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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


Hudder -- AC15/11/15 HP 77/85 DR 5/Magic ---AP 8/11--- Fort +11 [+14 vs. poison/spells] Ref +7 [+9 spells] (Evasion) Will +3 [+5 vs spells] [sblock=Additional stats]Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60', Spot +6, Listen +3, Search +15

AoO: +11 1d10+11

Stats assumptions he's sleeps with all of his magic items on except his armor and cloak (still aren't on) and his gauntlets (which he pulled on).[/sblock]

Through the muddled haze that is what's left of his brain Hudder thinks
[sblock=Dwarven]Tight spot. Can't retreat. No time to set up glyphs. Gonna have to make him teleport away like the other one.[/sblock]

Focas onna 'caster he bellows, advancing on the wand wielding caster and slamming it with powerful blows.

Five foot step to 2-7.

OK. So the only reasonable way to use action points, (i.e. to demonstrate that you're declaring their use before you see damage is to put it in the notes field of Invisible Caster -- EnWorld posts being editable and all).
[sblock=Attacks]AC=22+5*, Damage 21+5
AC=22, Damage 15+4

Attack vs MF 1 (@3-6). | +1 Dwarven Waraxe +11/+6 1d10+11 (x3) | each respective 1d6 is the damage bonus from Darv's Dark knowledge and related to the attack it follows. I will use action points on any roll that generates an 18 or higher (priority on the higher roll, unless it's 25 or greater)

[sblock=* Action point]I would of course, make up a complex system and then promptly have both rolls fall into it. Since I can only spend one action point (Right?) I'll add it to the first roll.
Attack vs MF 1 (@3-6). |Action point I will add the higher of two dice rolled to the first attack. (1d6=5, 1d6=2)[/sblock]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Hampered by the lack of light, the shifter grumbles a few syllables, and a magic glow emanates from one of the trees. Just as quickly, the shifter changes into the sleek---but much larger---panther form.

OOC: light, then shapeshift to predator form.


First Post
Round 4


22 - Domoris - Cast Light on tree, shapeshift to predator form, 4 dmg to MF#1 from ring
21 - Mind Flayer #1 - Cast Defensively, hit Hudder with spell for 20 damage (1/2 cold, 1/2 untyped)
21 - Mind Flayer #3 - Uses spell like ability on defensive, floats 20' upwards
21 - Mind Flayer #4 - Move to (3,10) attack Davan with tentacle - HIT for 3 damage, Davan grappled - 3 AoO hit for 26 dmg before DR
21 - Morph - 10' in the air, Move to (4,6), Disarm attempt fails (AoO hit for 3 damage), First 3 grapples fail due to AoO's hitting (12 damage), 4th Grapple check failed, 5th/6th Succeeded - Flayer #1 is Pinned and takes 22 nonlethal damage before DR
15 - Davan - Stunned
15 - Dreadnought - Stunned
14 - Void - Helpless
12 - Darv - Stunned
10 - Hudder - Move to (2,6) attack MF#1 - MISS!

Hampered by the lack of light, the shifter grumbles a few syllables, and a magic glow emanates from one of the trees. Just as quickly, the shifter changes into the sleek---but much larger---panther form. The illumination from the druid's spell bathes two more of the squid-men in its light, causing them to momentarily cover their eyes with their arms.

The illuminated flayer, looks on with annoyance at the dwarf before him, with a flick of his wrist, it launches a bolt of cold darkness at him with his left hand, hitting the unarmored dwarf smack in the center of his broad chest, causing him to stagger backwards a moment from the sheer evil force of the blow, but he is able to shrug it off. [Fortitude save PASS]

[sblock=Spellcraft DC18]
Flayer cast Dark Bolt

One of the squid-men who just recently became visible moves underneath the warforged/hydra and misjudges the creature -- as three of the heads snap down upon the torso of the creature and open wounds that appear to be much smaller than expected. Undetered by the assault, it flicks its tentacles over the stunned human and gnome, as if tasting each, before settling upon the priest -- wrapping one tentacle firmly around Davan's neck.

The other squid, realizing that he was now visible begins to float upwards, away from the forest floor.

