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[Rogue's Gallery] Paths of Legend: The Azgundi Tournaments


First Post
This is the character reference for my D&D 3.5 Play-by-Post.

Stats for certain NPCs will be posted after all of the PCs are posted.
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Renaldo D'Argaussi

[sblock=Personal Info]

Swashbuckler 2. Human, Azgundian
Age. 16. . . Weight. 140lb. . . . .Height. 5' 6"
Skin. Olive. Hair. black wavey. . Eyes. Green
Languages:. Commen, Azgund

Str. . .10. ( 2 pts). +0. Level:. 2. Exp:. 1000
Dex. .16. (10 pts). +3. hp:.17
Con. .12. ( 4 pts). +1. BAB:. +2. Grap:. +2
Int. . 14. ( 6 pts). +2. Ac:. 16
Wis. ..14. ( 6 pts). +2. touch:.13
Chr. ..12 ( 4 pts) +2. flatfooted:.13


[b]armor:              max     arcane[/b]
Studded      [b]adj mag dex acp failure type wt  mv[/b]
Leather, Mwk. +3  --  +5   0     15%    Lt  2lb  30

Base AC: 16 (dex +3, armor +3)

touch ac: 13  

flat foot ac:  13


[b]weapons:    att  dam   crit    rng type[/b]
Rapier, Mwk  +6    1d6  18-20/X2  n/a   P
Dagger       +5    1d4  19-20/X2   10   P/S

[b]Two weapon fighting (Full round attack):[/b]

[b]weapons:    att  dam   crit    rng type[/b]
Rapier, Mwk  +4    1d6  18-20/X2  n/a   P
Dagger       +3    1d4  19-20/X2   10   P/S

Weapon Adjust ments:

Dex: +3; bab +2; rapier Mwk +1; 2 wpn fight -2

[b]Saves:   base abil mods  total[/b]
Fort:       +3    +1   --    +4
Reflex:     +0    +3   +1    +4
Will:       +0    +2   --    +2

Save Modifications: Reflex: +1 (Grace)

[sblock=special attacks]

As a standard action, you can try to mislead an opponent in melee combat so that he can’t dodge your next attack effectively. To feint, make a Bluff check opposed by a Sense Motive check by your target. The target may add his base attack bonus to this Sense Motive check. If your Bluff check result exceeds your target’s Sense Motive check result, the next melee attack you make against the target does not allow him to use his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). This attack must be made on or before your next turn. Feinting in this way against a nonhumanoid is difficult because it’s harder to read a strange creature’s body language; you take a –4 penalty. Against a creature of animal Intelligence (1 or 2), you take a –8 penalty. Against a nonintelligent creature, it’s impossible. Feinting in combat does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Feinting as a Move Action: With the Improved Feint feat, you can attempt a feint as a move action instead of as a standard action.

As a melee attack, you may attempt to disarm your opponent. If you do so with a weapon, you knock the opponent’s weapon out of his hands and to the ground. If you attempt the disarm while unarmed, you end up with the weapon in your hand. If you’re attempting to disarm a melee weapon, follow the steps outlined here. If the item you are attempting to disarm isn’t a melee weapon (for instance, a bow or a wand), the defender may still oppose you with an attack roll, but takes a penalty and can’t attempt to disarm you in return if your attempt fails.
Step 1: Attack of Opportunity
Step 2: Opposed Rolls.
Step Three: Consequences
See phb pp 155 for further details
Grabbing Items
You can use a disarm action to snatch an item worn by the target (such as a necklace or a pair of goggles). If you want to have the item in your hand, the disarm must be made as an unarmed attack. If the item is poorly secured or otherwise easy to snatch or cut away (such as a loose cloak or a brooch pinned to the front of a tunic), the attacker gets a +4 bonus. Unlike on a normal disarm attempt, failing the attempt doesn’t allow the defender to attempt to disarm you. This otherwise functions identically to a disarm attempt, as noted above. You can’t snatch an item that is well secured, such as a ring or bracelet, unless you have pinned the wearer (see Grapple). Even then, the defender gains a +4 bonus on his roll to resist the attempt.

Skills and Feats

[sblock=Skills and Feats]
Class: weapon Finesse (level 1)
H : Combat Expertise
CL1: Improved Feint
CL 3: ***improved Disarm***
CL 6:
CL 9:

Skills: 35 ranks
Balence: 5 ranks + 3 (dex) = +8
Bluff: 5 ranks+ 1 (cha) = +6
Climb: 3 ranks+ 0 (str) = +3
Craft: Wood Carving: 4 ranks+ 2 (int) = +6
Diplomacy: 2 ranks+ 1 (cha) +4 (Syn) = +7
Jump: 3 ranks+ 0 (str)+2 (syn) = +5
Profession:Guardsman: 4 ranks+ 2 (wis) = +6
Sense Motive: 5 ranks+ 2 (wis) = +7
Swim: 1 ranks+ 0 (str) = +1
Tumble: 5 ranks+ 3 (wis) = +8

