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RPM: Beta features update


DM's Familiar
Re: Campaign management with tree-view

Luke said:
It's fairly comparable to MyInfo, or the codex of DM's Familiar.

What you describe might be *similar* to the Codex Tree in DM's Familiar but it's certainly not *comparable*.

The Codex Tree starts as an outline/word-processing tool.

Then I add the ability to drag-and-drop Spells, Rules, Feats, Skills, Weapons, Equipment, Monsters, PCs, and NPCs to the Codex Tree. You can then double-click any of those in the Tree to instantly open that item. Basically it lets you cross-reference any of the information in DM's Familiar however you like.

The Codex Tree is then integrated with the rest of the program as well. You can setup an encounter by drag-and-dropping monsters and NPCs to the Codex Tree during game prep. In-game, you can then drag that encounter to the Combat Board and have your combat instantly populated with initiative and hit points rolled for all of the monsters.

Lastly, the sub-trees within the Codex Tree can be imported/exported. So if you write an adventure in the Codex Tree you can easily share that with others. If you've dropped any of the items above onto the tree, those are automaticaly exported for you as well.

From my experience, the outline/word-processing tool is nice but not a great improvement -- Word or MyInfo work just as well. It's the integration with the rest of the tools that make it worthwhile. If you're not going to do the integration, you might as well not add it to the RPM at this point.

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Re: Re: Campaign management with tree-view

DMFTodd said:

The Codex Tree is then integrated with the rest of the program as well. You can setup an encounter by drag-and-dropping monsters and NPCs to the Codex Tree during game prep. In-game, you can then drag that encounter to the Combat Board and have your combat instantly populated with initiative and hit points rolled for all of the monsters.

Lastly, the sub-trees within the Codex Tree can be imported/exported. So if you write an adventure in the Codex Tree you can easily share that with others. If you've dropped any of the items above onto the tree, those are automaticaly exported for you as well.

If you're not going to do the integration, you might as well not add it to the RPM at this point.

Well, I've had very good response to the idea, so I'm including it immediately.
I'll focus initially on tree-view wordprocessor/graphics -style features, and reserve the option to integrate internal spell/item/race/etc links to a much later date.

To be frank RPM already offers quick lookup to all required RPG data, so duplicating dynamic lookups by storing links in a static tree knowledgebase is only going to create unnecessary clutter.

With the latest combat model implemented for the PreBeta, there's actually very little need to even do the lookups.
- The creatures are fully constructed according to the race and class rules (with all abilities and items instantly available for viewing through the creatures themselves).
- Maps, groups and location descriptions are instantly accessible from the BattleMap.
- For any chosen actions (spells, attacks etc), RPM has already retrieved the descriptions for possible review, and precalculated that which can be precalculated.
- Skills are the classic, where different variations with different DCs are already choosable via a combo box, all modifiers are already calculated and presented (magical item enhancements, synergy bonuses, armor checks etc), and RPM will even automatically determine opposed checks and present both sides of the issue for resolution (eg. creature targets "Hide" at several opponents, so RPM instantly builds up Hide vs Spot checks, with all possible modifiers already there (no need for lookups)).

Since RPM's various RPG database files (adventures, groups, maps, creatures etc) are all tightly integrated and optimized ( for best in-game data presentation, and achieving things such as fully compiled adventure reports etc), storing that sort of information in the tree knowledgbase would simply be a backwards step. If the information organization was that loose, RPM wouldn't be able to offer the level of automation and speed that it does.

In fact, given a tightly integrated RPG database, engine, and GUI, I can't see much use for a tree codex other than to store campaign setting, history, and perhaps on-going player history.

Naturally the campaign/knowledge tree is fully importable/exportable, as is the the rest of RPM.
As per standard RPM integration, any tree records that are part of a given "Source" export, get included in a "Source" export.
This means, for example, that a "DaemonForge" source export would incorporate the full classes, skills, feats, items, spells etc data and game rules, along with the campaign setting maps, history, timelines and strongholds.



Generators and the full Beta

A quick note to let you know that the full beta release is pretty close now. I'm waiting on the final reports from PreBeta testers, and just need to settle a question on generators.

As of the PreBeta release, RPM now has support for virtually everything you need except properly integrated generators.

I've promised not to add more features before getting the beta/release 1 out, but it looks like generators could be *very* popular (especially combining Jamis NPC generator import with automatic equipment generation).

