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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold


[sblock=OOC -- Here's hoping...]... that MF 1 has a nice, high dexterity. Cause without Domoris flanking I'm looking at a 19 AC even with the AP.[/sblock]

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Round 5


22 - Domoris - 5' step to (5,9), attack MF#4 - bite MISS, talon HIT for 9 dmg before DR
21 - Mind Flayer #1 - [Pinned] - attempts to Use spell like ability on the defensive while pinned - FAIL
21 - Mind Flayer #3 - Rise another 10', Mind Blast at Hudder/Morph/MF#1
21 - Mind Flayer #4 - Grappling w/ Davan - attach remaining 3 tentacles for 11 damage
21 - Morph - 20' in the air - Grapple Mind Flayer, fall. Morph takes 3 nonlethal damage.
15 - Davan - Stunned and Grappled
15 - Dreadnought - Stunned
14 - Void - Helpless
12 - Darv - Stunned
10 - Hudder - Attacks MF#4 - HIT due to Grapple for 26 damage before DR

Ignoring the floating squid thing for now, Beast-Domoris turns on the one grappling the human. A savage attack ensues --Domoris' teeth fail to sink into the creatures body, but his claw tears a large gash, causing it to drip ichor briefly before most of it seals itself.

The glowing Mind Flayer makes no sound, but begins to thrash around after a second or two. [Use SLA on defensive while Pinned FAIL vs DC35]

The floating Flayer begins to work itself into a frenzy as it sees its compatriot begin to work its tentacles over the stunned human and rises higher into the air while unleashing more mental turmoil into the area, not bothering to spare its own kind from the effects. Morph thinks he can feel some sort of movement in the flayer in his grip, and thinks it may be some sort of maniacal laughter.
[Hudder will save PASS, Morph uses AP to PASS. Both Flayers appear unaffected]

The final flayer continues to silently work its tentacles over Davan's neck, face and skull, writhing and moving with preternatural speed and agility -- Domoris has no idea what the creature intends to do, but it doesn't appear good for one's skull... The unware priest's face remains expressionless during the entire ordeal.

The wizard/hydra continues to beat its tiny wings harder and harder, climbing slightly higher into the jungle night with the still mind flayer in the writhing cluster of necks and heads. It then positions the creature underneath itself as best as it can manage and then free falls to the forest floor, trying its best to mash the flayer into a bloody pulp with its heavy body.

At the last second, however, the flayer discovers its new found freedom from the heads and lurches to the side, avoiding the brunt of the blow, but somewhat dazed by the experience. [Reflex save successful, Flayer damaged ]

I gave the flayer a reflex DC of 20 for the manuevre to avoid the brunt of the smashing.
I converted all the damage the you would have taken for a 20' fall to nonlethal for Morph, due to the combination of some padding (mind flayers body) and the conscious decision to fall.

Hudder watches as the flying hydra heads off into the night sky.
Ah canna hit him if ya....

He glances around the battlefield and catches sight of the Mind Flayer latched onto the cleric. Tha doessna look good.

The dwarf springs into action bolting around the writhing gith and attacking the Mind Flayer with inaccurate gusto. The blow from the axe catches the flayer somewhat unaware, as it is focusing all of its attention on its hold on the humans head and neck.



Condition Summary:

Morph: (34/49 w/3 nonlethal) Polymorph Self (136 rounds)
Lo-Kag: Stunned
Dreadnought: Stunned
Hudder: (57/85)
Void: Helpless
Darv: Barkskin (76 rounds), Stunned
Davan: (52/66) Grappled and Stunned
Flayer #1: Faerie Fire (0 rounds), Grappled and Pinned - drawn into Morph's square

Note: no light exists in the clearing except for the Faerie fire effect on the Flayer (shadowy illumination to 5', 10' for those with low-light vision), and the Light spell (20' radius -- white circle on map) (any PC without darkvision, i.e. Davan/Morph/Dreadnought/Domoris will not be able to see the other two in the heat of battle without stopping and making a listen check.

