Roll20's Latest Numbers: Cthulhu Holding Strong!

Roll20 has released its usage stats for Q4 2020, and D&D maintains its multi-year firm lead with over half the games being played, and Call of Cthulhu continues to cement itself in 2nd place. There was strong growth from Cyberpunk Red and the French game Chroniques Oubliées (Forgotten Chronicles). The report also says that usage in general of the VTT increased by 5% in that quarter (following...

Roll20 has released its usage stats for Q4 2020, and D&D maintains its multi-year firm lead with over half the games being played, and Call of Cthulhu continues to cement itself in 2nd place. There was strong growth from Cyberpunk Red and the French game Chroniques Oubliées (Forgotten Chronicles).

The report also says that usage in general of the VTT increased by 5% in that quarter (following a 6% growth in the previous quarter), and that Roll20 has reached 8M users (that's users ever, not active users).


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One thing about statistics is there are often unnoticed variables. I imagine that age of player dictates the likelihood someone plays online. I would say availability of built in tools might affect players of particular systems. I'm not saying that most people do not play D&D 5e. Most do and most are always playing the latest edition of D&D and I don't doubt it. I am not sure though beyond that fact which I already know, I'm not sure there is a lot more here. Maybe PF2 is less popular than PF1.

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