RPG Print News – Cubicle 7, Troll Lord, Gaming Paper, and More

D&D has dragons and adventures, and Castles & Crusades has options for GMs, about gods, and valuable materials PCs can find. Soulbound gets a monster book and DCC RPG gets a reprint of a run of zines. Starship Warden sees two supplements and Feng Shui 2 gets two adventures. Finally, Gaming Paper has new gridded blank battle maps.

D&D has dragons and adventures, and Castles & Crusades has options for GMs, about gods, and valuable materials PCs can find. Soulbound gets a monster book and DCC RPG gets a reprint of a run of zines. Starship Warden sees two supplements and Feng Shui 2 gets two adventures. Finally, Gaming Paper has new gridded blank battle maps.

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Note: RPG Print News covers new RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from online retailers. It does not cover products that are only available to customers through kickstarter, directly from a publisher website, or as print on demand.

Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (Limited Edition) by Wizards of the Coast
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5th Edition Adventures Archives Vol. 3 by Troll Lord Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: boxed set with hardcover monster book and modules
  • RETAIL PRICE: $79.99
  • DESCRIPTION: This boxed collection includes six adventures and the hardcover Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde. The adventures are Lion in the Ropes, S1 Lure of Delusion, S2 Malady of Kings, S3 Stains Upon the Green, S4 Reaping Bones, and S5 Dwarven Glory. All designed for play from adventure levels 1-5. The adventures include overland, dungeon, and city, pitting PCs against goblins, bandits, trolls and more. Can be played in a series or as stand-alone adventures. The 260-page full color hardback book includes over 170 new monsters including the lesser dragons.
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Castle Keepers Guide (3rd Edition) | Castle Keepers Guide (Alternate Cover, 3rd Edition) by Troll Lord Games
  • SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rulebooks
  • RETAIL PRICE: $59.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: A tool box with optional rules, ideas, concepts and theories many usable no matter what game you play. Includes information from detailed world creation, to dungeon designs, managing non-player characters, character attributes at high levels, spell use and cost, equipment use and wastage, the tumult of storms, warfare and combat, monsters, treasure, death, and more.
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Gods & Legends | Adtherpe's Natural Materials by Troll Lord Games
  • SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rulebook/softcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $29.99/$9.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Gods & Legends consists of three main parts: The Anvil of the Gods (a how-to section running deities and classes along with the avatars of gods), Humanoid Pantheons (from humans to dwarfs to orcs), and real-world mythologies for Celtic, Egyptian, Germanic, Norse, and Slavic deities. Adtherpe’s Natural Materials includes information on the multiverse, its natural resources and the numerous creatures that inhabit it. Creature knowledge includes their locations, composition, and the valuable materials they can provide. Also included are notes and recipes for using and crafting herbal mixtures, alchemical compounds, and guidance on harvesting the valuable materials needed for them.
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Starship Warden - Saving Wren & Deck Expansion | Starship Warden - The Goya by Troll Lord Games
  • SYSTEM: Amazing Adventures Starsiege
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $9.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: The Elven Prince Wren entered a portal that sent him hurtling through time and space, leaving him stranded within the bowels of a massive derelict starship, the Warden. Desperate to return to his people, Wren seeks the PCs to aid him in sending him back to his home world. Also includes 17 decks and dome on the Warden are rife with adventure. The Goya is designed to offer the characters a touching off base and place to regroup as they explore and plunder the mighty Warden. The Goya is a cruiser with a small crew with a mission is to seek salvage on the furthest regions of deep space.
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Paper Game Mat - 30" x 12', White (1" Squares) (4-Pack) by Gaming Paper
  • SYSTEM: any
  • PRODUCT TYPE: blank gridded battle maps
  • DESCRIPTION: Four rolls each with 30 square feet of playing surface. Terrain can be marked with pens or markers for campaigns or miniatures battles.
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Soulbound - Bestiary by Cubicle 7
  • SYSTEM: Soulbound
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $44.99
  • OTHER RPG NEWS: on Thursday (tomorrow) Review of the Soulbound Bestiary
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes 180 monsters from Orks to Skaven to undead. Also provides GMs advice on how to build adventures with these monstrous and maniacal foes along with how to use Doom to give an extra edge to these conflicts. Each creature includes advice on using them, their tactics in combat, and rumors reflecting what the people of the Mortal Realms know of them, some of which may be less than reliable. Big monster books are great and this one is perfect with monsters the party can always fight (Chaos) and everyone else who could be friend, foe, or enemy of my enemy along with solid tactics and mechanical rules to back it up.
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Apeworld On Fire | Burning Dragon by Atlas Games
  • SYSTEM: Feng Shui 2
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover action movie adventure
  • RETAIL PRICE: $15.95 each
  • DESCRIPTION: In Apeworld on Fire Pontius Primate, religious psychopomp of the New Simian Army, has sent his cyber-ape holy warriors back through time intent on kidnapping the scientists he needs to perfect a terrible mind-control gas. In hot pursuit across the Wastelands, the PCs chase them back to the future. The chase will take them into the very heart of the simian capital of Apeworld and deep into the hidden laboratories beneath Pontius Primate’s cyber-fortress. Includes a car chase through the Netherworld, a visit to Waystation (the last great free city in the Wasteland), combat in the legendary Gladiator Bowl against the King and Donkey, and an opportunity to lead an armed uprising against the tyrants of Apeworld. In Burning Dragon, the PCs explore the myriad events of a vibrant, chaotic festival. Burning Dragon is a raw celebration of creative talent and Mongolian culture to “forge the dragon” — creating a temporary city dedicated to art, age-old athletic competitions, and extravagant performances. This year, however, it has been suborned by Damien Wu — festival organizer, Triad big shot, and secret Eater of the Lotus sorcerer. When the dragon effigy burns during the closing ceremonies, Wu will use a blood sacrifice to harness the attendees’ souls and reawaken the ancient feng shui site that smolders beneath the festival grounds unless the PCs defeat him in a firework-festooned finale.
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Crawl! Fanzine - 12 Pack by Straycouches Press
  • SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: digest sized zines
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Contains Crawl! issues one to twelve originally published from 2012 to 2015. Covers loot, magic, two adventures, monsters, classes, traps, firearms, seafaring, and luck.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody


That C&C Keeper's Guide alternate cover is fantastic! I love the homage to the 1st ed AD&D book. The Player's book and new printing for Monsters & Treasure is following along the same theme.

Nice to see them changing out their cover art, logo, page design, etc. It's very long overdue. The GM Screens look great too!


#1 Enworld Jerk™
That C&C Keeper's Guide alternate cover is fantastic! I love the homage to the 1st ed AD&D book. The Player's book and new printing for Monsters & Treasure is following along the same theme.

Nice to see them changing out their cover art, logo, page design, etc. It's very long overdue. The GM Screens look great too!
Seconded on the screen. The old C&C screen was one of those two separate panel jobs. This looks to be a proper single 4 panel screen.

I wish we'd get a WFRP Bestiary - but at least we've got a complete Enemy Within campaign.

Hopefully the Imperial Zoo is coming soon:

The Imperial Zoo of Altdorf is home to a plethora of fantastic and dangerous beasts from across the Old World. But before they were caged for the edification of Altdorf’s paying citizens, someone had to capture them. A bestiary of monsters, threats, and terrors of The Old World, with commentary from The Imperial Zoo’s own talented acquisitions team.

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