RPG purchases you know you'll never use


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Re: Hackmaster

thegolem said:
I've picked up the HM core books and adventures thus far.

The adventures (B1 and B2) are great in my opinion. Excellent rethinkings of the original material, and great source (especially B2) for a campaign setting.

Either I'm going to play HM one of these days, or use the material in a 3e or 2e campaign.

I'm with you, I love HM. My players didnt like the mortality rate of characters, and whined about the score rolling method (3d6 ONLY, placed in order of attribute). They are used to some of the "kewl" optional 3e rolling methods that tend to make characters with higher attributes. Personally. I think HM is a DMs dream, and even good players could learn to love it if they got past the initial "power down" of new PCs in HM. In any event, you will have to pry my 3E books from my cold dead hands, it still rules for me :D

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Lucky for me, my group right now consists of three complete newbies to roleplaying (four occassionally), one relative newbie, and two old-timers (my brother and I).

What this means is that the players are blind to other systems...no whining about not having this, or not having that.


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thegolem said:
Lucky for me, my group right now consists of three complete newbies to roleplaying (four occassionally), one relative newbie, and two old-timers (my brother and I).

What this means is that the players are blind to other systems...no whining about not having this, or not having that.

VERY nice for you! I miss having newbies in my group. They bring a wonderment to the table that veterans will never recapture. I hope your HM game goes well, game some for me! :D


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Hmm...frankly I've got truckloads of this kind of material. During the 80's/early 90's our group seemed to buy copies of every game that came out just for reading material or for pillaging.

Of course this has slowed to a trickle with the increasing cost of games (grabbing any new game just isnt an impulse buy anymore).

Probably the last buy of this sort would be Star Wars D20. I hardly even got to play much of the D6 game, but had to grab the D20 version.


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Alas, about half the stuff in my gaming library I'll never use!

1: FRCS - Great art, etc. But I really don't like the realms that much. I brought the book with hopes of ripping off stuff from the "crunchy bits"

2: HackMaster - Great game! It takes all the good stuff from 1e and 2e and adds too them. Unfortunately I don't know anyone willing to play it now that 3e is out

3: Swashbuckling Adventures - Another great book, but I don't know anyone up for a game of pirates and swashbucklers.

4: Deities and Demigods - I love the art in this book! I like the idea of stats for gods, so heroes can challenge the gods (Has anyone ever read the Iliad?) But, my campaign doesn't use any of the presented pantheons. And I doubt anyone will get high enough level to take on gods in the first place.


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Vampire Dark Ages: I read it once every year and a half or so, it inspires some horror-fantasy ideas. But I never playd the game, and doubt I ever will.

The Splat Books: Okay, these can provide inspiration too. But their is so little I couldn't do better that I would rather leave them at home than lug them to the gaming table.

FRCS: Not yet anyway. I bought it because I am a critical realms fan (which is to say, I like the realms but am well able to call it out for its flaws) and was curious about what they were doing to the setting.

2nd Edition Ninja's Handbook: Had to get it, never got the nearest chance to play a Ninja, not even in running an NPC.


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let's see here...........

deadlands (non-d20)
Wheel of Time (well, we ran this for a while, but everyone burned out fast)
Streetfighter Storytelling Game

wow, i thought i had more than that.


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Previously I posted some things I'd like to play, but will almost certainly never get an opportunity to do so. This time I'd like to post two things I'll never play because they are so goddamn awful:
  • Thieves in the Forest
  • Bring Him Back Alive!
The first is one of the worst bunch-of-mooks-in-rooms-patiently-waiting-for-PCs-to-come-kick-their-arses dungeon crawls I have ever read. The second was just plain bad - so bad I can't even be bothered digging it out to remind myself what it was that I found most appalling about the whole thing.
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