S2: War in Vastermarch - Completed


"Oh yeah. When they talk about a great evil they usually mean that there's someone who needs to be clubbed on the head and that nobody will complain if you take what was of that bad guy." says Nodis. "That's why I love this job. The only bad part is going from oneplace to another, and keeping watch at night. I'll have to so something about that."

"Now that i think on it, I've seen a lot of evils when I travel, but nobody does anything about them. I don't know if that's beacuse everyone's busy with the great evils, or because those smaller don't have any money to take from them."

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First Post
manzanita said:
I actually have nothing planned for those 8 days at sea. Assume the trip is largely without incident. Ogrin feels out captian Wick and checks his books. He seems to be keeping an honest inventory of the ship's fortunes. Orgin is making some money.

Talbin knows, by looking at a map Wick has, that the town of Braeholl, where this Poto Knezer character supposedly lives, is inland, and a bit North, near central Vastermarch close to the Northern Mountains. Razereit knows one of his dwarven holds was located near there as well.

We haven't established where Nodis' parents live. In Vastermarch? Further North in Earling?

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit doesn't even need to look at the map to know Braeholl. "Braeholl, ooh, Ah remember that place. 'Twas the first town Ah visited after me years alone in the mountains. Me cause was lost, me clan disbanded, an' Ah was not a happy dwarf..." A glaze covers Rasereit's eyes as he recalls those dark days.

He quickly shakes his head and breaks free from the reverie. "Aye, that was even before Ah met Kerrin, or found the Dog," Rasereit looks up to the heavens and tugs his beard when he mentions Mongrel. The dwarf leans in to look at the map. "Where's Braeholl? What, that? What's that 'e' doin' in the name, don't these cartographers know what's what? Oh, righ', there are the mountains, righ' north o' Braeholl! That must be the entrance to the Vundinn clancaverns, Ah'm sure of it." Razh turns his sight from the map to his companions, smiling. "Looks like we're all headin' t'the same place. Seems a bit like... fate, eh?" Razh exchanges a knowing glance with Ogrin, pointing towards the sky at their shared deity.

OOC: I hope I'm not taking too much creative liberty with Braeholl. I didn't specify that particular bit of background on Rasereit's history, so if it clashes with something, let me know.


Manzanita said:
We haven't established where Nodis' parents live. In Vastermarch? Further North in Earling?

ooc: Doesn't matter much, as Nodis discovered he can watch the farm with Clairvoyance when he was halfway Vastermarch and doesn't plan to go there very soon, as it's still the same crappy place, unless there's an emergency (which I prefer not to)

[sblock=Manz]As I said in a previous post Iv'e been following the Jenkins' farm adventure lately, and looks like there's some confusion from El Jefe's part about the even sequence. I didn't want to post this in that thread, but you may find it useful:

Round 3:

-The lion attacks Boog and does enough damage to drop him, but Boog uses Resilience as an immediate action to avoid enough damage to remain standing at 2 HP.

-Boog's actions this round aren't clear, but involved four options:
-1) Manifest Hostile empathic transfer on the lion, which draws an AoO unless manifested defensively
-2) Step back and ready to manifest Hostile empathic transfer on any target within reach, which would also draw an AoO
-3) Step back, manifest Hostile empathic transfer, and then (next round) ready an action to touch any lion within reach. This would avoid AoOs, but would do no good this round.
-4) And one option that's splitting hairs, but IMO could be valid, though it's debatable. He could have stepped back and ready an action to manifest Hostile empathic transfer as soon any enemy starts moving towards him and touch said enemy. Since readied actions take place before the trigger action, he would not draw AoOs from he lion, since it'd be 10 feet away, then touch the lion when it's within range.

In any case looks like Boog's actions used option 3, as Boddynock pointed out earlier.

-Archers attack, wounding Boog again. He uses again Resilience to stay conscious.

