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Running a session of Basic D&D -- my game group's experience


This is the continuing tale from my blog -- Total Bullgrit -- so the tone is as much a review of the game as it is a tale of our play.

Basic D&D Game, Enter the Dungeon

The Basic D&D party:

Player 1 = fighter (Str 15, AC 1, HP 7), cleric (AC 6, HP 5)

Player 2 = thief (AC 6, HP 3, bow), magic-user (detect magic)

Player 3 = magic-user (sleep), magic-user (magic missile)

Note: the below is an overview of how the adventure went. I'm leaving out a lot of little details.

With freshly equipped PCs on paper in front of the Players, and the dungeon module in front of me, we started the adventure off standing before the front door of the dungeon. They tapped the door with their 10’ pole, the thief checked it for traps, and they listened at it before opening it.

-- A 1st-level BD&D thief has a 10% chance to find and remove a trap. No adjustments for ability scores. Just ten percent.

They entered the dungeon, and began walking down the corridor, tapping ahead of them with the 10’ pole as they went. In our years together before this game session, we have all gabbed about classic D&D dungeons. Like me, one of the Players is a veteran of such dungeons, way back. So they brought their paranoia, caution, and patience with them into this delve.

-- Interestingly, by the core rules, pit traps only have a 2 in 6 chance of opening up when walked across. So probing with a 10’ pole has only a 2 in 6 chance of revealing a pit trap before the front rank of adventurers walk on it.

The party reached the first pair of alcoves along the entry corridor. They 10’ poled all around the area, then moved on. When they came to the second pair of alcoves in the entry corridor, they decided to search for secret doors – but only one character searched each alcove. I guess they weren’t real serious about it. But my rolls came up with them finding the secret door to the west.

-- Finding secret doors is a 1 in 6 chance (2 in 6 for elves) per character searching.

Before they could do anything with their discovery, two wandering berserkers found them and attacked. I forgot that I’m supposed to roll for the monster’s reaction instead of just attacking, but what the hell? We play D&D for the excitement of battling monsters, not talking to them. (This is my after-the-fact excuse for forgetting to roll reactions throughout the adventure.)

I would say this was my first BD&D combat since circa 1982, but I pretty much ran my AD&D1 combat by the BD&D rules. This is probably the main reason I think back on my AD&D1 campaigns as easy and smooth to run, compared to if I had used the complicated AD&D1 combat rules as written. I ran my BD&D/AD&D1 hybrid up through the mid-90s.

Although, I don’t think we ever really ran our old-days BD&D combats in the Movement-Missile-Magic-Melee order. We just let the PCs do all their stuff without ordering in the MMMM pattern. But for this game session, I was trying to run everything honestly by the rules as written. So we did movement, then missile fire, then casting spells, then hand-to-hand rolls, in order, on the winning side of initiative, then the same for the losing side.

In this battle, the fighter engaged the berserkers in melee, the thief shot his bow from 20' away, and the cleric and magic-users hung back out of harm’s way. The fighter killed one enemy, and the thief killed the other. No PC was injured. But:

A flaw in old school modules, in my opinion, is the incomplete way they write up monster stats. For instance:

Berserkers (1-2) – AC 7, HD 1+1*, hp 5, 4, #AT 1, D 1-8 or by weapon, MV 90’ (30’), Save F1, ML 12

For some monsters, that’s information enough – orcs, goblins, and other basic monsters. But, for example, berserkers get a +2 on their attack rolls against humans and “human-like” creatures. I didn’t notice that little nugget until I looked berserkers up in the rule book, after that fight was completed. One berserker missed hitting the PC fighter by one point –- that +2 would have made the attack a hit.

The module stats for troglodytes and giant centipedes also leave out important combat information: stench and poison, respectively. After the berserker mistake, I opened the rule book before each combat to check for such missing info.

