Roll20's Latest Numbers: Cthulhu Holding Strong!

Roll20 has released its usage stats for Q4 2020, and D&D maintains its multi-year firm lead with over half the games being played, and Call of Cthulhu continues to cement itself in 2nd place. There was strong growth from Cyberpunk Red and the French game Chroniques Oubliées (Forgotten Chronicles). The report also says that usage in general of the VTT increased by 5% in that quarter (following...

Roll20 has released its usage stats for Q4 2020, and D&D maintains its multi-year firm lead with over half the games being played, and Call of Cthulhu continues to cement itself in 2nd place. There was strong growth from Cyberpunk Red and the French game Chroniques Oubliées (Forgotten Chronicles).

The report also says that usage in general of the VTT increased by 5% in that quarter (following a 6% growth in the previous quarter), and that Roll20 has reached 8M users (that's users ever, not active users).


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I think it is Roll20 that is doing all the conversion. In the last roundtable, Roll20 said they are working on the Trouble in Otari module, but that they aren't working on Abominations Vault, and if users would like to see that they should let them know.

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I think it is Roll20 that is doing all the conversion. In the last roundtable, Roll20 said they are working on the Trouble in Otari module, but that they aren't working on Abominations Vault, and if users would like to see that they should let them know.
Interesting so it may just be that they aren’t getting enough requests. Even sadder.

Whatever you think about Roll20’s functionality it has a massive audience and is a great way of getting people in. Even if they move to a different platform. Foundry will be a definite barrier to entry.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Interesting so it may just be that they aren’t getting enough requests. Even sadder.

Whatever you think about Roll20’s functionality it has a massive audience and is a great way of getting people in. Even if they move to a different platform. Foundry will be a definite barrier to entry.
Competition is great for everybody.


Pretty sure that Matt Mercer STARTED his campaign using Pathfinder 1e (hence Percy being a gunslinger which at the time had no equivalent in 5e as well as the mention of some Golarion based deities early on in the recorded games) and switched over to 5e for ease of use for his players.
IIRC it started with D&D 4e, switched to pathfinder, and then switched to D&D 5e. FYI, the wikipedia page, Critical Role Wiki, agrees with my memory.

That is why almost all of the gods are from the 4e Dawn War pantheon.

Critical Role Major Deities
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Victoria Rules
I'd also love to know what's in the 'uncategorized' category, but I guess there's no way to tell!
I guess someone like me would have been until this week, when I finally bothered to note my preferred game system in my profile (before that it was blank).

I'm not sure what if anything our DM has our games categorized as, or whether being a player in those games pulls me into that categorization by default.


That's my dog, Walter
I have been a Roll20 user for a long time, I think since beta. My tables have been using Roll20 exclusivley for the last year for obvious reasons. I was able to get some people together, outdoors, to play a miniature table top game (Rangers of Shadow Deep) for the first time in a year and oh man, I did not even realize how much I missed in person play.


Over 4% growth for 5E is incredibly impressive this late into its life cycle.

With 4% they actually lost ground since the global growth is 6% (They are down to 52.9% of campaigns), but yes it is impressive.

What is even more impressive is D&D 3.5 that manages to gain some ground with its 6% growth! (They are up from 1.01% to 1.02%)


IIRC it started with D&D 4e, switched to pathfinder, and then switched to D&D 5e. FYI, the wikipedia page, Critical Role Wiki, agrees with my memory.

That is why almost all of the gods are from the 4e Dawn War pantheon.

Yeah 4e start (hence Dragonborn and Goliath PCs). Gunslinger is explained by Taliesin playing a different character in the one shot, Marisha and Ashley (Sarenrae cleric) also were not playing, Marisha acting as "assistant DM" helping explain rules and such and Ashley just not there yet. Though with regards to mention of Golarion deities, Emon's trade district is named after Abadar so it might be that the Dawn War pantheon wasn't in place in the home game and they just hadn't dived deeply enough into non-Sarenrae gods at that point for it to matter that it was changed.

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