You might be interested in checking out the news info at http://www.roleplayingmaster.com , and letting me know if you think generators are a good idea for the beta/release 1 (probably 2 weeks delay), or if you have suggestions :)

Take Care,


integrate the NPCGen from jamis with an equpiment generator and you got me sold on this package. I have brought it to the pcgen team and they like what they see. Now with this brought to light we don't have to worry too much on this front but just keep focusing on making it easier to build PC's and not worry about the random side.

keep up the good work!


The Laughing One
Two weeks seems acceptable to me to get a lot of extra functionality.

Also, i currently use PCGen to generate and keep track of my own characters. I use it because it's simple and small and doesn't require much effort to learn, it also has some kewl viewers for Palms and pocketPCs. I would appreciate the ability to import and export such characters in RPM. Maybe we can make a template for PCGen that makes it possible for RPM to read it. And make a Report in RPM that allows PCGen to read it. Is this a possibility?


First Post
RPM Pre-beta 4 Comments


I already sent you this via Email, But I'm posting a copy here for everyone else. It seems to be the trend.

Ok, here goes a partial list...

Re: Combat, (following the tutorial)

1. When generating an Encounter, I set the current time/date in the generate encounter dialog, but it does not update in the encounter window.

2. When going into the add creature by list section, I get a "unregistered version of TDBFilterPanel" message. You probably know about this.

3. When adding the elves you enter ftr3 for a 3rd level fighter, is there a list of these abbreviations for the other classes? Maybe you could make the class a drop-down and type in the level?

4. Just noticed, "green light" is listed in the tutorial but it looks like it changed to a green checkmark.

5. although the tutorial says everyone starts flatfooted, elf1 did not, is this because he succeeded on a spot check?

6. In the tutorial when you talk about stacking armor after the first combat strike you say "Normally the leather wouldn't could for anything..." Should probably be "count". Just a typo.

7. BTW, the "green light" still shows up on the execute action screen, I'm not sure which way you're going, green lights or checkmarks, or both. Probably should standardize on one.

8. Instead of having to end a creature's turn, after their turn is done a pop-up saying "Initiative done, proceed to next.. Etc" yes/no dialog would be nice, with yes the default so you can just hit return.

9. Every time you make a change the execute action dialog seems to re-roll the D20. I would probably like the roll to stay between selecting things, but can see why you might want it to change, like between picking weapons so the player doesn't pick one that will make the hit. I had a 20 showing for a roll and when I picked a target it changed to a 4, I felt robbed, hehe.

10. In the attack damage screen, it would be nice to see a HP result, you have the current HP, but that's without the just-done damage applied. It would be nice to see another field with the result.

11. following the tutorial, when starting to use the battle map the tutorial says to drag creatures over from the list, but my map already had them on it.

12. When using the battle map, should you be allowed to hit a creature that is out of range? I targeted a creature that was clearly out of range but was able to hit it. Is the range for reference while choosing targets?

13. When using the battle map, it would be nice to have the current creature's target highlighted in a similar fashion that the current creature is. For example, the current creature has a circle around it (which I assume represents the threatened area) it would be nice if the creature's target had something, like a bull's-eye, crossed swords, or something over it for reference.

14. When a new round starts, is the data left over from the last round? Do you have to hit "repeat" to clear it and roll a new D20?

15. I noticed that after a creature has had a turn, if you click "repeat" it will get another. I think a pop-up saying "creature has already had a turn, etc" would be nice. For example, I walked away and came back and wasn't sure if it was at the beginning of the creature's turn or the end.


1. After updating to pre-beta 4, the splash screen still says pre-beta 3.

2. I would love to save the screen layout between sessions. Preferences does some, but the windows size gets reset and the position changes. I'm running at 1600x1200 and can have a lot of stuff laid out on the screen. After re-starting the program I have to lay it out again. Not a big deal, but would be nice.

3. I think the creature list can be a view under creatures, similar to the map list under maps.

More to come as I explore other areas.


Re: RPM Pre-beta 4 Comments

1. Game date/time: isn't yet a part of the working system. It seems to be low on people's priorities.

2. "unregistered version of TDBFilterPanel" message: Unfortunately there are nowhere near enough RPM donations to cover the shareware components used. This will hopefully change once the beta is out, or I'll have to do something else. Whilst I'm prepared to spend all my free time for over a year doing this, I'm not prepared to spend that much personal money on it. From the comments received, I hope the situation will soon change.