White Border: Radius of Light spell
Light Blue Border: Mind Blast AoE
Yellow triangle in Morph's token is the direction he is facing (NW currently), must move at least 20'/round to keep flying (average maneuvrability)


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[sblock=s@s]Sorry, bit confused. There isn't anything next to Hudder's name in post 492 so I wasn't sure what happened.
It looks like hudder has moved, but if Morph pulled MF 1 up into the air first did I actually hit? If MF1 is in 4-6 during my turn then I would expect I wouldn't move or I'd move to 4-5 (or to 5-5 if I had to to get under the MF and strike at it).

Since we've moved to round 5 (and got mind blasted again) I'm assuming that it's top of the round right?
Since I'm doing poorly at guessing what people are going to do I think I'll wait before posting and action this time.

Having a great time, hopefully we can get the rest of the party awake again soon.[/sblock]


First Post

Morph the hydra continues his flight angling upward as well attempting to carry the struggling mindflayer with him.

[sblock=ooc]How high is the "ceiling" is this area? My current speed in only 20'. I have to maintain half that for min forward speed so it's 10' not twenty.. I use my standard action to make a grapple check with a head to move the grapple 10' upward 60 degree angle(I do this until I succeed). Remaining checks are to do damage. If am already at the ceiling, I'll move to get near Hudder, and stop flying angling myself to fall on top of the flayer. How much damage would a falling 4000lb hydra do? ;) (20d6 by my calculations)

Grapple checks: 16,27,16,34,18,32,24
Damage rolls: 5,9,8,10,5,5,10

Rolls [/sblock]


First Post
You are actually correct, your last action (in round 4) would have been for naught, as the flayer had been yanked into Morph's square by the grapple, so your movement would have been affected in order for you to make your attack -- instead of moving to (2,6) it would have been necessary to move to (4,6). I'll update.

Your round 5 action is not posted yet, so that is why in post 492 you do not see any action next to your name yet.

I'm glad you are enjoying it -- I have a feeling those who are stunned who not share your viewpoint. ;) But I am trying to make things as realistic as possible while adding the thrill, horror, and fantasy of the situation.


Ceiling in this area is the sky -- the trees are quite dense around the campsite, but there is no canopy directly above you.

A hydra with wings would operate just like a dragon in my mind. Since you are size Huge, you wouldn't be effective against a size medium creature per the info below.

Crush (Ex)
This special attack allows a flying or jumping dragon of at least Huge size to land on opponents as a standard action, using its whole body to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only against opponents three or more size categories smaller than the dragon (though it can attempt normal overrun or grapple attacks against larger opponents).

A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under the dragon’s body. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC equal to that of the dragon’s breath weapon) or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the dragon moves off them. If the dragon chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape.

A crush attack deals the indicated damage plus 1½ times the dragon’s Strength bonus (round down).


First Post
[sblock=S@S]Seems fair enough to me, but what about: Falling Objects

Surely a hydra is not a object, but maybe I am getting too much to realist thinking here. Perhaps a reflex save or some kind of check to manuver the flayer under my body? The biggest difference between the dragon's crush attack and what I am trying to do is that the dragon's victims aren't held the dragon's mouth, they have a chance to move out of the way of it's bulk(which to me constitutes a bigger impact than the size differences). Here, I am controlling through a possible grapple check(perhaps?) to place it below my body as I drop to the ground.[/sblock]


First Post

The two sources appear to be somewhat at odds with each other -- on one hand, you have a gargantuan or collosal dragon, which weigh thousands of tons, which only causes 4d8 or so of damage with a crush attack -- by the falling objects rules, it would easily be a 20d6 type of event.

On the other, you have a hydra/wizard, who has a mind flayer grappled in its heads, and plans on falling upon the flayer, without falling upon its own heads (thereby crushing portions of its own body). And the hydra form is definitely more than 200 lbs and would create a 20d6 type of event.........

Must think.



Post updated to match up with prior round. (original text at bottom)

Hudder -- AC15/11/15 HP 57/85 DR 5/Magic ---AP 7/11--- Fort +11 [+14 vs. poison/spells] Ref +7 [+9 spells] (Evasion) Will +3 [+5 vs spells] [sblock=Additional stats]Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60', Spot +6, Listen +3, Search +15

AoO: +11 1d10+11

Stats assumptions he's sleeps with all of his magic items on except his armor and cloak (still aren't on) and his gauntlets (which he pulled on).
Assuming the action point wasn't spent last round.[/sblock]

Hudder lays into the squidman as it gnaws on the cleric. "Keep on chewing there! Ah be having yer head for a cooking of me own!"

