RPGnet is merging with RPGMatch

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I believe Codega just goes by "Lin" now.

RPG.net is an extremely strange site nowadays, with Web 1.0 design and functionality, an infractions forum that's their most active message board and seemingly more moderators than regular users. I guess it's working for them and that they're financially strong enough to keep chugging along, but they feel long overdue for someone (presumably Shannon) sitting down and looking at where the site is in 2024 and if it's the site that he wants it to be.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I believe Codega just goes by "Lin" now.

RPG.net is an extremely strange site nowadays, with Web 1.0 design and functionality, an infractions forum that's their most active message board and seemingly more moderators than regular users. I guess it's working for them and that they're financially strong enough to keep chugging along, but they feel long overdue for someone (presumably Shannon) sitting down and looking at where the site is in 2024 and if it's the site that he wants it to be.
Shannon hasn’t been involved (except very peripherally as an occasional columnist still I think?) with RPGnet for years.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Also, as always, we are not going to be hosting cross board drama or complaints about the moderation on other sites here. If you have complaints about RPGnet’s moderation, go tell RPGnet. Thanks.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
unless it means I get unbanned I have no strong feelings for them past wishing them good luck, forums seem rare in this day and age

Voidrunner's Codex

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