Tumble: +2 on Jump
Bluff: +2 on diplomacy, disguise, Intmidate and
slight of hand
Sense Motive: +2 on diplomacy

item purchase notes
Studded Leather, mwk  175.00 gp   20.00 Lb   
Rapier, Mwk           320.00 gp    2.00 lb
Dagger x3               6.00 gp    3.00 lb
Guard's Uniform 
(courtesen's outfit)   30.00 gp    ---
Back Pack               2.00 gp    2.00 lb
flint/steel             1.00 gp    ---
Mirror, sm steel       10.00 gp    0.50 lb
Belt pouch X 2          2.00 gp    1.00 lb
Water Skins X 1         1.00 gp    4.00 lb
Sunrods X2              4.00 gp    2.00 lb
Tinder twigs X10       10.00 gp     --- 
Traveler's outfit       1.00 gp    5.00 lb
Potions of Healing    100.00 gp     ---
artisen's tools  5 gp  5 lb

   Totals:            667.00     44.5 lb

special items : 157 gp
 total: 819

Left over:  
  pp  50 gp  9 sp  10 cp

 Weight of: 7 lb on his person 

pouch 1: 25 gp, 9 sp, 10 cp
pouch 2:  25 gp

wearing: x.x lb

Special Items


entry fee into tournaments: 50 gp paid

Inside Pocket (Comp Scound) 2 each cost 2 gp

Flash Pellet (comp Adven) 1 each - disguised as pocket button on his left side of his uniform cost 50 gp

Hollow boot heel, right boot (comp scoun) cost 50 gp

healing 2 X 50 gp ea 00

Things left in quarters (emergency grab and go)
leather armor 10 gp
rapier 20 gp
Artisan’s outfit (first clothing)
Back Pack
Mirror, sm steel
Belt pouch X 1 (W/ 25 gp)
Water Skins X 1
Sunrods X1
Tinder twigs X5
Traveler's outfit
Potions of Healing X1


General discription

handsome, courtous and never shies at giving a pretty lady a smile from his very white teeth, this young lad is dressed in very well made attire of the colors of his lord's elite guard. His uniform is made with the same care as the lowest of courtesans, though his seems to be maticulousy kept. the hair on his head wouold seem tasseled but for the plumed hat that is worn. his hair is sholder length and cleaned daily. His mustache is thin, dark and still coming in so it looks as two short lengths at the corners of his mouth


Renaldo's family are wood carvers, and not of small skill. It was the contact with some of the uppercrust of azgund that sparked the fires of youthful imagination. Even though he was always playing 'swords and daggers' (read cops and robbers) he still spent time applieing himself to the family trade, sometimes on intricately carved wooden swords. He now spends his off time carving small figurines and gives them to the orphans on the street, the best ones as payment for information sometimes, it is not unusuall for him to spend a week on one figure. his favorite carvings are those of elite guards men in conquring poses.

[sblock=guard recruitment]

If there were the things Renaldo learned from his father, it was this:
1) you never bully children, visitors from other nations and Women

2) Street thugs were the worst bullies

3) defend those being bullied

so naturally, with those character traits in the young impressionable mind of a swordsman wannabe like our intrepid Renaldo, he was destined to find someone in distress. (read: bound to be found by trouble)

It started one sunny day, his recently acquired birthday present from his father, a rapier. nothing special about it. it wasn't even new ... used by another who had a special one made for himself and sold his old one. Must be a lucky blade as the former owner still lives. well, our over ambitions 14 year old Renaldo was walking with a couple of his childhood buddies when they happened uppon some street thugs in the process of mugging a lady and her enterouge, which included her son of about 8 years. That just was't going to fly for him. He broke from his friends and challenged openly the three thugs ... all three of them. The leader directed on of his lackeys to take care of the 'young whelp' and teach hi a lesson. a quick bluff by the thug and Renaldo was out cold.

All was not lost. his loud boisterous challenge alerted some guards who came to the scen as renaldo was collapsing to the ground. the gurads captured the thugs with out further incident, the lady was so intrigued by the brave youngster and had he and his buddies brought to the manner where ther were fend and renaldo was brought back to concesiousness. (Read: sapped for non lethel damage) This bold brave youngster could have good potential in the elite guards of the house. and thus his training started....
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First Post
Alaric the Alchemist, Azgundi Human Wizard


Appearance: Alaric is a young man of fairly average height and build, though a tad stocky with his broad shoulders and torso. He appears to have none of the muscle a farmer or other laborer would possess, but still looks like an active fellow, tanned by the sun and light on his feet. Well, except for the fact that he stoops a bit under the burden of his heavy backpack. Alaric has fairly average features and seems to be of pure Azgundi lineage, with fair skin, dark blue eyes, sandy blonde hair, and sideburns.