3. Class drop-down for adding creatures by the list grid: Definitely coming up.

4. "Green light" in tutorial: Thanks. I need to update that to a green checkmark.

5. First creature in first round not flatfooted: My mistake. They should become "unflatfooted" after their first action, not before.

6. Tutorial typo: Thanks.

7. "Green light" vs Green checkmark. It'll stay the way it is. The green checkmark superceeds the old Green light - and it normally means "I'm doing entering info here - continue on". The new role of the green light, which should only appear in the Execute Action window, is simply to update screen results when entering manual rolls. I think I'll make the "green light" disappear altogether.

8. [Instead of having to end a creature's turn, after their turn is done a pop-up saying "Initiative done, proceed to next.. Etc" yes/no dialog would be nice, with yes the default so you can just hit return.]
Sorry. Can't go with this one. RPM will never really know when a turn is done. You may, or may not, want to end with a 5' step, or some free action. The turn is only over when you say so. Mouse clicks and key stroke counts are everything for unobtrusive use of the computer at the gaming table, so popping up an additional "tes/no" dialog gets you nowhere.

9. D20 rerolls on dialog changes: How it works is correct. You should select your target before choosing the action. Targets sometimes get their own D20 rolls - such as when you're using an opposed skill, or casting a spell that has a save. You should notice that if you modify "DM adjustments", or other modifiers, the D20 roll doesn't change.

10. Show final damage in "Damage screen": There's a bit more to this than first meets the eye. The "Game Log" *does* show the final results. You don't quite see it yet, but RPM is designed so that attacked creatures can respond to the damage, for a truly final damage result. That is why the enchantment is shown, along with the *type* of each damage. Creature abilities can be configured to reduce or ignore damage, based on it's type ( eg. skeletons 1/2 from slashing, some creatures ignore critical threats, fire-based creatues may take 1/2 from fire, or double from cold).

11. Tutorial Creatures already on map: I'm illustrating a useful point about ability to drag from the list. Since that tutorial I've included a feature where you can create an entire encounter group created by a double-click on the map, but the point is still useful if you want to drag in creatures from another map (eg: same adventure), onto the current map.

12. RPM allowing "out-of-range" attacks: This is deliberate. RPM *never* stops you doing what you want to. It'll guide you by showing your threatend radius and calculating distances for you, but it's up to you what happens.

13. High-light target, as well as current creature: That's an excellent suggestion. The component I currently use only allows simple highlights (see donations and ability to use shareware/paid components). I should be able to come up with something, though. Probably after the beta.

14. Later round need "Repeat": Correct. A lot of the time you want the same action, with the same target(s) from one round to the next, and "Repeat" re-rolls the dice for you.

15. You can double-up by clicking repeat: This works fine, and may be quite appropriate if hasted etc. If you're unsure because you walked away for a while, just consult the "Gam Log".

1. After updating to pre-beta 4, the splash screen still says pre-beta 3: Not quite. Update 4 gives you 1.3. I'll skip a number next time so that these come out the same.

2. I would love to save the screen layout between sessions:
How many packages with this many complexities (types of screens and docking options) do this for you?
Seriously, it's an excellent suggestion, and I half-built that capability 3 months ago. It's of a priority that will probably get finished after release 1 (ie: for release 2).

3. I think the creature list can be a view under creatures, similar to the map list under maps: The problem is that the same could be said for the BattleMap, Conditions, Manage Encounter, Action Execute etc etc. Back in the alpha version days I used to have the creature list automatically dock itself to the current window (if appropriate), and it seemed to be more trouble than it was worth.
Best thing is to arrange the "Creature List" to the left side of the screen, and have all other windows to the right.

More to come as I explore other areas.

Look forward to it...


One problem i am having pop up repeatedly is in the statblock under the window where the NPC is created, in no place does it have a CR rating. This is irksome as I had to go into the MANAGE ENCOUNTER section to see a CR rating for the creature. Can you add this functionality to the Statblock at the bottom of the NPC window?


Leopold said:
Can you add this functionality to the Statblock at the bottom of the NPC window?

Hey Leopold,

The CR is actually displayed in the main section, above the statblock window between Dodge and Speed. You don't need to be looking at the statblock to see it.


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