Roll20's Latest Numbers: Cthulhu Holding Strong!

Roll20 has released its usage stats for Q4 2020, and D&D maintains its multi-year firm lead with over half the games being played, and Call of Cthulhu continues to cement itself in 2nd place. There was strong growth from Cyberpunk Red and the French game Chroniques Oubliées (Forgotten Chronicles). The report also says that usage in general of the VTT increased by 5% in that quarter (following...

Roll20 has released its usage stats for Q4 2020, and D&D maintains its multi-year firm lead with over half the games being played, and Call of Cthulhu continues to cement itself in 2nd place. There was strong growth from Cyberpunk Red and the French game Chroniques Oubliées (Forgotten Chronicles).

The report also says that usage in general of the VTT increased by 5% in that quarter (following a 6% growth in the previous quarter), and that Roll20 has reached 8M users (that's users ever, not active users).


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I’m not sure what you mean by questionable things.
I was really trying not to re-discuss those things here as they are only very tangentially related and I assumed they would be known. But if you want to look into them; there was a blow up on reddit about nolant, their were issues that blew up on social media regarding white male gamers, there are other issues around their own forums and how they treat customers, issues about promised features and features being withdrawn, and their are issues about APIs with other applications. In short, for me (everyone should decide for themselves) they exhibit a pattern of corporate behavior that indicates a company I chose not to do business with or trust the claims they make.

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I was really trying not to re-discuss those things here as they are only very tangentially related and I assumed they would be known. But if you want to look into them; there was a blow up on reddit about nolant, their were issues that blew up on social media regarding white male gamers, there are other issues around their own forums and how they treat customers, issues about promised features and features being withdrawn, and their are issues about APIs with other applications. In short, for me (everyone should decide for themselves) they exhibit a pattern of corporate behavior that indicates a company I chose not to do business with or trust the claims they make.
Cool. Thanks for taking the time to catch me up.

I did some research on the Reddit issue/more white male gamers issues and they both aren’t the kind of thing that bothers me. Why a person would kick off about being refused sponsorship is beyond me but you’re right it’s not a worth opening up. I was worried there was allegations of racism but it seems like the opposite.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

The growth in Cyberpunk Red is neat to see. Cyberpunk 2077 was a lot of fun on PC and I definitely was more interested in the roleplaying in the setting after it.


Re PF2 on Roll20, there does seem to be a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation here. On one hand, their support has been relatively poor, leading people to to use other platforms. But that means there's less motive for them to improve their support.


Re PF2 on Roll20, there does seem to be a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation here. On one hand, their support has been relatively poor, leading people to to use other platforms. But that means there's less motive for them to improve their support.
I'm assuming Roll20 tries to make money, not provide a community service.

In other words, you have your chicken-and-egg argument backwards!



I'm assuming Roll20 tries to make money, not provide a community service.

In other words, you have your chicken-and-egg argument backwards!

Well, no, they make money by providing a service, and if they don't see a potential for making money (because the user base is too small), then they won't provide that service. But in choosing to not provide that service they are less attractive to potential users, reducing the user base. It becomes a question of who moves first, or it becomes a downward spiral of irrelevance.


Well, no, they make money by providing a service, and if they don't see a potential for making money (because the user base is too small), then they won't provide that service. But in choosing to not provide that service they are less attractive to potential users, reducing the user base. It becomes a question of who moves first, or it becomes a downward spiral of irrelevance.
Or they have simply decided focusing their efforts on the customer base of 5E players is more worth their while.

They don't have to provide the service after all. (As I said it's not a community service)


Or they have simply decided focusing their efforts on the customer base of 5E players is more worth their while.

They don't have to provide the service after all. (As I said it's not a community service)
I don't see how those ideas are in conflict. If Roll20 doesn't see the value in PF2 support in part because 5e support is far more lucrative for them.

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