He lacks the grooming and posture of a highborn Azgundi, but appears reasonably clean and presentable. Alaric wears traveling clothes of brown and gray, and a many-pocketed black vest over his jerkin, with a leather cloak hanging from his shoulders for shelter against rain. A broad-rimmed hat shades his face from too much sun while he's on the road, adding to his lowborn appearance. Though not wealthy, Alaric at least appears to carry a decent number of supplies and materials in his pockets, backpack, and three belt pouches, as well as a dagger sheathed at his belt and a light crossbow that hangs behind his right shoulder. A map or scroll case is strapped to each of his thighs, and a few waterskins hang from the front of his vest. He's certainly well-prepared for traveling and the rigors of the road, though all that gear weighs him down and slows his stride.

[sblock=Stats]Alaric the Alchemist.........Male Azgundi Human, XP: 3,500
Strength..........10 (+0)......Character Level: 3, Wizard 3
Dexterity........14 (+2).......Medium-Size, Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. encumbered)
Constitution....14 (+2).......Initiative: +2, BAB: +1, Grapple: +1
Intelligence.....16 (+3).......Melee: +1, Ranged: +3 (or +4 point blank)
Wisdom.........12 (+1).......Total HP: 15, Current HP: 15, Nonlethal: 0
Charisma........12 (+1).......Fortitude: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +4

Normal AC: 12 (+2 Dex), Touch AC: 12, Flat-Footed AC: 10
Alignment: Neutral Good, Age 22, Birthdate 11/20/1128, Height 5'-9", Weight 143 lbs.
Tanned Caucasian Skin, Dark Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair & Sideburns

Dagger +1 melee for 1d4 damage
Magic dagger +2 melee for 1d4+1 damage
Dagger +3 ranged for 1d4 damage (10 ft. increment, 50 max)
Point blank dagger +4 ranged for 1d4+1 damage (10 ft. increment, 30 max)
Magic dagger +4 ranged for 1d4+1 damage (10 ft. increment, 50 max)
Point blank magic dagger +5 ranged for 1d4+2 damage (10 ft. increment, 30 max)

Crossbow +4 ranged for 1d8 damage (80 ft. increment, 800 max)
Point blank crossbow +5 ranged for 1d8+1 damage (30 ft. max)
Magic crossbow +5 ranged for 1d8+1 damage (80 ft. increment, 800 max)
Point blank magic crossbow +6 ranged for 1d8+2 damage (30 ft. max)

Acid arrow +3 ranged touch for 2d4 damage, 2d4 next round (400 ft. +40 ft./caster level)
Point blank acid arrow +4 ranged touch for 2d4+1 damage, 2d4 next round (400 ft. +40 ft./caster level)
Acid splash +3 ranged touch for 1d3 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank acid splash +4 ranged touch for 1d3+1 damage (25 to 30 ft.)
Ray of frost +3 ranged touch for 1d3 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank ray of frost +4 ranged touch for 1d3+1 damage (25 to 30 ft.)
Disrupt undead +3 ranged touch for 1d6 damage (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Point blank disrupt undead +4 ranged touch for 1d6+1 damage (25 to 30 ft.)
Touch of fatigue +1 melee touch for fatigue (fatigue lasts 1 round/caster level)

Languages (Literate): Azgundi, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven.
Proficiencies: Club, dagger, quarterstaff, light crossbow, heavy crossbow.
Level Progression Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (light crossbow).
Human Bonus Feat: Precise Shot.
Wizard Bonus Feat: Scribe Scroll.

Skills: Appraise +3/+6 (0 ranks, +3 Int, +3 within 1 mile of his familiar), Concentration +8 (6 ranks, +2 Con), Craft (alchemy) +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int), Craft (carpentry) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Craft (painting) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Craft (sculpture) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Decipher Script +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Heal +2 (1 rank cross-class, +1 Wis), Knowledge (arcana) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (architecture & engineering) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (geography) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (local - Azgund) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (nature) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int), Listen +1/+3 (0 ranks, +1 Wis, +2 within arm's reach of his familiar), Profession (cook) +3 (2 ranks, +1 Wis), Profession (herbalist) +2 (1 rank, +1 Wis), Spellcraft +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int), Spot +1/+3 (0 ranks, +1 Wis, +2 within arm's reach of his familiar), Survival +2 (1 rank cross-class, +1 Wis).

