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RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

Hand of Vecna

First Post
[sblock=Shoulder Deamons]Before Archeville's Id could say anything, his Super-Ego clamped a very large cage around it.[/sblock]

"Zhat may be, but you've gone about it all wrong," Archeville chimed in, emphasizing his words with his blaster pointed at the syringe-holding man. "Certainly, zhis is a laudable goal -- one I myself have explored -- and I know full well how bureaucratic red tape can get in zhe vay of things. But zhere are still basic guidelines to consider. Zhe Nuremburg Code clearly states all subjects of human experimentation must voluntarily consent to all procedures, without coercion. It's not just local or even federal law you've broken, it's vorld-vide law, one grounded in basic human ethics and morals, zhat helps keep us above zhe apes und other lesser beasts."

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"The Nuremberg Code is an outdated piece of propaganda. If we followed that it would take years upon years to to accomplish what the Minister has done in just a few short months. This is the culmination of that labor. Soon we will have the ability to truley keep you freaks in check, with trained men...not your so called "task force" with Freaks Fighting Freaks."

"Professor Archer have you administered the serum yet? Our time seems to be running out more quickly then I would have liked." is heard from the radio that Zenji removed.


The magician catches the communicator and brings it up to his mouth "The subjects are prepped and ready Minister. We will start the injections immediately." all the time glaring at the real Professor.

Initiative: (1d20=18)
Move: Catch Communicator
Standard: Try and bluff the minister. (1d20+12=24)

ooc - Given my recent discussions elsewhere I can see accusations of hypocrisy flying thick and fast :<

Hand of Vecna

First Post
"No, propaganda is vhat zhe Nuremberg Code was drafted against," Archeville replied. "Und your experimental methods are very, very flawed. Do you even haff a scientific control? Double-blind clinical trials to see if metahuman expression is truly caused by your treatments, und not zhe stress of being confined against one's vill vhile under a potent energy field?"

"Just because you know how to implant some new bit of genetic coding doesn't mean you'll know how to control its expression -- any competent geneticist or virologist knows zhat. Und, really, how far has your vork come? Can you determine vhich powers to give someone mit a fair degree of reliability? Could you give yourself zhe ability of telekinesis? Give your whole team zhat power? Or is it all still a random shot in zhe dark? Und even if you could find some way to control all Mutant powers, vhat zhen? Release a retrovirus into zhe atmosphere und vater tables to erase zhe x-factor from zhe human genome? Zhere'd still be all zhe cyborgs und robots und mystics und otherdimensional beings to contend mit, und if zhese experiments haff only been going on for a few months, zhere's no vay to know the long-term effects." Archeville switched the blaster from his left hand to his right as he continued his pseduo-rant. "Or do you plan on making an army of mind-controlled 'Freaks'? Wouldn't zhat just be compounding zhe problem vhen some of them eventually break free of your conditioning, or someone else finds a means to take control of zhem away from you? Und, again, your sloppy slap-dash methods haff no way of knowing vhat long-term effects zhere are."

"Und you call zhese 'trained men'? Pft. You are avare of how easily we've been walking all over zhem, ja? Put the syringe down, release zhe hostages, und we can all get out of here fine. Who knows, maybe your vork done here vill be continued by others -- in a more controlled manner -- und a procedure will be named after you. But this is not zhe way, zhis isn't science, it's barbarism."

OOC: Sense Motive check to try and see if Prof. Archer and the others seem truly committed to the Minister's cause, or if they're mind-controlled dupes. Sense Motive check. (1d20 + 5 = 23)
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"You do raise some very fine arguments and I do admit sending someone to New York to stir up trouble and contracting an arms dealer, if she can be called that, to erect an enclosure of this size and those weapons betray the subtlties of this kind of operation that I would employ if I were in charge.

"But I will inform you of this: theseexperiments arn't to determine the X factor; they're designed to see what triggers it the fastest . The Minister has some very interesting theories and we're only putting some of them into practice, however 'barbaric', they seem.

"By trained men I am of course refering to professional soliders; not the hired muscle with expensive toys that are here to keep the students in line. They wouldn't last a minute against Metal or even Rush for that matter.

"I suppose none of that matters, now does it Resolute? You and your little group of thugs are here to stop the Minister and his plans-by any means necessary?"

He puts the syringe to his neck, "Before us 'evil doers' are taken to whatever prison your institution has established allow me one last experiment.


First Post
Down on the first floor...

"Hey Frank, who's that?" one of the guards asks, stopping in the hallway.

"I don't know, guess Archer could've had a success without the minster. Hey you! Who are you?"

Hand of Vecna

First Post
"As, so zhe energy field vas not, strictly speaking, zhe Minister's doing. Interesting... Vell, I haff no qualms about some self-experimentation, zhough, should you use any newly-gained powers to attack or try to escape, ve vould haff to make an attempt to stop you. It is vhat zhe U.N. pays us to do, after all. Should something go awry, zhough -- und, as a fellow scientist, I do hope such does not happen -- I vould ask that you answer me just one last qvestion before you inject yourself. Zhe Minister, is he himself a scientist, or more mystically inclined? Zhere has been some debate amongst my associates und myself as ve haff made our vay across zhe campus as to just vhat manner of man he is."

[sblock=Surface Thoughts, aimed at teammates]Herr Jones, Zenji, I don't know if either of you can hear my thoughts, but if you can, now would be a very good time to remove his syringe while I've got his attention, lest be becomes some marauding mutant, or explodes in a burst of rampant bio-energy.[/sblock]

"I, personally, am of zhe opinion -- one seemingly supported by vhat ve haff seen in zhis room, und ze obvious admiration und fervor you haff for him, for his methods -- zhat zhe Minister is a man of Science. At least one member of mein team holds zhat zhe Minister is a man of magic, a sorcerer." Archeville wrinkles his nose in (mildly exaggerated) disgust. "So, vhich is it?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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