Now, I think monster stats in contemporary published adventures is information overload – far more info than is necessary for a combat. Although some people like/praise the bare-bones stats given in classic modules, for me, stats that omit important combat info aren’t a good thing anymore than stats that fill half a page with a wall of text.

In this battle, that little piece of omitted text made a difference in the result.

Then the party set about opening the secret door. After opening it, they spiked it to keep it open. They didn’t know it, but that was a good idea, as the door is a one-way valve, and they wouldn’t have been able to come back through it later if it closed.

Shortly after moving down the new hallway, I told them their torch was running out. It was also time for me to roll for another wandering monster check.

The Player whose PC was holding the torch joked and fiddled around, pantomiming holding the torch as it burned low. After several seconds with no one saying they were lighting a new torch, I said it went out. Darkness. “You might be eaten by a grue,” I said. That got chuckles all around.

My wandering monster roll came up with four giant rats. I described the party’s new torch lighting up, revealing the rats right on them. “Check for surprise,” I instructed. They were surprised. Uh oh.

The rats bit at the fighter and thief, and hit the thief for 3 points of damage. The thief only had 3 hit points, so he dropped dead. After the fighter killed two of the rats, the other two failed morale and fled. The cleric and magic-users again just stayed out of the fight.

First PC death in the second battle, just 8 turns into the adventure. The thief’s partner PC, one of the magic-users, picked up her brother’s body and carried it while the party moved on through the dungeon. (That M-U had 15 strength –- should have been made an elf.)

A couple turns later, the party came upon a giant centipede on the other side of a door. The party won initiative, and the fighter killed it in one blow. This encounter isn't really worth mentioning.

The party continued their walking through the corridors, still probing the floor with their 10’ pole all along the way. They were wandering around in the maze area of the dungeon (the south west corner). They eventually made their way all the way around and up to the back door of the kitchen (area #2) (no other wandering encounters). They were keeping a map of their trek so they wouldn’t get lost.

They entered the kitchen and looked around (I had not placed a monster or treasure in this room). They gave the dead thief a burial by fire in one of the cooking pits. After that, they opened the front door of the kitchen and found the remains of a battle in the dungeon intersection (not really area #1 marked on the map, but described there).

They carefully examined and searched the bodies, finding and taking the small change on a couple of the dead adventurers. After this, they decided to back track some to check an area of their map that didn’t fit right (simple mapping error in the triangular hallway around area #10).

During this double-checking of the hallways, a pair of orcs wandering up and attacked. Again, the PC fighter tanked while everyone else hung back from the danger. But then the fighter took a 5 point hit, taking him down to 2 hit points. Uh oh.

One of the magic-users cast magic missile at one of the orcs, for 2 points of damage (orc had 4 hit points). The cleric stepped up to fight, but got immediately cut down by an orc. Second PC dead. With the cleric down, and the fighter hurt bad, and both orcs still fighting, another magic-user pulled out his big gun: sleep.

Checking the sleep spell description, I got a big surprise. There is no area of effect listed for the spell. No instruction at all about this. Really? So I ruled that it just affected everything around the caster (but not including the caster). The Player rolled and got 10 hit dice of effect. Everything, including the PCs fell to sleep (no saves for this). The victorious magic-user then killed both orcs with his dagger, and woke his comrades.

The Str 15 magic-user (who hadn’t cast anything yet – detect magic not being a combat spell) carried the fallen cleric as the party made their backtracking way through the maze area to get back out of the dungeon.

Along the way, a wandering troglodyte attacked them. It scored 3 points of damage on one of the magic-users (who had 4 hit points), and then the fighter killed it in one swing. I was lenient here and used a D&D3 concept -- the troglodyte only took one attack when it moved up (trogs usually get claw/claw/bite).

They continued their hurried escape and got out of the dungeon.

41 total turns in the dungeon

5 wandering monster encounters

only 1 room discovered (but no monsters therein)

only 7 gp looted

and 2 PCs dead (from one hit each)

The 4 surviving PCs got something around 30-40 xp each. Not a very exciting reward for someone's first time experiencing Basic D&D.

