RPG Print News – Wizards of the Coast, Exalted Funeral, and More

The history of D&D Original Edition drops along with adventures for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, DCC RPG, and Old-School Essentials. There are also new RPGs: one fantasy using a dice target to determine success and another set in a smoky industrial age fantasy city.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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The Making of Original D&D - 1970-1977 by Wizards of the Coast
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Original Edition (0E)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $99.99
  • FOR MORE INFO: See Beth's review.
  • DESCRIPTION: A collection of rare documents that shed light on D&D’s origin story. Includes Gary Gygax’s first draft of original D&D and early published writings such as the 1974 original D&D “white box” booklets and supplements. Each document is featured alongside commentary from game historian, Jon Peterson.
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All Chimeras Great and Small (D&D 5E) | All Chimeras Great and Small (DCC RPG) | The Chateau of Stolen Memories (D&D 5E) | The Chateau of Stolen Memories (DCC RPG) by Gaming Honors
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition/Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover adventures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $9.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: All Chimeras Great and Small is a first level adventure for four to six PCs inspired by the H.G. Wells classic The Island of Dr. Moreau. PCs face off against opponents mundane and monstrous, their forms twisted by mysterious magic and cruel experiments. The Sweetspring River, lifeblood of the village of Lushfern, has slowed to a trickle. The PCs investigate on behalf of the village high in the Harrow Hills where strange beasts prowl the woods in search of prey. The Chateau of Stolen Memories is a third level adventure for four to six PCs. They wake up on a cold stone floor with no memories of this place, no memories of these people, and no memories of themselves. They have to learn about a devil’s bargain made centuries ago, dooming two families to an eternity in a hotel of the damned that travels the cosmos offering a hellish deal to the dying, and for those who solve its riddle, salvation.
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One More Quest Core Book | Target Board | Deluxe Eyecon Dice Set (6) | Supreme Dungeon Mastermind Screen | The Adventure Mixtape by Horrible Guild
  • SYSTEM: unique dice target throwing
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rulebook/dice target/six dice/screen/hardcover adventures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99/$16.99/$14.99/$16.99/$39.99
  • DESCRIPTION: One More Quest is a dexterity-based, comedy roleplaying game of dungeon-crawling adventures set in the world of the Dungeon Fighter board game. The system uses character classes, combat rounds, and health points but jettisons spell slots, damage types, and multi-stage dice rolling. Requires a physical Target Board. Lazy overlords and weird creatures such as hipster gnomes and moisty batrachian princes looking for love abound. The PCs are a motley band of screw-ups and desperate vagrants forced into adventure by misfortune or bizarre ambition. When a PC takes decisive action, the player throws a die trying to hit the center of a Target and every action applies a special throw restriction. Hide from a guard and throw from under the table. Perform a distracting dance and spin around before a throw. The GM is the Supreme Dungeon Mastermind (heh, I see what you did there) supported by monster profiles and farcical story hooks. The Adventure Mixtape includes 14 adventures (can be combined into a campaign). PCs board a cult's submarine to try to prevent the awakening of a slumbering horror, climb down the throat of a dead dragon and face large intestinal parasites, and more.
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Penumbra City | A Game Master's Guide to Penumbra City | Good Friends, Bad Manors by Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness
  • SYSTEM: fantasy/any system
  • PRODUCT TYPE: 24 map tiles/softcover guide
  • RETAIL PRICE: $24.99/$19.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Set in the world of Harrow, PCs try to not get eaten by a murderous swamp crane, and may encounter ungal entities, creatures summoned from the plane of Rot, or the ethereal god king, Athe, himself. Penumbra City is a class-based game with simplified core mechanics but a broad range of character class abilities. Players roll all dice. Uses a reputation economy where money has lost its luster, and it is a character’s reputation with the various gangs, factions, and coalitions that determine their access to resources. The city contains eleven unique districts. There are 12 playable classes (like ex-marine, gunslinger, labor thug, lordling, and occultist) and twenty or so factions. A Game Master's Guide to Penumbra City contains: optional rules, adventure hooks, an exercise for starting new adventures, a look into the game creators’ philosophies on running games, and tips: for fleshing out characters and the world, using certain game mechanics like Reputation, and altering the world to suit a game. Good Friends, Bad Manors is an introductory adventure designed for three to five level one PCs and provides helpful tips for roleplaying characters, starting the adventure, and getting the action moving. The PCs need to get out of town and lie low for a while. Luckily everyone’s favorite lordling, Trin Holmalas, needs an escort to their family’s manor in the war-torn countryside of Athe. The PCs venture out into the world beyond Penumbra City from where tales of the mysterious Beasts of Hirn have filled the tabloids.
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Settlers of a Dead God by Exalted Funeral
  • SYSTEM: Old-School Essentials
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • DESCRIPTION: PCs live on the decomposing body of an immense being: its blood formed the seas that bathe the coasts, its skin became the land, deserts, and mountains. And from its tears, rivers and lakes were born. The insects were the first inhabitants who walked this putrid land and through the infinite power emanating from within they evolved into insectoids; new beings with powers far superior to those of their ancestors. The different species of insectoids organized themselves into tribes, cities, and kingdoms during a period of peace, leading to an age of discovery. Inside: geography and history of the Dead God World, 19 new creatures, six playable insectoid species, rules for stress and travelling, and an introductory adventure.
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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

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