Round 4:

-Lion attacks dealing enough damage to kill Boog. Since he used his immediate action with the archers, and hasn't acted in between he can't use Resilience again, as Patlin noted.[/sblock]


Rae ArdGaoth said:
"Looks like we're all headin' t'the same place. Seems a bit like... fate, eh?" Razh exchanges a knowing glance with Ogrin, pointing towards the sky at their shared deity.

"An, good. I thought I had something to do, but actually it can wait a bit more, even if it's a visit to some gnome that may or may not exist, and may or may not know about a great evil that may or not be true." says Nodis.

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit cocks an eyebrow at Nodis. "What d'ye mean, may not be true? When Ah fled me 'omeland, Ah wasn't fleein' from rumors an' gossip, mate. These were dangerous parts when Ah was but a wee lad, and from what we hear, 'tis worse today."


"But we don't know if the specific evil Talbin was warned about does exist or not. Maybe it's just a practical joke and that bard is at Orussus laughing his ass off right now" replies Nodis.

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit snorts. "Some practical joke! Where's the 'umor? This bloke isn't out a dime, an' now he's got the valuable cultural experience o' sailin' on a boa- er, ship, an' he's out seein' the world to boot! And it's costin' 'im, what? Not an ennie! If that's a prank, Ah wish somebody'd prank me every now and again."

The dwarf, who has made his peace with the earth again, walks over and unties his horse. With dexterity surprising for one of his build and stature, Razh swings up onto the large warhorse easily. The large mare stomps the ground and whinnies with pleasure as the dwarf scratches her behind the ears. "Nah! Ogrin, mate, ye got some 'business' t'attend to? Ah'm always 'appy t'help ye out, otherwise Ah need t'refill me flask at the local watering 'ole." He shakes his empty flask. "Anyone else got some shoppin' t'do? Once Ogrin finishes up, we're off, eh? Enough standin' around, we kin talk en route! We'll 'ead north an' stop by this Bra-E-Hole, an' we'll see what we kin find. But first, drinks!"

If Ogrin needs muscle, Rasereit will join him, of course. But otherwise, if a rundown dockside establishment serving alcohol isn't in sight (highly unlikely), Rasereit will ask a local dock worker or a sailor to direct him to the nearest pub. He'll go in there and buy a round of ale for anyone who joins him and also fill up his flask with some hard stuff for the road (Please inform me of any non-SRD costs, Manz). Once Ogrin's 'business' is finished, Rasereit can be found in the above-mentioned tavern, still quite sober. Though he'll be eager to hit the road, there's always time for one more round, and Rasereit will buy a brew for Ogrin and the rest before they depart.

And then it's off to Braeholl!


Rae ArdGaoth said:
"Anyone else got some shoppin' t'do?"

Nodis sold his horse at Orussus, and considers using a Servant to travel. But they tend to attract a lot of attention (of the bad kind) so...

"I'll need a horse" says Nodis. "I'm buying one while you finish your business with the boat. Or ship. Whatever."*

Later, when they are riding north Nodis asks: "So Braehol is near your home. I suppose whatever is troubling the region may have something to do with what killed... I mean attacked your... you know what I mean. What were they?"

*ooc: I'm buying a regular light horse and saddle.

Rae ArdGaoth

Someone said:
"What were they?"
OOC: Ah, that's the question of the hour, isn't it. I'm actually not certain myself.

IC: Rasereit stares ahead, not answering the question immediately. After a moment he says, "Fearsome creatures. Murderous, foul creatures." He pauses, again lost in his memories. He continues, "Them's what drove us out o' the depths, anyhow. 'Twas goblins and whatnot that finally did us in. They're wimpy li'l buggers, but when they come at ye in swarms..." He shrugs and smiles sadly. "Straw that broke the 'orse's back, if ye know what Ah mean." His mount snorts and shakes her head. "Er, donkey. Donkey's back." She moves her head up and down, almost like a nod, and trots a little faster for a distance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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