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Rrai-kesh's Dojo of Clawed Fury! *All students read new proclimation!!*


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"I have defeated the Unholy Arrkanyl and rraised ourr dojo rrecorrd to 17 wins and 9 losses.

"My students, I must warrn you against this foe Arrkanyl. After I beat him, he vowed to rruin me by fighting, beating and corrrupting my students to learrn my powerrs and therrefore to have morre powerr overr me in the futurre. I cannot warrn you strrongly enough against this dangerrous enemy of ourr dojo. Howeverr, I also cannot forrbid you to battle him if you wish it. That is a decision which you must make on yourr own. Keep honorr in yourr hearrts and souls and good luck, if you decide to rrisk yourrselves in this mannerr."

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"Wise Master Rrai... I know your styles mean alot to you... but so does my higher purpose... I must rid this place of the vile darkness that comsumes it... starting with the dark man you mention.. I will be carefull... and please keep my possible victory close at heart..... you and the rest of my fellow classmates.... "

"If we are united... he can NEVER win!"


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"Rrathan has also defeated the darrk one, Arrkanyl! So we will celebrate his victorry tonight, and we shall also wish him well and bid him farrewell from ourr dojo's rranks. But he shall neverr dissapearr frrom ourr hearrts. Herre is my salute to you, Rrathan! You werre an excellent student to the end!!"

And our dojo's record go's up to 18 wins and 9 losses!


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"Master... I thank you for your kind words... and am even more thankfull for the win over that evil monster... he has started my vision of true peace in these lands.... and my one true goal now is to rid the world of his kind....."

"I may still need help.... but of a diffrent kind.... I thank you all for your help thus far... and hope to fight along side all of you someday again soon....."


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OOC: It would be nice to see you in #yb sometime too phoenix.. don't be a stranger now... heh.... :D
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"Nafal, I will teach you what I know about the Pantherr style. Welcome to my Dojo of Clawed Fury.

"I was imprressed with yourr skill in the fight against Viperr. You show grreat prromise and I will watch yourr carrreerr with interrest."
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Rusty runs into the cave and bows before Rrai-Kesh.

"Master!" he shouts. "I beat Winter Snow and won my Brown Belt! Yeah! Now can you teach the Tiger style to my Tigrynx and me?"


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"Congratulations Rusty. I will be happy to teach you my favored Tiger style.

"Our dojo record now stands at 21 wins and 9 losses."

Voidrunner's Codex

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