Racial Traits: Medium-size humanoid (human), base Speed 30 feet, bonus feat of choice, extra skill points, highest-level class is favored class.
Ability Score Development: 32 point buy, for base scores of 10 (2 pts), 14 (6 pts), 14 (6 pts), 16 (10 pts), 12 (4 pts), and 12 (4 pts).
Familiar: Has the ability to call a familiar at some point, involving a ritual that costs 100 gold pieces in expendable reagents. Called a crow, using raven stats, that he's named Demitri (Tiny Magical Beast, 7 hp, effectively 3 HD, Initiative +2, speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. with average maneuverability, AC 16, touch AC 14, flat-footed AC 14, BAB +1, Grapple -12, claws +5 melee for 1d2-5 damage, space 2-1/2 ft., reach 0 ft., low-light vision, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5, Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 6, Concentration +6, Craft: Alchemy +3, Craft: Carpentry -1, Craft: Painting -1, Craft: Sculpture -1, Decipher Script +0, Heal +3, Knowledge: Arcana +0, Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering +0, Knowledge: Dungeoneering +0, Knowledge: Geography +0, Knowledge: Local: Azgund +0, Knowledge: Nature -1, Listen +5, Profession: Cook +4, Spellcraft +0, Spot +7, Survival +3, Alertness, racial bonus feat: Weapon Finesse: claws, alignment: Neutral, Evasion and Improved Evasion, Share Spells within 5 feet, Empathic Link within 1 mile, Deliver Touch Spells, usually grants its master Alertness and +3 to Appraise as noted above in Skills, and it speaks Common).

Generalist Wizard Spells: Casts prepared arcane spells, caster level of 3, spellcasting is based on Intelligence, and needs a spellbook. 4 spell slots of 0-level, 2 spell slots of 1st-level, and 1 spell slot of 2nd-level, plus a bonus slot of 1st-level and 2nd-level from Intelligence.
0-Level Spells (save DC 13): Resistance (Abjur), Acid Splash (Conj), Detect Magic (Div), Detect Poison (Div), Read Magic (Div), Daze (Ench), Dancing Lights (Evoc), Flare (Evoc), Light (Evoc), Ray of Frost (Evoc), Ghost Sound (Illus), Disrupt Undead (Necro), Touch of Fatigue (Necro), Mage Hand (Trans), Mending (Trans), Message (Trans), Open/Close (Trans), Arcane Mark (Univ), Prestidigitation (Univ).
1st-Level Spells (save DC 14): Shield (Abjur), Mage Armor (Conj) "Seresthae Nif Miren", Burning Hands (Evoc) "Inathirae Cienu Sanetheir", Magic Missile (Evoc), Color Spray (Illus), Enlarge Person (Trans), Expeditious Retreat (Trans), Magic Weapon (Trans) "Temuril Nesai Aras".
2nd-Level Spells (save DC 15): Acid Arrow (Conj), See Invisibility (Div), Command Undead (Necro), Alter Self (Trans), Bull's Strength (Trans).
Prepared Spells (civilized towns): Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Prestidigitation, Color Spray, Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Bull's Strength.
Prepared Spells (short travel): Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Light, Prestidigitation, Burning Hands, Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor, See Invisibility, Alter Self.
Prepared Spells (typical adventuring): Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Disrupt Undead, Disrupt Undead, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Acid Arrow, Command Undead.

Possessions: Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb.), Dart (5 sp, 1/2 lb.), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lbs.), 28 Bolts (3 gp, 3 lbs.), 2 Acid Flasks (20 gp, 2 lbs.), 2 Alchemist's Fire Flasks (40 gp, 2 lbs.), 2 Tanglefoot Bags (100 gp, 8 lbs.), Scroll of Magic Missile (25 gp, 0 lbs., 1st-level caster), Scroll of Magic Weapon (25 gp, 0 lbs., 1st-level caster), Scroll of Shield (75 gp, 0 lbs., 3rd-level caster), Spellbook (free starting spellbook, 49/100 pages used, 3 lbs.), Spell Component Pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs.), Scholar's Outfit (free starting outfit, 6 lbs.), Traveler's Outfit (1 gp, 5 lbs., worn outfit doesn't count towards his encumbrance), Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs., holds scholar's outfit, spellbook, artisan's tools, trail rations, and 1 waterskin), 2 Belt Pouches (2 gp, 1 lb., one holds coins, antitoxins, potions, chalk, and tindertwig, other holds inkpen, ink vial, flint, steel, and soap), 2 Scroll Cases (2 gp, 1 lb., one holds parchment), Full Ink Vial (8 gp, 0 lbs.), Inkpen (1 sp, 0 lbs.), 5 Parchment Sheets (1 gp, 0 lbs.), Artisan's Tools - Alchemy (5 gp, 5 lbs.), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.), Soap (5 sp, 1 lb.), Chalk (1 cp, 0 lbs.), Flint & Steel (1 gp, 0 lbs.), Tindertwig (1 gp, 0 lbs.), Sunrod (2 gp, 1 lb.), 4 Trail Rations (2 gp, 4 lbs.), 4 Waterskins (4 gp, 16 lbs.), 2 Antitoxin Vials (100 gp, 0 lbs.), 5 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (250 gp, 0 lbs., 1st-level caster).

