S2: War in Vastermarch - Completed

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit returns shortly after Ogrin with a few new vials in the bandoleer across his chest. (2 CModW, 2 CLW). His horse also has a feedbag strapped around its rear. If anybody comments, Rasereit just shrugs and says, "Could work." The dwarf greets the newcomer Talbin with a tug on his beard and a nod. Rasereit claps little Nodis hard on the back in greeting, almost knocking the halfling young man over. Rasereit doesn't seem to notice, he guides his horse up the ramp and on to the Water Dragon.

At the top of the ramp he turns around, takes a deep breath of the fresh sea air with a determined grin on his face, and then turns a pale shade of green. But this time, rather than do what he normally does, he shakily reaches into his pack for a leatherbound flask. Bringing it weakly towards his lips, he spills a few drops onto his beard. The smell of burnt hair blends with that of the fish and salt water. Captain Wick wrinkles his nose. The dwarf takes a healthy swig and is suddenly infused with new vigor! Tossing the flask back into his pack, the dwarf roars with the fury of five Vundinn barbarians, "Rasereit, last o' the Vundinn clan, is comin' home!" The captain shakes his head and Razh's horse side steps away from the dwarf. Rasereit's eyes grow soft, and he stumbles to her side, the mighty barbarian cooing to settle the beast.
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Ogrin looks at his dwarven friend. "Setting your foot on a ship makes you ill, but running over a collapsing cavern floor is fine? There's something seriously wrong with you, my friend."

"Captain, we're ready to leave when you are."

OOC, reply to an earlier comment: While Ogrin owns the ship, he doesn't have the skills needed to call himself captain.

OOC2: Since Razh now has taken a fighter feat, I believe he'll actually lose the "Illiteracy" ability. All that fighter training must be lots and lots of theory :) EDIT: Though I guess he can keep it, at his option, if he so wishes.
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First Post
I actually have nothing planned for those 8 days at sea. Assume the trip is largely without incident. Ogrin feels out captian Wick and checks his books. He seems to be keeping an honest inventory of the ship's fortunes. Orgin is making some money.

The group reaches the northern Vastermarch, where Razh feels he should start inland to find any remains of his clan. Unremitting action to start soon thereafter. But I'll give you another day or two to talk amongst yourselves if you wish. You guys are doing a great job so far; I'm enjoying reading it. It might be worthwhile to determine what each person's goals for the trip are. I can customize the encounters to some extent if there's something people want to accomplish or acquire


A couple days sailing pass and Nodis is on the deck chatting with Talbin. "So, why are you going north? I actually... well, got a letter. From my family. I suppose I could see them, though I nev..."

Nodis stays silent for a moment and slaps his forehead.

"I'm an idiot! I can see them as often as I want!"

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit tries to conserve his potent potable for the entire trip, but he manages to go through it in four days. For those four days, he's a happy fellow, swaggering a bit more than the ship is swaying, but he sings often (much to the others' chagrin). When Ogrin goes through the ships logs, Rasereit has him point out a few words in Common. By the end of the flask, Rasereit is fully fluent in all Common words! Well, at least the very few that appeared in the books. "Gold" is his favorite, he traces it often on the dusty kegs in the cargo hold. It's also the longest word he knows.

His butt-bag idea worked for a day. Then it came time to clean the thing, and Rasereit just threw it overboard.

After his alcohol runs out, Rasereit quickly becomes seasick. He swaggers far more than he did before, and spends most of his time at the rail. He considers drinking one of his healing potions, but eventually decides that it wouldn't do any good. Being sober does give him time to think, though.

In one conversation, he relates an idea to whoever is talking to him, "So Ah was in the tavern, drinkin' away, righ'? An' this druid gives me a berry. A goodberry, he called it. And Ah ate it, an' Ah sobered right up! So now Ah'm thinkin', what if Ah took the contents o' this," he shakes one of his vials of potion, "an' got a gnome or a... well a somebody, an' got a somebody to put it in a berry skin, eh? An' then Ah held it in me cheek, like this," he pulls his cheek out with a dirty finger, showing where the super-goodberry would go, "An' then when Ah needed it, no grab-baggin' or wastin' time openin' this tiny l'il thing, Ah could just," he chomps loudly, "Bite!" he bites his finger, hard. Then he realizes what he's done and yelps in pain. "Ouch. Anyway, ye think it'd work?"