[sblock=Spellcraft DC17]
Used Levitate upon self

Morph roars in outrage, knowing that his opponents are both cowardly and protected by spells. He then flies closer to the glowing mind flayer. With his newly grown seven heads, he goes to work attempting to wrest the wand from the flayers hand, while the rest of his heads set about to intertwine themselves around the creature to make it still. The first head darts at the wand, trying to knock it from its grasp, but is quickly smacked with one of the long tentacles framing its face.

Not giving up, he sends the remainder of his heads towards the creature and succeeds in overpowering it by sheer numbers, but not before several wounds appear on the hydra/wizard. [Flayer is grappled and pinned]

Hudder grits his teeth against the pain, forcing his grunt into a bellow. Hu.. HA! Me mummy usta hit me 'ard'n 'at fer skip'n me chores!

Staying mobile on his feet he dances around to the left, swinging his ax with more gusto than skill at the now-pinned Flayer -- but his foot catches on a tree root and causes him to swing wide, narrowly missing one of the friendly hydra's many heads.



Condition Summary:

Morph: (34/49) Polymorph Self (137 rounds)
Lo-Kag: Stunned
Dreadnought: Stunned
Hudder: (57/85)
Void: Helpless
Darv: Barkskin (77 rounds), Stunned
Davan: (63/66) Grappled and Stunned
Flayer #1: Faerie Fire (1 rounds), Grappled and Pinned

Note: no light exists in the clearing except for the Faerie fire effect on the Flayer (shadowy illumination to 5', 10' for those with low-light vision), and the Light spell (20' radius -- white circle on map) (any PC without darkvision, i.e. Davan/Morph/Dreadnought/Domoris/Lo-Kag will not be able to see the other two in the heat of battle without stopping and making a listen check.


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this post edited to reflect the fact that the original action was impossible.

Hudder -- AC15/11/15 HP 57/85 DR 5/Magic ---AP 7or8/11--- Fort +11 [+14 vs. poison/spells] Ref +7 [+9 spells] (Evasion) Will +3 [+5 vs spells] [sblock=Additional stats]Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60', Spot +6, Listen +3, Search +15

AoO: +11 1d10+11

Stats assumptions he's sleeps with all of his magic items on except his armor and cloak (still aren't on) and his gauntlets (which he pulled on).[/sblock]Hudder grits his teeth against the pain, forcing his grunt into a bellow. Hu.. HA! Me mummy usta hit me 'ard'n 'at fer skip'n me chores!

Before he can react Morph, in hydra form, latches onto the Mind Flayer, hauling the abomination up into the air.
Ah canna hit him if ya....

He glances around the battlefield and catches sight of the Mind Flayer latched onto the cleric. Tha doessna look good. Hudder bolts toward the flayer, missing spectacularly.

[sblock=Attacks assuming flanking with Domoris]Assume that since he's in cat form and the other flayer is floating out of reach that Domoris is going to move so at least one square is 5-6 (or 4-6).

Hudder's 5 foot move takes him to 2-6.
Hudder moves see map 5.5 in s@s' following post.

1st: AC =14 rolled a one!
2nd: Invalidated by movement.

Likewise the following action point was never spent.
Hudder round 4 | Action point for an attack (IF the 2nd AC 22 attack hit last round). Take the higher one and add it to the second attack. (3,4)
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First Post
Morph 49/49 AC 17

Morph roars in outrage, knowing that his opponents are both cowardly and protected by spells.

[sblock=5 successful spellcraft checks]Nothing lower than a 33 [/sblock]

The flying hydra moves toward the still glowing mindflayer and it's heads reach down towards the creature, not seeking to hurt it, but seeking to hold it tight in his many mouths.

[sblock=ooc]Swift action to continue to fly(3 remaining). Move to (4,6) How high is the "ceiling" in this area? One disarm(the wand) attempt vs flayer1 followed by 6 grapple attempts. I assumed the disarm counts as unarmed so I took a -4 to that. Height is also included in attack/grapple/disarm rolls. I am still 10' up so no AoO and I am not good so the magic circle won't help.

From the SRD: "Hydras can attack with all their heads at no penalty, even if they move or charge during the round." Not a special quality, so I should get it.