Wealth: 16 gp, 16 sp, 10 cp.........Current Load: 56-1/2 lbs. (medium)
Light Load: 33 lbs. max...Medium Load: 66 lbs. max...Heavy Load: 100 lbs. max
Lift High: 100 lbs. max...Lift Off Ground: 200 lbs. max...Push/Drag: 500 lbs. max
Medium Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, +3 max Dex to AC, -3 check penalty.
Heavy Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, x3 run, +1 max Dex to AC, -6 check penalty.[/sblock]

[sblock=Description]Personality: Alaric has a mischevious, curious personality tempered only slightly by his patience and scholastic interest. He can spend days focused in study of some interesting or challenging subject, but once he gets bored with it or finishes, he is quickly drawn to exploring his surroundings and looking for opportunities to do mischief. He loves to discover new things or master a complicated concept, and can see the 'big picture' of how each discovery and piece of lore will help him achieve greater things, find more important treasures, or grasp the workings behind a grander invention or magic spell.

Alaric knows he's rather smart and likes to show off once in a while, but it's not a common impulse for him, he'd rather put his wits to use in crafting something impressive just because he can. Art and craftsmanship are important to him as outlets for his creativity and curiousity, giving form to thoughts, which provoke further thoughts and new ideas from himself and others. Since he has a fondness for flashy displays and explosions, though nothing quite so drastic as pyromania, Alaric likes to learn and craft explosive devices, festive ornaments, and strange contraptions. The young man is driven almost entirely by curiousity, creative impulse, and a simple love of explosions and carnage. Fortunately he's rational and kind enough to temper the worst of these desires, and clever enough to put them to good use.

He owes his mild temperment and generous nature to his mother's stern discipline and his grandfather's lessons. He would probably be a lot more careless and destructive if not for them, but instead Alaric maintains some good will towards others. While he doesn't feel any particular desire to fight or harm others, Alaric has no difficulty working up the will to fight when he needs to, or when someone keeps getting in his way. He's more than happy to blow stuff up or shoot a target full of holes, though he'd rather not cause any permanent harm. A little roughing up doesn't bother him, and he doesn't flinch at the idea of playing a slightly dangerous prank. And he's understanding enough of the natural cycle of things, so he doesn't feel bad about hunting rabbits and other game for meals on the road. Overall, Alaric would rather do some good and be well-treated in kind, though his mischief may sour people's attitudes.

Background: Hailing from the Azgundi barony of Reislau, a young lad by the name of Alaric came to the Adventurer's Guild headquarters in the neighboring province at his parents' bidding, to study with one of the Guild's wizards and put his curiousity to good use as a scholar. Thankful to be rid of the boy and his endless questions, his silly redecorations of the house, his tomfoolery with the neighbors' kids, his random wandering in the woods, and his habit of dismantling household items to make toys.....Alaric's parents used their savings to send the 12-year-old away, for an 8-year study in wizardry and scholastic matters.

The lad stayed with distant relatives in the city, doing a few odd-jobs and helping around the house, to try and earn some coppers for snacks and general hijinks. Alaric did a fair amount of maturing while in the strict environment of his great-uncle's home and in the workshop of his teacher Entan, but didn't lose all of his childish impulses despite this. He still spent his days without classes running around in nearby woodlands and playing games, going on hikes through the hill country, or tinkering with random stuff in the city to make his amateur artwork. When he wasn't fooling around outside, Alaric wandered the city and pestered or observed local artisans and apothecaries going about their business, ever curious.

Even with these wanderings and games, Alaric never really got frustrated with his wizardly schooling or suffered any setbacks during his time with Master Entan. He always had a bright mind and, despite his mischevious tendencies, could easily become absorbed in any book of creative or practical lore. Learning to build things, tinker with mechanisms, improve artistic techniques, or mix ingredients into something flashy and strange always interested him. Alaric's obsession with tinkering, invention, and discovery was the whole reason his parents sent him off to the Adventurer's Guild, rather than just sending him anywhere else for their own peace.

The youth's talent for mathematics, working with his hands, and quick learning was a good indicator that he could be sent to work for someone else and make a fine living, if only he could stop being so annoying. It helped that he got the attention of an Azgundi wizard who passed through their town on business, and amused the elderly magician enough to prompt a brief discussion with the fellow. Alaric's parents figured it was a sign that maybe, just maybe, their boy could put his noggin to use learning wizardry and actually manage to get along with those bookish types. So it was that nearly a year later, after his 12th birthday, Alaric was sent off to the Guild. With his great-uncle Lamont convincing one of the Guild's wizards to give the lad a chance, Alaric tested into Master Entan's small group of apprentices and began training.

