans will enjoy new lore on ancient Ilythiir and the Descent of the Drow.
• The lost empires of Jhaamdath and Imaskar are fleshed out further than in any previous sourcebook, including a fantastic map for each.
• Updated lore on Netheril, their enslavement of gnomes and the fate of General Matick.
• Fans of the lands beyond Faerûn will enjoy new lore on Katashaka (the ancient home of the Chultans), the rise of the Imaskar survivor states, and the formation of Shou Lung. Maztica and Anchorome are represented as well. Sorry no Osse.
• You want to read more about the Dark Three when they were mortals right? Or how the Tears of Selûne were formed?
• Dawn Cataclysm.
• Ed Greenwood's name is on the cover for a reason.

Sounds good. Might be my first FR purchase since Races of FR.

The Sage

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Kae'Yoss said:
Wasn't there some kind of pledge never to detail that?
That mainly concerned Eric L Boyd's suggestion that the Dawn Cataclysm "happened outside the timestream and, thus, cannot be satisfyingly dated." Consequently, any particularly specific facts concerning the event would also be difficult for mortals to accurately determine.

I don't expect GHotR will go into too much detail about the Dawn Cataclysm itself, but it may just provide a number of new and surprising facts to keep us speculating for the next five or so years... :D

Mean Eyed Cat

The Sage said:
The printed version of Grand History, is the result of countless hours of collaboration between Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood, Eric L. Boyd, George Krashos, and Tom Costa.

So you already have the PDF and want to know why you should purchase the sourcebook? There are too many goodies to list them all but I’ll mention some of the features that I find particularly compelling about the print version of the Grand History:-

• Fans of the creator races will find juicy new lore.
• Want to know more about the Sundering? Or what the planet looked like before this catastrophic event?
• Curious about the Crown Wars? Want to see the first official map of the elven nations which fought the 2nd and 4th crown wars?
• Dark elf fans will enjoy new lore on ancient Ilythiir and the Descent of the Drow.
• The lost empires of Jhaamdath and Imaskar are fleshed out further than in any previous sourcebook, including a fantastic map for each.
• Updated lore on Netheril, their enslavement of gnomes and the fate of General Matick.
• Fans of the lands beyond Faerûn will enjoy new lore on Katashaka (the ancient home of the Chultans), the rise of the Imaskar survivor states, and the formation of Shou Lung. Maztica and Anchorome are represented as well. Sorry no Osse.
• You want to read more about the Dark Three when they were mortals right? Or how the Tears of Selûne were formed?
• Dawn Cataclysm.
• Ed Greenwood's name is on the cover for a reason.

Ancient history is great and all but you’re wondering how the Grand History will help your campaign set in the present. How about a month by month break down of every major event from the Year of Wild Magic (1372 DR) through the Year of Risen Elfkin (1375 DR). Those of you that don’t read every novel can now use these events in your campaign if you so choose.

Suddenly, September is too far away... <drool>



Maybe I will add Grand History of the Realms to my collection after all...

That's definitely more than what I expected in such a book.

The details on Jhaamdath, is Ed Bonny's material on the Imaskar Portal Lord, Monastic Servant of Auppenser, and the information on udoxias gonna be in there?


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Grand History does indeed look nice (Hell I liked the concept BEFORE Sagey revealed some/all).

But honestly I think I'm with rulesy and *gasp* Razz. We so need a Cold Lands book. ESPECIALLY if it will highlight Orcus' ascendancy among the powers thanks to him (perhaps) taking many chances to ensure his grip on that land.

The Sage

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Razz said:
The details on Jhaamdath, is Ed Bonny's material on the Imaskar Portal Lord, Monastic Servant of Auppenser, and the information on udoxias gonna be in there?
I'm not entirely sure. They've been freely available over at Candlekeep for nearly two years, so I doubt it.

I do know much of Ed's "Jhaamdath" timeline will see print in the Grand History however.

Voidrunner's Codex

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