Disarm(+12): 25
Grapple1: touch attack; grapple check; unarmed strike damage: 26, 33, 9
Grapple2: touch attack; grapple check; unarmed strike damage: 24, 19, 8
Grapple3: touch attack; grapple check; unarmed strike damage: 20, 26, 9
Grapple4: touch attack; grapple check; unarmed strike damage: 19, 20, 11
Grapple5: touch attack; grapple check; unarmed strike damage: 26, 27, 13
Grapple6: touch attack; grapple check; unarmed strike damage: 24, 20, 9

For some reason should the grapple fail for magical reasons, Morph will attack instead(use first roll, but damage will be different(1d10+4+1d6). Once the flayer is grappled, the next check is to pin it(and keep from speaking). Even though, I get many grapple checks I doubt you would let me take them to let me move the grapple, correct? How many can I do then to move the grapple? [/sblock]


First Post

1) How did you calculate your disarm modifier? +12 with a -4 penalty, so your base was +16? It is a melee attack, so it should be at your base, which was +7 in the preceding rounds as a hydra.

2) You really want to make this hard on me, don't you? ;)

3) So, since you do not have improved grab as a feat, as your heads swing in to attempt to grapple, the flayer will get AoO's in order to avoid the initiation of the grapple. What I am trying to determine is whether the flayer will be able to AoO each grapple attempt, or if it would require Combat Reflexes to do so more than once.

4) As far as the combat reflexes of the hydra, the ability of the creature to attack with all of its heads is iconic to the monster, but it is granted by the combat reflexes feat -- what I do not see covered anywhere is whether you gain the use of all of the feats of the form selected (for example, the hydra also has Iron Will and toughness as feats, but you wouldn't gain access to them as a Lvl 1 M. Transmogrifist)


So, after reading many pages of many books, here is what I have decided:

The flayer will get 4 AoOs to avoid your 1st 4 grapple checks -- as it has 4 tentacles that attack as part of a full attack option (similar to your 7 head attacks) That leaves 2 grapple checks that are unopposed.

Your disarm check failed, due to the incorrect modifier being used -- should have been at most +7 for the melee attack, +1 for higher ground......

What type of maneuvrability is granted with sudden shift? I can't find it anywhere... I'm assuming average or good, but again, cannot find anything decisive anywhere.

I won't allow the Dark Knowledge (Foe) modifier to work in the grapple, because a) it is for lethal damage and b) the rules state that although you possess natural weapons (bites), they aren't used that way during a grapple, thus being forced to deal nonlethal damage (without taking a further -4 penalty)



First Post
[sblock=S@s]Disarm: +3BAB +4 Str +1 height +8 size -4 unarmed= +12. Don't forget the wand is not considered a weapon so the flayer gets a -4 to the roll.

Remember I am 10' above the flayer when I attempt the grapples, it doesn't threaten me, so no AoO.

From the SRD said:
A hydra’s Combat Reflexes feat allows it to use all its heads for attacks of opportunity.

This all it says about the hydra's attacks and the combat reflexes feat. The feat description above makes it clear that the feat has nothing to do with the hydra's ability to attack with all heads after a move.

The fly manuverability I am unsure of, I don't know of any errata or anything on it. Dark knowledge ruling is fine by me.[/sblock]


First Post
Grappling denies the grapplee's dex AC Bonus, Pinning subtracts 4 from its AC.

Although you are 10' above the creature when you attempt to grapple/disarm, you DO have to bring some portion of yourself within range of the creature in order to attempt it, which would open the door to an AoO from the flayer's tentacles.

I do see in the SRD the mention that "Certain monsters do not provoke AoO's when attempting a grapple", but I cannot find any documentation that it would pertain to a hydra, especially as it does not have Improved Grapple/Grab as a feat.

From Wizard's All about Grappling said:
A grapple attack begins with grabbing a foe.

You can't grapple anything until you get your hands on it first. For most player characters, grabbing a foe for a grapple attack requires a successful melee touch attack.

The grab provokes an attack of opportunity from the foe being grabbed. If the attack of opportunity hits and deals damage, the grab automatically fails (see page 156 in the Player's Handbook). If the attack of opportunity doesn't hit, or if it hits and deals no damage (as it might if the target has damage reduction), it doesn't automatically defeat the grab, but the grab still fails if the melee touch attack fails.

As it doesn't mention either here or in the PHB about reach and grappling, I have to say that AoO's would be allowed per my reasoning above.

I am more than willing to change my view if supporting documentation can be shown to the contrary.

Also, how about we agree that when sudden shifted, you gain your flight with average manuevrability.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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