Alaric was never one of Entan's favorite students, but he rarely caused any trouble for Entan and never personally wasted the wizard's time when it came to training and schooling. From his few normal conversations with Entan, Alaric heard a little about the wizard's earlier exploits as an adventurer. He knows Entan to be fairly high up in the Adventurer's Guild but managed to restrain himself from pestering the older man for stories, though he has learned a little at least. Alaric heard a bit about Entan's old traveling companions; Ivellios Holimion, the grey elven priest; Iphithis, the scout and half-elven son of Ivellios; and Vaarg, the half-orcish warrior. He knows just a little of Entan's own history, such as the obvious fact of Entan's Thayvian heritage, judging from the older wizard's appearance. As a journeyman wizard under Entan, Alaric has learned to study magical forces and shape them in the elven, artistic fashion. The young man still works a bit for Entan, who considers him a novice yet. Alaric devotes most of his time to personal work, but still serves Entan while trying to establish himself as a capable wizard.

Before entering the Adventurer's Guild, Alaric had always been an active lad, though never doing any hard work or serious sports. One of his favorite activities was cobbling together toys and devices for his hijinks, such as the slingshots he scrounged up every so often, and the crossbow he found broken in town and managed to fix with random parts he scavenged. Though generally used for mischief, Alaric's makeshift crossbow was also put to good use hunting rabbits in the woods, rats in the town, and scaring off stray dogs that sniffed around the market stalls. He even put it to use warning off bullies a few times, when they threatened Alaric and some of his neighbors' kids. After attending the Guild's training, Alaric replaced his lost, makeshift crossbow with a real one he purchased with most of his earnings, knowing he'd have to be capable of self-defense once he stopped living with his great-uncle Lamont.

Despite his usual troublemaking as a kid, Alaric did occasionally help out his neighbors, and used his skills to make a variety of tonics, tinctures, and oils to cure the huntsman next door after he came down with a rash and the chills one day. He's helped the local apothecary brew herbal teas and stews a few times, gathered ingredients for his mother's cooking, and fetched things from the market or the woods for his elderly neighbors.

During his apprenticeship the lad studied the languages of elves, dragons, and lizardfolk, expecting he'd need such understanding if he were to research magic outside Master Entan's workshop someday. He also worked on improving his vocabulary, and picking up the trade tongue used by folks in the Adventurer's Guild. Alaric had already learned a decent chunk of the dwarven language from chatting with a hill dwarf, who passed through Alaric's hometown every autumn to trade dwarven goods for foodstuffs.

Since finishing his basic schooling in wizardry and worldly matters with Entan 2 years ago, Alaric has done a few odd-jobs to pay back his great-uncle and amass some coinage to pay for further studies, research, and artistic endeavors. He hopes to go traveling someday and find something really great or impressive, possibly make a name for himself, or at least come to understand the world's inner workings a lot better. He's found wizardry to be a challenging and amusingly useful subject of study, so he's fairly determined to move on from his rudimentary knowledge of the arcane to some greater secrets of magic. In the meantime, Alaric is beginning to make a decent living as an alchemist, though in serious need of supplies and a proper laboratory. His earnings thus far, and the bit of material he's received or snuck away from the Guild's supplies, is hardly sufficient for any professional alchemy.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Muzdum BlackHammer.

 Name: Muzdum
Class: Fighter
Race: Dwarf
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral 

Str: 14 +2 (4p.)     Level: 3        XP: 3100
Dex: 14 +2 (10p.)     BAB: +3         HP: 32 (1d10+4)
Con: 18 +4 (6p.)     Grapple: +4     Dmg Red: 0
Int: 14 +2 (6p.)     Speed: 20'      Spell Res: 0
Wis: 10 +0 (2p.)     Init: +2      Spell Save: +2
Cha: 08 -1 (2p.)     ACP: -4         Spell Fail: 0%

               Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:          10    +5    +2    +2    +0    +0    +0    19
Touch: 12              Flatfooted: 17

                           Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      3     +4      +1    +8
Ref:                       1     +2      +1    +4
Will:                      1     +0      +1    +2

Weapon                Attack   Damage     Critical
Warhammer               +6      1d8+3      x3 
Crossbow heavy          +5      1d10       19-20x2
Guisarme                +5      2d4+3      x3
Throwing Axe            +5      1d6+2      x2
Shield Bash             +5      1d6+2      x2

Languages: Dwarven, Common, Orc, Gnome.