If you are familiar with the layout of this dungeon, you will recognize that the PCs (through no fault or mistake of the Players) managed to take the most boring route through this dungeon. I don't think I could have intentionally plotted a better path to completely miss rooms, set monsters, and placed treasures.

Upon returning to town (I handwaved everything after exiting the dungeon), they healed up, rolled up two new PCs, restocked torches, and headed back into the dungeon for another go.

To be continued.



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-- Interestingly, by the core rules, pit traps only have a 2 in 6 chance of opening up when walked across. So probing with a 10’ pole has only a 2 in 6 chance of revealing a pit trap before the front rank of adventurers walk on it.
The different ways DMs handle pit traps always interest me. I know you're going for as much of a "by the book" approach as you can, but I like to vary the way pit traps work (and their chances for opening).

Also, I've had some PCs use a pole as a tapping device. That is, they're not trying to apply pressure and trigger a pit, they're trying to detect a difference in the way the floor sounds (much like tapping walls as a way to narrow down places where a secret door might be found). When PCs tap the floor, I don't roll, but will automatically tell them if I think the construction, there, would give a different sound (an especially thick "lid" on a pit might not). However, I also increase the chances for wandering monsters, and reduce the PC's chances of surprising anything (which they almost never do, anyway, because of their torches).

Raven Crowking

First Post
41 total turns in the dungeon

5 wandering monster encounters

only 1 room discovered (but no monsters therein)

only 7 gp looted

and 2 PCs dead (from one hit each)

The 4 surviving PCs got something around 30-40 xp each. Not a very exciting reward for someone's first time experiencing Basic D&D.

I am surprised that they didn't kill everything, find all the loot, and get maximum XP. And that wandering monsters were important at all in determining what happened in the dungeon. Must be an atypical experience, and I am sure they will Greyhawk the module on the next go. :lol:

Seriously, though:

1. Good job not telling the PCs that the spiked secret door was one-way! If a monster removes the spike in the meantime (an X in 6 chance?) they might fail to spike it on the next go, and that could be significant.

2. Good job with the rats. That was probably a far more tense encounter than "four giant rats" usually is.

3. Good job with the troglodyte. The 3e-ism you used is one of the 3e-isms that I rather like!

4. You are correct about early module stat blocks. You might want to make a "cheat sheet" to keep next to the module while you play.

Altogether, it sounds like an exciting time was the reward....after all, they are heading back!

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A 1st-level BD&D thief has a 10% chance to find and remove a trap. No adjustments for ability scores. Just ten percent.
Huh. In Original D&D, the Thief (once the class was added) skill is remove trap, without any special chance to find traps. And the ability is only "remove small trap devices (such as poisoned needles)."

What's really amusing is that the 1st level B/X Thief has a 10% chance to Find Trap as a Thief, but the B/X rules also say "Any character has a 1 in 6 chance of finding a trap when searching for one in the correct area. Any dwarf has a 2 in 6 chance." So the Magic User has a 16.67% chance of finding the trap (which is even better than the 2nd level Thief at 15%).

Some questions for you:
  • Do you give the 1st level Thief the 1 in 6 chance to Find, and 10% to remove?
  • Do you give the 1st level Thief the 1 in 6 chance to Find, and also the 10% chance? (Or maybe apply the Thief's chance to Find as a bonus to the normal 16.67% chance?)
  • Can a B/X Thief use his remove trap skill to nullify a pit trap? How about a falling stone block?
  • Let's say the Thief finds a falling stone block trap just in front of a dungeon door. It's triggered by opening the door. Will you tell the Thief what the trigger is?
  • I know you're going "by the book," but what would you do if you think a specific trap is especially well hidden or much easier to find than normal, and the Fighter searches that area? How about the Thief?
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41 total turns in the dungeon
Were you using the "rest 1 turn in 6" rule? Just curious.