Once they get to ground, Rasereit actually stays on the ship for a moment. Then he goes beneath the deck, unties his horse, and leads her calmly down the ramp. He walks calmly up the dock. He calmly ties her to a post. And then he lays face down in the dirt, grabbing handfuls of it and squeezing them. "Ah don't know why Ah ever leave ye," he whispers, as though to a lover. "Ye're good t'take me back, after so many times now, so many times..."

[sblock=OOC: ]I hope you don't mind a few sales and purchases Rasereit makes before setting sail. I'm going to say that he sold his light horse right after Niobe's Dilemma. (The light warhorse was way too weak. I think it was free, too.) He then bought his heavy warhorse, which is what he brought on this trip. He has Ride, but he's too poor to get a Handy Haversack and barding, so I'll wait on that for now.

The potions were bought while Ogrin finished up his shopping.

-100gp for 2 CLW potions.
-600gp for 2 CModW potions.
+42.5gp for selling light horse and riding saddle.
-400gp for buying a heavy warhorse.
-20gp for buying a military saddle.
-2gp for bit and bridle.
-4gp for saddle bags.

27.61gp on 6/13/07

Rasereit had an equine companion named Kerrin that died before he was a PC, and I want his mount to be something he invests some money and emotion and time into. She's (yes, it's a she) more than just a beast or even a pet, he treats her like an intelligent creature. (And actually, for all I know, Kerrin might have been an intelligent magical beast! We'll never know now...) I'm not sure he'll ride her into combat just yet. In fact, I'm pretty sure he won't. I'll need to purchase some barding or some kind of protection before he risks harming her that way. For now, she's his companion and a means of faster long-distance travel. She doesn't have a name yet, Rasereit's waiting for the right one to come along. (Maybe as he's learning to read dwarven he'll find the word for horse and fall in love with it, I don't know.)

If changing the horse this late doesn't sit well with you, then I'll undo all this stuff.[/sblock]


Talbin explains why he set foot on the ship "Well, you know, it's mainly adventure.. and shinies. I met this bard, you probably know him from the Dragon. And he was asking me all these strange questions like (and Talbin puts on a silly voice to mimmick the bard) 'how have you been doing Talbin?' and 'How's being a boring adventurer working out for you?' and then he asked if i wanted to go fight big evil in battles up north. I said it was fine by me, as long as there is shienies. I'm really into this fighting evil business, you know, but a couple of extra shinies never hurt! And that's basicly it. I have to find this gnome person near vastermarch somewhere and he suppose to tell me what's next. Meanwhile i get to sail on this nice boat! I've never done that before!"

For the rest of the journey Talbin enjoys talking with anybody who can bear his endless chatter. He's generally a cheerfull lad who is really excited about his first time at sea.


"Really? Did he say what kind of evil? I hope they are not undead - I've already had undead and some kind of werewolf goblin, and undead become tiresome after a while. I'm looking for something new. You don't mind me visiting that gnome, do you?"


"No, i have no idea what kind up undead. I fought some undead as well before! and wherethingies too! Those skeletons are really pesky, my spear just bumbed right off. always use a club against the, i soon found out, really works! I'm fine with you coming along to the gnome, i hope he doesn't mind. But then again, i hope he doesn't mind me visiting as well."


"Ship, " says Ogrin, "It's a ship, not a boat. Sailors are picky with that.

"Shinies you say? We're headed north as well, as we've heard there are troubled times and if there's trouble there's work to be had for adventurers. Mind if we keep you company? It's always safer to travel in numbers, and who knows, maybe you'll need help with whatever this gnomish fellow requests of you..."

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