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Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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OOC: Okay Selc, what do ya think? Do we get greedy and go look for a lair in hopes of some treasure? Or do we cut and run and get back to Orussus?

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OOC - I'm all about being greedy, but without the hunters to take all the hits we'd be in for some hurting if we run across another one. We could always try tracking it back and find out if there was only one living there, or a dozen, before we actually go inside the cave or whatever they live in.


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"It's a plan then. Lookspring and I shall backtrack the creature's trail some and see if we can discover it's lair. If it seems quiet and we see no other evidence of more creatures, then we will venture into the lair itself. If at any point we see another Hydra or bigger creature, we'll run for the village probably if we can't sneak away." Phoenix tells the huntmaster just so someone else knows what they are planning.


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Once Phoenix is ready, and he has seen to his own gear, Lookspring begins examining the trail that the hydra left as it chased the bear. He crouches low, sniffing at the ground and picking up broken twigs as he searches for clear sign. Once he has moved out of earshot of the hunting party, he turns to Phoenix and says, "It sounds like they've hunted hydra before, lets hope it managed to chow down on a few rich, pearl-carrying hunters! It's lair could be full of treasure!" He chuckles at the thought before turning back to the trail.

Search for hydra tracks (1d20+4=19)
Follow hydra tracks (1d20+9=23)


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Phoenix8008 said:
"It's a plan then. Lookspring and I shall backtrack the creature's trail some and see if we can discover it's lair. If it seems quiet and we see no other evidence of more creatures, then we will venture into the lair itself. If at any point we see another Hydra or bigger creature, we'll run for the village probably if we can't sneak away." Phoenix tells the huntmaster just so someone else knows what they are planning.

The hunter leader looks a bit worried but does not attempt to stop Phoenix and Lookspring. When you return to the village be sure to follow the exact path we took to get here. It is the only safe way through the tar fields. Be careful.

The trail is easy to find and follow...trees uprooted and large depressions in the ground make it difficult to miss.

ooc: what movement rate will you be travelling at? normal (moderately looking for danger), half speed (looking for danger), or faster not worrying about surroundings? Any actions? Will you be moving single file, side by side or any other formation? What weapons will you carry in hand?


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OOC: I think normal movement rate sounds good. Probably with Phoenix side by side with Lookspring doing the tracking. Phoenix spends the rounds needed first to regain her psionic focus in case she should need it. She will keep her mindblade activated so she won't have to spend time activating it later if needed.


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ooc - I'll let greed override my common sense and go with normal speed (I think I take a penalty to track for it, but not sure). Side by side sounds good, and I'll keep my bow out for now unless I need my handaxe to clear the trail.


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Tracking is very easy for Lookspring and Phoenix for that matter. (Imagine an elephant running through a tree farm (small trees at that)). The sounds of the forest surround you as you make your way through the fallen trees and undergrowth.

[sblock=Lookspring] After a while it seems a little too quiet, perhaps a warning of danger. Make spot check, listen check, and tracking. :uhoh: [/sblock]

[sblock=Phoenix] Lookspring slows a bit and begins looking about concentrating. You begin to nervously look around. Spot check roll and listen check needed.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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