Also, I know you mentioned that you didn't use reaction checks. Did you ever feel the need the use distance rolls, or did you do that based on what seemed appropriate for the situation? (As a side comment, in OD&D, you check distance after surprise, and distance is shorter in the event of surprise. Looking at the B/X rules, I was surprised to see that removed, and distance determined before surprise.)

3. Good job with the troglodyte. The 3e-ism you used is one of the 3e-isms that I rather like!
Yeah, I think B/X combat works well with DM rulings like this that seem appropriate for the actions the characters and monsters are taking. Another example is stuff like two groups charging together "meeting in the middle" rather than a more by the book "side A moves, then side B moves" approach.


Philotomy Jurament said:
In Original D&D, the Thief (once the class was added) skill is remove trap, without any special chance to find traps. And the ability was only "remove small trap devices (such as poisoned needles)."
In the Moldvay BD&D: "Find or Remove Traps is a double ability. The thief has the listed chance of finding a trap (if there is one) and the same chance (if the trap is found) of removing it. Either attempt may only be tried once per trap."

What's really amusing is that the 1st level B/X Thief has a 10% chance to Find Trap as a Thief, but the B/X rules also say "Any character has a 1 in 6 chance of finding a trap when searching for one in the correct area. Any dwarf has a 2 in 6 chance." So the Magic User has a 16.67% chance of finding the trap (which is even better than the 2nd level Thief at 15%).
LOL! I didn't know that. I just looked back in my rule book, and this time I found that rule (in a different spot in the book from the theif abilities). Ha!

Some questions for you:
Do you give the 1st level Thief the 1 in 6 chance to Find, and 10% to remove?
Do you give the 1st level Thief the 1 in 6 chance to Find, and also the 10% chance? (Or maybe apply the Thief's chance to Find as a bonus to the normal 16.67% chance?)
Can a B/X Thief use his remove trap skill to nullify a pit trap? How about a falling stone block?
Let's say the Thief finds a falling stone block trap just in front of a dungeon door. It's triggered by opening the door. Will you tell the Thief what the trigger is?
I know you're going "by the book," but what would you do if you think a specific trap is especially well hidden or much easier to find than normal, and the Fighter searches that area? How about the Thief?
Geez, dude. This was a one-shot for nostalgia's sake. You want my treatise on trap rules? :)

In general: I'm not a structural engineer, and I don't expect the Players to be McGuyvers. Unless there is some reason against it, I'm willing to let a character's skill roll find/remove/disable traps.



Philotomy Jurament said:
Were you using the "rest 1 turn in 6" rule? Just curious.
Yes. Though I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot it a time or two. And, really, it's not much of a thing, anyway. Just every sixth turn, the PCs don't move forward in the dungeon.

Also, I know you mentioned that you didn't use reaction checks. Did you ever feel the need the use distance rolls, or did you do that based on what seemed appropriate for the situation? (As a side comment, in OD&D, you check distance after surprise, and distance is shorter in the event of surprise. Looking at the B/X rules, I was surprised to see that removed, and distance determined before surprise.)
No need: they had one torch (30' radious light) held by a m-u in the middle of the marching order.

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Yes. Though I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot it a time or two. And, really, it's not much of a thing, anyway. Just every sixth turn, the PCs don't move forward in the dungeon.

The rule is, "After moving for 5 turns, the party must rest for 1 turn. One turn in six (one for each hour of the adventure) must be spent resting."

So which is it? Rest after moving for 5 turns or rest one turn every hour. Not necessarily the same thing.

I think the intent was that there'd be a turn resting every hour, but I only tend to enforce this when the party spends 5 consecutive turns moving or doing other strenuous activity (fighting). If the party does move, search, move, search, move, I don't tend to make the rest.

EDIT - doing it that way makes it work nice with the encumbrance/fatigue rules. A party moving at 120' will get to where they're going quicker and then have more stops for searching, while a party moving at 60' will have to take longer getting where they're going and are more likely to have to stop to rest.
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