[sblock=Round 5 -- First Attack: Hoping the Mind Flayers AC is 19...]
AC 16+3* for 26 damage
Round Five on MF 4, flanking with Domoris (+2 to hit;+1d6 sneak attack). Spend AP if hit AC of 15 or greater.

*=Rolled a 3 and 1 for the action points.[/sblock]

[sblock=Second attack]
AC 23 (yay!) for 23 damage (boo!)

Second attack round 6. Flaking with Domoris. Since I've already declared an action point on the "primary" roll there's no AP for this one.

[sblock=Old post]Hudder watches as the flying hydra heads off into the night sky.
Ah canna hit him if ya....

He glances around the battlefield and catches sight of the Mind Flayer latched onto the cleric. Tha doessna look good.

The dwarf springs into action bolting to 2-11 and attacking the Mind Flayer with inaccurate gusto.
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First Post
Round 6


22 - Domoris - Attack MF#4 - bite HIT for 18 damage +1 con before DR
21 - Mind Flayer #1 - Use SLA defensively, disappear
21 - Mind Flayer #3 - Float another 10' upwards - now 40' up - - Mind Blast on campsite
21 - Mind Flayer #4 - Grappling w/ Davan - Extract Brain - Davan dies.
21 - Morph - Dismiss Polymorph, draw Sunrod
15 - Dreadnought - Attacks MF#4 - HIT for 16 damage before DR
14 - Void - Helpless
12 - Darv - Stunned
10 - Hudder - Stunned

Determined, Beast-Domoris does the only thing it can---attack viscously, hoping to take the monster down. The bite was particularly nasty, staggering the flayer, but does not deter it from its frenzied task.

The flayer underneath the hydra finds an opening and winks out of sight. [Use SLA on defensive check PASS]

The floating flayer continues to climb higher into the night air (for those able to see it) and bombards the campsite once more with waves of mental disorder and pain. Morph fights off the effects once more, but the dwarf immediately stiffens. [Nat 1 for Hudder will save]

With a sickening and horrific loud crunch, Davan's eyes roll into the back of his head as his body falls to the ground. Blood spurts from the large hole in the top of his head, while the flayer's skin takes on a redish hue, as the brain is quickly devoured.

Knowing a flayer still lurks around them, and knowing his hydra form would be next to useless without light, Morph silently lets the polymorph spell fade and intones a quick word as he falls to the ground. Able to speak once again, he yells out, "We need more light," and he pulls a sunrod from his pack.

The light pours from the stubby rod, illuminating the flayer standing over Davan's shattered skull and corpse. Morph looks upwards into the sky, but fails to see the flayer that he knows must be somewhere up there. [No Feather Fall, as Morph was on the ground (crushing the Mind Flayer #1 at the end of last round)]

Dreadnought, half bent with a gauntlet-like hand raised to his head, slowly comes upright again as he fights his way back through the screaming chaos the strange power had imposed on him. One by one, memories rejoin their brothers to re-establish the proper sequence of events. Gleaming eyes deeply set in an adamantine cowling scan the battlefield and identify a glowing target.

He rushes to attack! His blade swings high overhead and strikes the flayer on one shoulder, cutting through flesh and armor as it continues through its body on a diagonal course. The blade exits the creature near the ground and the flayer slumps to the ground dead, its tentacles continue to pulsate for a few moments before they go limp.



Condition Summary:

Morph: (34/49 w/3 nonlethal)
Lo-Kag: Stunned
Hudder: (57/85) Stunned
Void: Helpless
Darv: Barkskin (75 rounds),
Davan: Dead

Note: no light exists in the clearing except for the Faerie fire effect on the Flayer (shadowy illumination to 5', 10' for those with low-light vision), and the Light spell (20' radius -- white circle on map) (any PC without darkvision, i.e. Morph/Dreadnought/Domoris will not be able to see the other two in the heat of battle without stopping and making a listen check.

White Border: Radius of Light spell and Sunrod
Blue Border: Mind Blast AoE)


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