Dwarf: Darkvision, +2 apprise checks related to stones and metal, Stonecunning(+2 search for stonework), Weapon familiarity, Stability, +2 saving throws against poison and spells, +1 attack against orcs an goblinoids, +2 cratf related to stone, +4 dodge AC bonus vs giants

Feats: Combat expertice, Dodge, Weapon focus (Warhammer), Quickdraw

Skills               Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Craft (weaponsmith)    4    +2          +6
Craft (Blacksmith)     4    +2          +6
Craft (Carpentry)      2    +2          +4
Climb                  2    +2          +4
Intimidate             6    -1          +5
Jump                   2    +2          +4 

Cloack of resistance +1              
Breastplate armor
Shield, large, wooden + spikes
Throwing Axe 
Crosbow heavy
Artisan toolsx3


First Post
[sblock=Lucius, Human Cleric]Name: Lucius
Class: Cleric
Race: Human
Level: 2
Deity: Order of Illumination
Domains: Healing, Sun
Alignment: Neutral Good

Str: 15 (+2)
Wis: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 10 (
Dex: 9 (-1)
Cha: 13 (+1)

Hp: 16.5
AC: 15
Init: -1
BAB: +1

Ref: -1
Will: +6
Fort: +5

- Skills -
Concentration: 5 (rank) + 2 (con) = 7
Knowledge (Religion): 3 (rank) + 0 (int) = 3
Tumble: 2(rank) – 1 (dex) = 1
Spellcraft: 5 (rank) + 0 (int) = 5

- Class Features -
Simple weapon, all armor, and shield proficiency
Turn Undead
Spontaneous Casting
Healing Domain - Cast healing spells at +1 caster level
Sun Domain - Greater Turning once per day

- Feats -
Combat Casting
Power Attack

- Attacks -
Heavy Mace – 1d20+3 – 1d8+2

Heavy Crossbow – 1d20-1 – 1d10

- Equipment -
Heavy Mace - 1d8 - Bludgeoning (12 gp)
Heavy Crossbow - 1d10 - 19/20 X2 – Piercing (50 gp)
Breastplate - +4 - acp: -4 (200 gp)
Heavy Steel Shield - +2 - acp: -2 (20 gp)
Backpack (2 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Blanket (5sp)
Journal (100 pages) (4gp)
Rope 100 ft (2gp)
Holy symbol, silver (25gp)

Gold: 584 gp, 94 sp

- Spells -
0: (4)
Detect Magic (2)
Read Magic (2)
1: (2)+1
Summon Monster
Magic Weapon (2)
Cure Light Wounds (Domain)

- Languages -

- Background -
Lucius grew up in a small town not far from the Azgundi capitol. His family was not poor, but not very far off. He had a brother a few years younger than himself. His father had served proudly in the Azgundi army and when he turned 16, Lucius joined as well. After serving 4 years he joined the Church of Illumination to further his goal of human protection. He has been a member of the Order for 5 years now.
Recently Lucius has heard tell of possible danger at this year’s tournament. He goes to protect, and if he can win a lordship it is his wish to establish a province free of war and strife, where poor can come and receive aid. He hopes this land will become the primary location of his Order.



First Post
Name: Shayuri
Race: Human
Class/Level: Sorceror 2
Gender: Female
Exp: 1000/3000

Tall and willowy, with brown skin and strange silver-irised eyes, Shayuri is a walking exemplar of 'exotic' in appearance. Her hair is long and black and glossy, usually tied into a long tail or done up to keep it out of the way. She is a creature of exquisite beauty, with all the physical perfection of a statue made by a master's hand...yet there is an otherness to her that can be offputting. Shayuri is fond of long garments that flow in the wind, skirts and scarves and long coats or loose blouses. She is also fond of gold jewelry, though cannot afford much at present.

Strength (STR) 8
Dexterity (DEX) 14
Constitution (CON) 14
Intelligence (INT) 14
Wisdom (WIS) 12
Charisma (CHA) 16

Alignment: Neutral Good
AC: 12 (+2 Dex)
Buffed AC: 16 (+4 Shield)
Hit Points: 10/10
Movement: 30

Init: +2
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Melee Attack: +0
Ranged Attack: +3
Fort: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +4

Race Abilities
Bonus Skill Points
Bonus feat

Class Abilities:
Familiar (snake)

Skills: 20+5
Bluff +11 (5 ranks + 3 Cha +3 familiar)
Concentration +7 (5 ranks + 2 Con)
Craft Alchemy +5 (3 ranks + 2 Int)
Diplomacy +7 (2cc ranks + 3 Cha + 2 synergy)
Knowledge: Arcana +7 (5 ranks +2 Con)
Spellcraft +7 (3 ranks +2 Con +2 synergy)

1 Draconic Heritage (Gold - Heal is class skill, +2 vs sleep/paralysis/fire)
1 Draconic Breath (30' cone of fire, 2d6/lvl, DC 13+1/lvl Ref 1/2, Su)

Languages - Common, Azgundi, Emirate, Draconic

Spellcasting (Sorceror CL 2, DC 13+lvl)
Slots: 0 - 6/6, 1st - 5/5
0 Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Message
1 Shield, Magic Weapon

Money - 26gp

Weapons -
Masterwork Light Crossbow, +4 atk, 1d8dmg, 19-20x2 crit, 80' rng, 335gp, 4lbs

Armour -
Traveler Garb

Gear - 29gp
Backpack, 2gp, 2lbs
Bedroll, 1sp, 5lbs
2 Belt Pouches, 2gp, 1lb
16 scroll cases, 16gp, 8lbs
Inkpen, 1sp
1oz Ink, 8gp
2 pages paper, 8sp
Everburning Torch, 110gp, 1lb

Magic -

Scrolls: 300gp
- 2x Ironguts, 50gp
- 4x Master's Touch, 100gp
- 2x Fists of Stone, 50gp
- 2x Mage Armor, 50gp
- 2x Guiding Light, 50gp

Familiar - Tiny Viper
Tiny Magical Beast (Augmented Animal)
Hit Dice: 2 (5hp)
Init: +7
Speed: 15' Climb 15', Swim 15'
AC: 18 (+2 size, +3 dex + 3 natural)
BAB: +1
Attack: Bite +6 melee, 1dmg (Poison DC 10 1d6Con/1d6Con)
Special Attack: Poison
Special Qualities: Scent, Imp Evasion, Familiar Qualities, Share Spell, Empathic Link
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 2
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +11, Hide +15, Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +5
Feats: Improved Init, Weapon Finesse


First Post
Valen Sablewood 3rd level human (Tureni) Ranger
Str 16 (+3)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 8 (-1)
Alignment: Neutral good
HP: 26
AC: 17 (15 flat footed, touch 12)
Base Attack: +3, Grapple +6
Initiative: +6
Speed 30’
Saves: F +5, R +5, W+5
XP: 3500

Racial Features:
+1 Feat at lvl 1
+4 skill points lvl1
+1 skill point/lvl

Class Features:
Bonus Feat
Simple Weapon proficiency
Martial weapon proficiency
Light armor proficiency
Shield proficiency
Favored enemies
Humans (+2 on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks, as well as weapon damage rolls
Wild Empathy (+2 animals/-2 for magical beasts Int 1-2)
Combat Style: Archery

Skills: (2nd number is with ACP)
Climb 4 (+7/+6)
Hide 4 (+6/+5)
Jump 3 (+6/+5)
Knowledge (Nature) 5 (+6)
Listen 6 (+8)
Move Silently 4 (+6/+5)
Ride 3 (+5)
Search 5 (+6)
Spot 5 (+7)
Swim 3 (+6/+4)
Survival 6 (+8) (+2 outdoors, +2 to track, +2 vs humans)
Languages (0) Common, Tureni, Azgundi

Track (B)
Iron Will
Improved Initiative
Rapid Shot (B)
Endurance (B)
Weapon Focus: Longsword

Longsword : Att +7, Damage 1d8 +3 (one-handed), 1d8 +4 (two-handed), crit 19-20/x2 (4#)
Longbow: Att +5, Damage 1d8, crit x3, RI 100ft (3#)
Dagger (2): Att +6melee/+5 thrown, damage 1d4+3, crit 19-20/x2, RI 10 ft (1#)
Throwing Axe: Att +6melee/+5 thrown, damage 1d6+3, crit x2, RI 10 ft (2#)

+1 Chainmail Shirt: AB +5, ACP -1 (20#)

Combat Gear:
Potion: Cure Light Wounds

Other Gear:
Backpack (2#)
Bedroll (1#)
Winter Blanket (3#)
Flint & Steel
Fishhooks (5)
Small steel mirror (0.5#)
Belt Pouch (0.5#)
Trail Rations 5 days (5#)
50’ rope, silk (5#)
5 torches (5#)
3 oil flasks (3#)
Whetstone (1#)
Waterskin (4#)
40 arrows (6#)

23gp, 8sp, 6cp [/sblock]

[sblock=Description] 6’3” tall, 190#. Shoulder-length blonde hair, clean-shaven. Blue eyes. Appears serious and thoughtful. He is tall and obviously athletic. A rough and ready woodsman, he is a man of few words, who values honor, dignity, and great passion. He wears a forest-green cloak over a glittering mail-shirt, dark clothing and high boots. His weapons- long sword, throwing axe, knife, and bow – are kept in excellent condition and always close to hand. DOB: 08/12/1127[/sblock]

[sblock=Background] Valen was born and raised in Aranost, the northernmost province of the kingdom of Turen. He grew quick and strong, and from the first was drawn to the beauty of nature. Woodcraft came naturally to him, as did swordplay and archery. His skills and loner’s temperament led him to become one of the rangers of Turen, silent hunters and fierce warriors who stalked brigands and other evil beings through the wilderness.
He is also driven by another motive: One of the final battles in the Shadow War was fought in his home province. Aranost was destroyed, and his father and older brothers fell in its defense. He is determined to do everything in his power to protect his people from such tragedies. (outlook similar to the Vigils of Vesh from the Scarred Lands setting)
He has worked as a guide and bounty hunter throughout Turen, the northern borderlands and even into Azgund for the past year or so. Despite his martial skills, to date Valen has refused to work as a mercenary soldier, as the thought of taking orders for money is not to his liking.

Voidrunner's Codex

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